>yfw best grill is actually promised grill

Other urls found in this thread:

But chitoge isn't a promised girl

Now that she's the promised girl, she's also guaranteed to lose.

but best girl is pic related

this is such a beautiful love story, I'm actually in tears

This series is garbage. Shaft made it halfway watchable but it is seriously trash.

What are you talking about? I don't see Tsugumi in that page.

This feels good, it's as if you can hear all the shitorgefags slitting themselves.

Shaft made it even worse than it is

>le Tsugumi isn't a throwaway background character meme
a true classic

I would really like Chitoge to win, but the series has been dragging on for so long, it's hard to give a fuck.

so is it finally over, or are they gonna try and pull some more retarded shit? i stopped reading this when the teacher chick showed up

>implying she isn't STILL gonna win.
before you chime in, I'm a Tsugumifag.

>so is it finally over, or are they gonna try and pull some more retarded shit?

Ahh, to be young and innocent

As much as I want Kanazawa to win, it could literally not be more obvious that he's going to ignore all that and pick Chitoge anyway. This is just a quick curveball because anyone with half a brain would have predicted the shitty blonde tsundere to win from the first chapter

>anyone with half a brain would have predicted the shitty blonde tsundere to win from the first chapter
This. Chitoge was the main heroine since the fucking oneshot. It was obvious that she was destined to win from the start.

Raku literally said that he doesn't care who the promise girl is on several occassions.


But it's okay though since she's with best guy.

>best grill is actually promised grill
Incorrect. Chitoge isn't the promised girl, but she's still going to win.

So why is Onodera hated?

because shes fucking far from realistic and according to others an ideal person for high schoolers who have yet to meet an actual girl

that said onodera is still best girl

>because shes fucking far from realistic and according to others an ideal person for high schoolers who have yet to meet an actual girl
Unlike Chitoge?

Your girl literally just lost the fucking bowl and you are celebrating.

As opposed to all of the other perfectly realistic and well fleshed out characters that Nisekoi is known for?

that's always what i have wondered too, i only restated arguments by chitogefags


Shitoge damage control the thread

>Sup Forums shit
Is this satire?

>onoderafags thinking onodera will win
What's more cheese, Raku liking the same girl he like from the start or the girl he hated at the start? You don't even a double digit IQ to figure it out.

>Delusional gorrilafags on the case of damage control

>mfw I don't even read this anymore, I just watch as people post threads of the last page week after week
>I'm still upset that it's not done anyways

People who are going to Sup Forumstard are masochist just like they are cucks to woman who use violence

>Onodera will get cucked even though she is the promised girl

I think this sadly confirms shitoge end, I bet the faggot will change his mind and will pick shit instead of Marika

mfw onodera is gonna get white album 2'd

If raku pick gorilla he is a retard

But she is best girl.

For a cucks standard

I'm an anime only fag but these threads are good for shitposting


Well i dont give a fuck the manga is horrible.

>Raku says he doesn't care who the promise girl is anymore
>Says he only cares about his current feelings
>Arc pits Chitoge against Onodera
>Onodera is the promise girl
Why do people think she's going to win?

It's the last hope.

By the way, when's the ending announcement? Should be happening anytime now,

Come on the fuck on Komi, let Onodera win, so I can witness another butthurt equal to TWGOK, Hanagai and Ichigo 100% endings.

It's been a millennia since I've read this manga, has anything happened between those two since that pic?

N is for Nothing
I is for Interesting
S is for Subsequentothe
K is for Key
O is for Overamyriadreleases
I is for isitINTENTIONAL

E is for op is a fag

The despair of Onoderafags is going to be delicious. (I am one too...)

Her fans are almost as obnoxious as marikafags. That's not a small feat.

Well, after this chapter it's not hard to see why. Chitoge sacrificed her happiness for her by giving her her key, her confession, and her promise.
What did Onodera do with them? Nothing. She was given Raku on a silver platter and for ten years didn't make a move.
She's a self centered cunt who doesn't place value on the sacrifices of others.

How can this keep making me so mad even though i dropped it years ago?


Based Komi-sensei actually delivered


>Shitogefags still deluded

Onodera won. Fuck you guys. Worth the wait.

>Marika gives up and leaves because she isn't the promised girl
>the promised girl doesn't even win


>marika gives up cause onodera is promise girl
>chitoge doesn't confess twice cause so onodera can
>onodera hasn't confessed in like 10 years
Why is this allowed?

I want Chitoge to go full-on yandere mode and shoot Onodera in the head with a shotgun and then do the same to Raku at this point

Komi is gonna end this with that ugly ass doormat winning isn't he?
Just fuck my shit up family if he pulls that shit I'm never going to read any other series from him ever again

I, for one, am looking forward to Komi's next manga.




Best Tsugumi too good for that fucktard Raku anyway.

would anyone really be mad if chitoge lost? onodera and raku are both so fucking dense and retarded that they're perfect for each other

raku may have had some character at one point but that has long since disappeared

>yfw the epilogue ends with Raku and Tsugumi secretly embracing away from the others
>"fake love" is in reference to Raku secretly taking Tsugumi as his mistress behind Chitoge's back
>also chitoge gets fat

true, but, the problem is

dream, only a dream

If Chitoge wins we can assume the Raku Tsugumi affair is implied

Yes. Read the chapter 207 arc.

