Why do you come here? Is it just morbid curiosity? Self-hatred? The memes and happenings?
Non-whites and mutts on Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
>a small group of people from queens, ny represent all of Sup Forums including the European and Aussies
So how far up your ass does your head go?
Eurasian unity against the sub-Saharans..
All if my ancestors are from Magna Europa
I just think Sup Forums is right on a lot of things besides the all the jew conspiracy crap. Race realism is definitely something that's true
I'd rather hang around a bunch of larping redditors, christcuks, and the handful of stormfronters still here than liberals.
I'm unironically and actually white regardless of my flag, but I do find it kind of cool I can interact with people from all over the world and shit on niggers and jews with them.
it's...the good kind of globalism. Mexibros, poos, durkas durkas, ching chong ding dongs....I may not want you on my soil and certainly not in my family tree but I like having you on Sup Forums.
Queens is full of non-whites, primarily mexicans and asians. Don't assume the majority of posters here are non-white due to the queens "sampling" that occurred. Although it wouldn't hurt to think that.
I was initially just curious but ended up falling down the rabbit hole. At this point it's kind of amusing to think I'd get along with half the people here while the rest would like to see me strung up by some tree. Maybe I'm just self loathing because I'm mixed.
i imagine its a pretty good job for a 'refugee' to get. I mean, the quality of shills has gone down quite a lot since trump. That said, i suppose they would have to actually do something, as easy as it would be, so maybe thats why only 3% of the new germans have jobs.
pretty much just memes and happenings. whenever a major event happens i normally come here to see the reaction. though now i browse fairly often. in fact i spent my entire day today on Sup Forums.
you know we can literally see the countries people post from here
we get nonwhites
Pasta slide thread
I know this.
The only thing i rightfully assumed is that OP sucks cocks on a daily basis
Everyone is welcomed here, except communists. I hate communists! I hate them, i hate them. Smash the dirty red scum ... Kick them in the teeth.
If you don't understand the jew part then you won't understand anything stupid mongrel gimp
Lurk more fahg
Sup Forums is being invaded by niggers now too? goddamn you people are everywhere I go. Naruto forums, kik group chats, youre everywhere.
Korean here
Pretty much because of memes and, as an ancap, I can agree with some of ideas from Sup Forums much more than I can do with the rest of the Internet.
Btwn, it's funny how Sup Forums wants strong ethnostates and all that craps. Regardless of ideology and form of government, government just fucks you over. That's what I've got after having lived like 4-5 countries. The only sensible thing I could do with that realization was just moving to any country as soon as I can
Nice try, rabbi
Where did he say all you stupid nigger kys.
I'm here because a good number of pol aren't afraid of swallowing the redpill or seeing truths.
Just sent my whore platonic white girlfriend this yesterday:
Because if I'm gonna be shitted on, at least you guys make it funny sometimes.
Everytime I see the Jewmerican flag I know that there is a 80% chance Im speaking to a nigger, jew or a mixed race mutt
More from my folder of that night.
>Why do you come here?
Because everybody wants to live in a white neighborhood
I'm a nigger. Niggers are Everywhere in the U.S.A. where Chris "Moot" Poole lives.
It's self-hatred and morbid curiosity. I'm a mestizo with drops of Japanese and Filipino blood
Mexifag married to a Chinese girl here
I come for laughs and don't get offended easily. Just remember generalizing things in general is usually stupid and at least 60% of the stuff here is satire.
Bernie 2016!
diversity my dude
Because reality doesn't just work for racist whites?
>The memes and happenings?
Mostly this, but also because Sup Forums is always right. The alternative is to be a pussy fencesitter waiting for the world to unfuck itself.
It's implied you emu cock sucking wog faggot
Hope a giant spider eats your three inch cock tonight
>mfw the far right is more ((diverse)) than the far left
The humour, to say what I really think, and to find like minded people.
This is the true face of Sup Forums. Only a minority of pollacks are white, the rest is non-whites, mutts, half-whites and so on
Lets face it, they're the last line in defense of the west as most young whites have already been cucked into cultural marxism.
Like the late Roman Empire, when barbarians were the only one defending Rome, because most proper romans had gone degenerate.
regardless of my color I wish to preserve western (read: white) culture.
>White-flour pizza and high-fructose corn syrup.
I come on here because Sup Forums is a place where people are transparent and candid about their views of the world, I would rather browse Sup Forums then talk with regular people because regular people are very brainwashed and they get emotional and butthurt whenever you speak your mind about society, as a trump supporter and fundamental christian living out in the leftist paradise that is NYC do you think everyone can relate to you and would want to be around you ?
I was curious about this place after I saw some HWNDU videos and Sup Forums became popular during last year's election and so far this place is so much better than hanging out with normfags. I do admire Hitler because he was a great leader who truly cared about his own people and it amazes me that he turned a destitute war torn country into a superpower in 10 years.
As a non-white I don't harbor any self-hatred, white nationalism doesn't bother me in the least bit, if niggers, spics and all other races can be proud of who they are then whites have a right to be racially aware, preserve their own race, and look out for their own interests. I do acknowledge that whites have contributed the most in science, technology, the arts, philosophy, government, I mean if it wasn't for white people there wouldn't have been a King James bible. I'm not a sycophant of whites and neither am I fanboy but I do respect whites and it saddens me to see what white men have become, a bunch of spineless emasculated freaks, but I hope to see the day when they rise up.
