Jews are European

They have been in Europe since early Roman times, longer than the Slavs. How are they not European?

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Sup Forums btfo, how will they ever recover?

>Only ever identify with their SEMITIC side which is not from Europe
>flee Europe in droves when MUH HOMELAND is created
Ok then

>How are they not European?
because i'm unemployed

>They have been in Europe since early Roman times
Really? I knew Jews got to the Persian empire fairly early on, but Europe?

> Kicked out of many European Nations throughout the ages
> Keep coming back like fucking parasites under new identities and names.

Well you're actually right according to Wikipedia. Tribes of Judah and Benjamin were located around Rome. Learned something new.

As European as gypsies.

>longer than slavs


they dont identify as european but as jews.

didnt see this.


what is 'early roman times'? my slavic country exists since 870 when we stopped being a tribe of Great Moravia and became Duchy of Bohemia

Yea user, its kinda hard to infiltrate and parasitize a host population if you don't live among them.

Majority of your ancestors are from Europe and the rest are from the middle east (and a bit from africa too).

Assuming your ashkenazi that is, which probably isn't the case.


Modern Palestinians are several times closer genetically to the Jews who wrote the Old Testament. Jews will never admit this though, because they know it invalidates their entire claim to Palestine.


Pretending to be white today, Herschel? I'm sure after I call you a grubby old kike, you'll immediately go back to playing the role of a poor, oppressed minority.
I swear, Jews are like pests; they infiltrate your home, act like they own the place, contaminate your shit, make your life a living hell, and then act like the victim when they're inevitably expelled.

I'm half Southern Italian and half Polish Jew. Am I white, Sup Forums?

Sup Forums (/poo/) BTFO!!!!

You mad shitlords? xDDD

Then Ashkenazi are white and Israel is white colonization?

Palestinians are the true Jews. They have been in Israel since before Israel existed, and long before any Khazars showed up and stole land.
>spambot btfo

White isn't a fucking thing you retard.

You're literally as Jewish as you can get. Ashkenazim and Sicilians are almost indistinguishable.

I'm only a small % Sicilian. My grandfather's side is from Naples.

Sicilians and Southern Italians aren't very different.