Fuck no that adaptation sucked dick



>shitty blonde tsundere
Fuck you
She's better than shit-colored garbage shy girl with no personality

Because she's garbage you fucking faggot

>shitty blonde tsundere
>fuck you

But user, all of those words correctly describe her

top kek

Marika is best girl, that's all that matter

>mfw this manga is still going
>mfw Tachibana is still best girl

How are Onedera fags still around jesus fucking christ she was never going to win

Marikafags aren't that obnoxious
Tsugumifags are the most obnoxious ones by far

I feel nad for Onoderafags. I get that they're excited, but it's like they are ignoring the story so far.
Raku doesn't care about the promise anymore. He only cares about his current feelings. He's been saying it for almost a year. What do you think? That Raku will show up, say, "Onodera, I don't care about the promise, I love you!" Then go, "Oh, you are the promise girl? Haha, that worked out, lol!"
The whole point of this arc is to show that the promise was the false love.
He's going to renounce the past and choose his current feelings, which means his love for Chitoge, which he confessed to himself at the end of chapter 199.

>would anyone really be mad if chitoge lost?
especially if it's that shit onodera who has no personality whatsoever

onodera and raku are NOT perfect for each-other at all
they have no chemistry whatsoever

fuck off
onodera deserves to die

How did Chitoge sacrifice her happiness Raku liked Onodera so she let the two in love get the marriage promise. It's not like she saw Onodera confess her feelings in secret, Onodera and Raku liked each other, so she got out of the way.
If anything Onodera was the one who tried sacrifice her feelings for Chitoge when she told Raku even though they liked each other she wanted Chitoge to still have the promise and it would've happened that way if Chitoge didn't hear.
Onodera's literal purpose in this is to lose, her confessing would have ruined that, that's why she got 'missed opportunity' in every love arc, and is going to get 'sacrificial lamb' in this arc so that Raku can Chitoge can end up together.
I honestly don't understand why anyone would think Onodera has a purpose in this other than to lose though.

nisenisekoi senpai

She is a fucking kid. She did not sacrifice anything.

>That Raku will show up, say, "Onodera, I don't care about the promise, I love you!"
That could be very possible
It would be something like "I don't care about the promise...I chose you because I love you now"

I hope that shit doesn't happen since Onodera is shit and objectively worst girl

>Raku doesn't care about the promise anymore. He only cares about his current feelings.
Didn't he mainly start saying this after that Christmas event with Onodera? I kind of forgot.

He said this shit first in the first chapter when Chitoge berated him for it saying something like "maybe it's time to give up on this useless childhood promise" but then that slut Onodera was like "NOOOO DON'T GIVE UP ON IT THAT GIRL MIGHT STILL LOVEZ YAA!!!"

>This feels good, it's as if you can hear all the shitorgefags slitting themselves.
that anyone has deluded themselves into thinking anyone but the gorilla is going to win only proves how delusional some of you are.

She won the 1 shot. She'll win the manga. The 1 shot was a "taming of the shrew" themed story. I've seen nothing in the manga that implies it isn't going to go the same way in the Manga.

What's going to happen is this. Raku is going to find the keyholder - and its going to be who he thinks he wishes it will be. Gorilla will run away in tears, and the gang war will commence, while she packs to go back somewhere.

Raku can't get the image of her crying out of his mind and then is dodging bullets and all sorts of other things as the gangsters try to slaughter each other. Anyway. Raku will pursue Gorilla, fight his way through the bullets with the help of the harem and kiss her/confess to her, she kisses him back, cue happy ending with gorilla.

end of manga.

she's the childhood "childhood" friend and she's also boring. I don't hate her, she's a good girl but she's just so unlikable. It's like what the other user says, her whole character panders to virgin highschoolers who can't get a girlfriend.
Komi should has just stuck to a love triangle and improved her character development just as much as he did with Chitoge.
Komi is a hack and he reels me in like the fucking fish I am. He's probably Kubo too as well. Fuck him, I hate Komi. I hope he fucking dies the piece of shit writer!

Onoderafags are literally the new sakurafags. This is great.

>She won the 1 shot
She didn't
Raku still didn't admit he loved her

The oneshot is irrelevant to the series anyhow

I don't like Onodera, hell, she's the worst girl but you're pretty fucking stupid if you think she's not gonna win. I thought Chitoge was gonna win at first but no, Kosaki got this in the bag.

if you didn't recognise the "taming of the shrew" moment at the kiss, or even the "taming of the shrew" style story in the one shot, you need to read more litterature.

There is no doubt what that one shot was going for. GorillaxRaku. Its not possible to deny it.

Raku and Chitoge were the only characters in the oneshot

The oneshot is still irrelevant to the series and I'm a Chitogefag and hate the everliving fuck out of Onodera

why is she so turned on

You're definitely the new sakurafags holy shit.

kill yourself

all the shitogefags are trying so hard to be smug
>h-h-hahha wh-who ca-cares if shi-shitoge isn't the pro-promised girl, sh-she'll still win!
>fu-fucking de-delusional o-o-onoderafags!

Chitoge is still going to win. And I'm saying this as an Onoderafag.