Why do white nationalists talk so much shit over the internet but refuse to say it in real life? It's no wonder you are losing your women.
Why do white nationalists talk so much shit over the internet but refuse to say it in real life...
Gee, i cant imagine it isnt like ill literally be arrested and raped in prison by a bunch of mohammedans.
What about our seppo brothers? Oh, wait, a lot of them have been recently.
because then this will happen
S-shut up I'm busy in Molten Core
None of those in charlottesville who peacefully protested got arrested though, nice excuse.
>what is my flag.
>what is a seppo.
There's no way you get arrested in the Uk for hate speech liar. You are a coward, it's okay here's a hug.
They will come and "redpill" us soon.
Really? I'm starting to see it some out more and more irl.
In all honesty I think it's because most white nationalists are actually good people who don't want to start confrontation for no reason.
Good people don't make hollow threats about lynching race mixers and then piss their pants when confronted irl.
Because you will lose your job/get kicked out of school. Thread closed.
Modern White Nationalists aren't even competent enough to form a political party and run for election.
Why do you think white nationalism is a bad thing? Anyone that is proud of their culture and traditions and seeks to preserve it is a nationalist. But because they are white that somehow equates to racism and nazis. Kys commie faggot.
Hitler was homeless for time. Man up.
There are groups in British police that fine you for "anti-social behaviour".
I say it irl all the time
IRL talking will come in time.
First things first, we must cause subversion in the shadows.
>Parliament has tried to define laws in a way that balances our freedom of expression with the right to be free from hate crime.
or in other words
>hate crime exists and wrong speak will be prosecuted.
its also defined as
>having regard to all the circumstances racial hatred is likely to be stirred up thereby.
which means you dont even have to call for violence.
More than just this though
raises a very valid point.
There is no way you're going to get arrested in the UK if youre some imam preaching jihad thats for sure but if you say
>hmm, there sure is a preponderance of pakis, specifically muslim pakis, committing these terrorist attacks then you'll be locked up for 3 years.
I can lose my income for not having PC opinions, you absolute idiot.. such is life in a social democratic pussified society
Muh day of the rope
White Nationalists are pathetic not because of their ideals but because they are unwilling to risk their livelihood to fulfill them.
they get knocked the fuck out in real life
So sitting on your ass doing nothing to change it will help...
These goddamn commie faggots have checkmated us. We can only hope that the internet redpills the upcoming generation.
they get shut down for "hate speech" in canada, and currently even CNP that is starting up they are trying to censor because it is just nationalist and does not believe in multiculturalism.
what a pussy
Just waiting for ww3 to start and for the lord to give me the okay.
There is nothing wrong with nationalism, i think your problem is because they are white.
because faggots like you get butthurt, dox people for speaking their mind and report people who say things that you don't agree with so that you can ruin their livelihoods.
You're asking such a stupid question because you know very that free speech doesn't exist anymore, white nationalism is forbidden in society so if you express it in public you're life is over, you'll lose your job, you'll get blacklisted, you'll become a leper, and once you get branded a nazi forget about it.
Well, I'm redpilling my friends at least.. and voting as far-right as possible. Our society is changing attitudes, but very very slowly..
I know this will sound bizarre, but why don't we make the Gadsden flag the symbol of White Independence? We really need one, and this is literally a flag of the founding fathers who sought independence. It has no connection to disreputable ideologies like Nazism and emphasizes freedom instead. Sure, some libertarians WILL oppose this, but I'm ready to make this sacrifice.
So, are we hijacking it?
Knocked. The. Fuck. Out.
You're right user, idk why they don't just accept their genocide.
t. I'm Jewish
you, and it isnt just you, seem to be making some very hasty assumptions about the anons posting here. All dennmark said was that they lost their job because of their opinions but for all you know that means wearing a swastika armband and endlessly talking about the kikes.
If you march around and try to tell people bluntly about the problems with 'diversity' or whatever else then youll be met with a brick wall. It is necessary to act within the overton window to change general opinion. I will always tell people economic issues with mass immigration or mention that such and such a politician is jewish without making a major issue about it just to paint them as an outsider. So, besides activities like this what exactly would you propose doing?
Then mask your agenda. Use rhetoric to your advantage.
Hitler went to prison for attempting to stage a coup. Why aren't you willing to do the same?
I'm pretty open with my beliefs. My friends think its pretty cool i speak my mind and most people know what i'm going on about and agree because Australia is a giant white nationalist island. Every now and again some girl will cry when she can't handle the truth. My Pauline Hanson flier and pc wallpaper made a girl very upset and to the point where my mate to take her home even though it had been like 10 mins since they had arrived because she "didnt want to be in the same room"
Because you wish to tread on others and break and steal their stuff, well you larp about it anyway.
And some how getting butthurt on Sup Forums will solve your problem?
Decent idea
Talk shit get hit wh*te boi
Because if I went into a public space and said "Mike Brown and Trayvon Martin were proven to be threatening someone's life and their deaths were justified", my employer would be flooded with calls for weeks asking why they employ a Nazi. Never mind that those are objective facts.
At least when Sup Forums doxxes someone, it's because they beat up a right-wing protester without provocation or something.
i literally sepnt friday night getting piss drunk trashing faggots and liberals, calling them pathetic losers and race traitors. the look on their face is priceless. bonus round: i fronted an uppity nig and he tried to get a bouncer on me. the bouncer told him to do one. class night out lads. its funt to dick on this shitty gay and dumb "society"
It's honestly hilarious how stupid and duped whites have become. They kick us out again and again, let us back in, then invent everything and we get all the credit, their money, and their women. Pol is actually right and we're laughing at you goyim. What's even better is we're getting away with it and there's nothing you can do about it.
Say that to my face nigger and see what happens
Hitler didn't really go to prison. The guy basically went to the country club for a year and wrote his book. Many of the judges and politicans sympathized with him also.
Jesus, what a pussy
White people have cucked themselves. From Lyndon Johnson's policies to Ronald Reagan's policies and so forth, the vast majority of white people asked for this.
The top tier whites are already in power. The lower tier whites (who I do feel sorry for) are looking for belonging and identity.
The problem is they think larping as Nazis will actually work. Plus Richard Spencer is objectively a terrible leader, and a professional idiot
The US Nazi Party has become so obscure that not even Neo-Nazi's are aware that they still exist.
Plus, white nationalists are just fucking terrible people.
The only two that I can think of that are respectable gentlemen are Kevin McDonald and Jared Taylor. The rest are fucking low-level horrific mouth-breathing idiots, with no character or courage.
/pol is filled this these types. Like this shirtless weakling here:. They are all talk, and no action. Plus they spend most of their time getting basic societal facts wrong, and attacking groups like the Polish or Italians for no good reason.
I literally hate these fuckers now. Even more than leftists.
You're using an Ancap flag.
Pic related.
Also, what happened in Charlottesville, nigger?
I swear you scrawny faggots are lucky I have a family to support.
Some people are willing to go further.
Word of advice: stop biting the hand that feeds you.
stop bitching like a woman
if you are a man and bitch like this you should kill yourself
No, just make an original one and form a micronation.