Dislike popular series

>dislike popular series
>Sup Forums thinks i dislike it because it's popular

>Sup Forums is a hivemind

Because that's how most people who hate popular series roll whilst they are locked in self denial of that fact.

What popular series do you hate?

Code Geass
Kill la Kill

If these series are either mahouka, arifureta, SAO, Aldnoah:zero or IBO for example:
Then you hate it because its popular.
If its Oreimo, Re:zero or Konosuba, then you actually may hate them for reasons.

>Implying any of the top shows you listed are any good
>Implying the three in the bottom are any worse than mediocre, with 2/3 being good

Holy shit user, I wouldn't feel bad about hating those anime at all. Geass has some of the worst art I've ever seen in my life. You can literally cut you're eyeballs on all the sharp edges in that anime and I literally dropped Kill la Kill. The thing that makes kill la kill fall short is not enough story for the lack of nudety. I ended up dropping it.

Is this a joke? Fuck off back to MAL with that trash taste.

Oreimo and Konosuba are good anime. I find most people hat them because they're popular.




Doesn't Sup Forums usually hate popular series? Oh wait this neo normalfags Sup Forums I almost forgot.

>this is what SnK and Kill la Kill fags actually believe

Have you not seen the shitstorms code geass caused? As well as Haruhi? Not to mention the biggest Sup Forums sings was geass.

Looks like Sup Forums was right.

So they think you hate Kill la Kill because it's popular? Why are you so triggered by idiots, you dumbshit?

Blame Sup Forums and tiggerniggers

Agree for klk. Code geass is pretty meh.

>replying to a Sup Forums thread

Well you must be from Sup Forums if you recognize OP image.

>Agree for klk. Code geass is pretty meh.
Honestly, Code Geass feels lost into its own wannabe complexity, but it's essentially the same shit with Death Note.

Edgy kid gets ultimate power, and somehow the whole world revolves around them only.

Plus it's only selling point was having sexy female characters. Every character was a cardboard cutout anyway.

I think CC's pillow has more personality than her anime character.

Not him but i look at the image and somewhere in my heart i knew it's from Sup Forums

Who is this calcium Colosseum?

You probably hate them because they're popular.

Is this true? I got all my information about it from /m/ and stalker threads, and I didn't like it before when I assumed it was doing worse than g-reco and I still don't like it after you tell me "it's super popular". It baffles me how so many older shows can handle people taking a trip to another planet better, faster, and more interestingly than IBO could.

Blame Okada

And yes, IBO was poipular. It was popular because it was named "Gundam" which guarantees popularity. It wasn't a great success relative to other gundam titles, but it was still more than popular relative to the average seasonal hit. It's almost tragic that Okada is allowed to ruin so many franchises with her abhorrent lack of talent.

I was looking for an SAO thread.
Anyone else like Squad Jam?

>Hating Aldonaeh:zero
>Hating Mahouka
>Hating SAO

>It has to be because those series are popular rather than because the writing is abysmal

Sup Forums crossboarders post their crow meme on Sup Forums all the time

Why does /m/ even hate IBO that much? There was barely anything particularly aggravating about it.

If you dont like something you ignore it, no one ever needs to hear about things you dislike.

Tell that to the entirety of Sup Forums.


I understand not liking KLK
But not liking Code Geass is unforgivable
Every time i see someone say the art is bad i want to gouge out their eyes for having such abysmal shit taste in visuals, few anime have as good visual direction as CG