Precure Thread

Precure Thread

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Gopri webms give me good memories.

This guy has a charm point which is soothing voice.

Maho webms give me good memories.
Of other seasons.

Oh lord

But there are no maho webms



Nothing to webm about.

Damn you, OP, I wanted to use this for the thread!

Well, no good ones, anyhow.

I wish there was no maho, period.



>box 1: what she likes
>box 2: skills

If your favorite cure doesn't have studying as a skill she might as well be brain dead.

What's the worst cure? Maho characters are off the table. Pic unrelated.

>Cure Honey
>Likes: Rice
>Skills: Cooking rice
Really makes you think.

What is this

There are no bad cures. Just some ugly ones like Rin.


Where all that food is going, right?

It says she likes eating in general. What a fatty.

U^2 fat is the only good kind of fat.

Rude. Don't be mean to YuuYuu.


It says her skill is in singing her songs of healing, faggot.

>hey little girl, wanna make some easy money?

What's he gonna do make her suck his dick?

Honey is so pretty

>Bukki's skill is sewing

I don't remember this.

Has any precure done a spinning back kick?

I want to fuck Riko

I don't remember but Cure Peach knows CQC.

That never happened


That's a lot of work.

Just name a cure or two.

Ace and Milky Rose

>Likes: sweets
>Skill: tea ceremony
>4th grade elementary. Becomes Precure through Ai-chan's power. Actually, her true identity is...

Milky Rose
>Likes: being helpful to Coco and Nuts
>Skills: exercise, homework
>Through the power of the blue rose, Milk the fairy can transform into a human.

What does Yuri like?

What does it say for Mana and Hibiki


A loving father.

Reading. Peace and quiet. Flowers.
Erika got her into dressing up.

And sweet.

>Likes: helping people
>Skills: homework, sports
>Oogai First Public School's student president. All the other students depend on her.

>Likes: any sweets that Kanade makes CUTE
>Skill: sports
>Not so good at schoolwork but a cheerful and outgoing personality. Childhood friends with Kanade. Dreams of becoming a pianist.

>Erika's skill is knowing anyone's 3 sizes


Best pinks.

Rabu and setsuna


I like those icons on the bottom Mana and Hibiki are holding fairies.

>Likes: dancing, hamburgers
>Skills: cooking
>Cheerful and lively personality, considerate of her friends. Dreams of being a dancer. Favorite phrase: "Shiawase getto dayo!" If you don't know what this means, just go watch Fresh now. Yes, all of it.

>Likes: Working harder than others
>Skills: schoolwork, sports
>Once Eas of Labyrinth, she was reborn as a human. Favorite phrase: "Sei-ippai ganbaru wa!" (I'll do my best)

I keep writing "sporks".

>she was reborn as a human

What was she before

A Labyrinthian?


A minority.


An app.

My wife.

Randy Savage.



I can't understand why Maho is so disliked. I love it. It kind of reminds me of Akazukin Chacha even though they're really not that much alike.

I can understand why it's disliked, I just don't understand why some people are just so angry about it all, like this was the greatest treason Toei has ever perpetrated on them.

/pc/ has shit taste, I've known it since Doki.



I promise I won't tease you today, so let's watch a musical today Lala.

How does Phantom of the Opera sound?

I'm sad Lala, hug me.

Let's go star gazing, Lala.

So what color do you usually wear down there lala~

kill your friends, Lala. Kill all of them


Lala, did you open the Lament Configuration?


I said some mean things too. I'm sorry, onee-chan. I've never seen it before, I'll watch it with you!

Kashikoma, onee-chan!

That sounds like fun, onee-chan!

I have no idea what you're talking about, onee-chan!

You look weird tonight, onee-chan!

I don't know what that is, onee-chan! Is it a fun Precure toy?

Don't worry about it Lala, let's just have fun.

Someone tells me what Happy's says.

Its a fun magical puzzle box, Lala. You should reeeaaalllly open it.

She likes picture books and is skillful at thinking up stories.

If you are still here, would you mind telling me what Ako's says.

>Likes: her family
>Skills: Schoolwork, sports (really?)
>In 3rd grade elementary. Is actually the princess of Major Land. Close friends with Souta.

Thanks, user.
Her family thing was obvious, but I had no idea she was good at sports.

I think they showed her kicking or holding a soccer ball once. There wasn't a lot to go on.

pure concentrated faggotry


She's good enough at physical activities to dodge bullets.

She can't dodge boys themselves, though.

She still seems to have super vision though.
Maybe super hearing too.


I want to teach Saki more adult things. Adult things involving beds and steamy nights.

Oh the weird alien-abduction shenanigans they could have pulled off.
I'm still laughing at the possibilities.

>pudding headgear
damn you toei

Precure 1-draw #781
Dokkin Mahou Tsukai Precure's OP
It's hound-erful! Or ter-ruff-fic.

Precure 1-draw #782
Doki Doki! Precure


Just fell in love with Mana again

Mirai is the cutest girl in the whole world!

What is Mana's face trying to convey?


Wait, no, that's mine.