I don't view Sup Forums as a strictly white nationalist space like stormfront or national vanguard however like I said before white nationalism doesn't bother me.
as far as the memes are concerned I love them.
happenings, yeah since I barely leave the house its good to see that you can get specific updates about current events here.
I'm just an American (of south asian descent) that really wants it to stay nice, that means not become fucking Mexico.
It's the only home I have.
In Yurope it seems like people want to make their home worse by letting in scum, I don't get it.
>Implying you need to be white to hate the leftist rhetoric
Why do white people always have to be so arrogant. You're almost the same as those white liberal apologist faggots
seriously tho, i want white nationalism, but we dont need to hate everyone that isnt white, thats illogical
Jesus christ go read that again yeah? He asked why non-whites and niggers come to pol, where did he imply that some faggots from NY represent everyone? fucking kys you dirty mutt.
look at all the pictures of white people on the wall who built this fucking country. fuck all you gooks
excuse me but I was on that stream and I'm not from Queens
I'm from [spoiler]Brooklyn[/spoiler]
>Seriously guise Im a white nationalist but a few based black men doesnt hurt anybody. As long as you're a based christian right wing black man then race mixing is okay guise seriously guise im a nazi
Didn't seem to be just there desu. A ton of far-right e-celebs who are Sup Forumstards (i.e. EdgySphinx and That Guy T) are also nonwhite/mixed. Brittany Venti also doesn't live in NYC I'm pretty sure.
holy strawman
Fuck off nigger
Out of all the garbage on pol, the Jew influence is by far the easiest redpill
I'm Indian and left-leaning, but I got tired of liberals just...writing shit offhand as racist, xenophobic, transphobic, etc....
I like actual debate, is the tl:dr
Racial hatred and news
I realized that Africa failed and that if I'm made to go back that I would just go to Alaska and live out the rest of my life a shut in.
Nigger you dont belong to alaska
>that flag
>calling someone else a mixed race mutt
>thinks he has the right to call anyone else a mutt
He never said race mixing was ok. Where did you get this?
Stop talking about shit you don't understand you snowmutt
I'm 1/2 Italian, 1/4 Norwegian and 1/4 Spanish
Am I a mutt?
100% finno ugric vs 10% black 50% jew and 40% spic
Well fuck you then I not going to Africa just to reverse into backwards thinking.
I want a nice quite life with no children to be disappointed in.
Basically this. I'm a hapa and find it retarded having libshits and faggots destroy everything in this world that is is remotely decent or moral. The slow society decline is a plague that will destroy the modern world and replace it with a soulless post-modernist hell hole. All in the name of "justice". As for race, I believe in pic related but also know if any race wants to truly benefit and prosper, then it's in their best interest to work with the white race.
This conversation is irrelevant, it's time for nuclear war
Stay in jewmerica like i give a fuck
We love watching subhuman cuckazoids writhe and struggle.
You're hiding Based Jebus.
Anyone seen him Wrestle? Is he any good?
'cause Sup Forums is right about 95% the time. the other 5% is their almost complete denial of white women being the reason the west is going to shit.
Mostly Penobscot Native American.
A bit of French Canadian, Micmac and Scottish, but enough Indian to qualify for free land in the middle of fucking nowhere.
I came for the Happenings and Memes.
To laugh at le 56% face.
Sometimes to wallow in the misery of the eternally cucked. (all of us)
Funny how finns have the most amount of old proto european genes out of any group. Feels good having the oldest purest eurobean genes
>tfw bean
I'm here for the happenings, sometimes for the memes although Sup Forums has lost its steam since the election ended.
I agree with them about Jews and race realism though, all it does is make me want to improve myself and avoid other beaners
>whore platonic white girlfriend
Sounds like she's bluepilling you m8.
Happenings, mostly. Also to monitor your activities.
Kids not bad.. not bad at all!
I hope I'll see him appearing on random NXT shows & Big Name Indies soon
That would be us, would it not?
The Finns are probably my favourite Euros. Between the Winter War, the memes, and their adeptness at hockey, I have a lot of respect for the eternal Finn.
politically incorrect isn't about saying racist and sexist things for everyone
that's just one example- i generally come here for the irreverent or at
least different take on politics, history, and world affairs
>That would be us, would it not?
No its us, Mcgregor
Oh ok
I always thought We were the Oldest Peoples in Europe, guess not.
how fucked up our world is that pol has become the bastion of free speech in reason
to make fun of what is probably the largest group of retards on the internet if you want me to be honest
I haven't been here in a few weeks, mostly when headlines calm down a bit. Then the outrage begins and I have to remind myself that it's not actually reflective of reality, that there is an underbelly of contrarian thought flowing beneath the lies above.
But you're not on leftypol
I've been on Sup Forums well over a decade now so I go where I want.
Sup Forums is larger so my point still stands
yeah leftards and all the SJW freaks run society, it just amazes me how easily they can bend society to their will.
The truth there is no such thing as racism, people hate other people only because of their culture for example the reason why American blacks are so hated is because of their degenerate and criminal culture but do you think whites hate the Africans living in Africa or have a problem with decent blacks who work hard and stick to their own women, I don't think so.
The left is obsessed with racism because they use it as a weapon to silence white men.
All of the above + I find I agree with alot of the things said on here. Redpill memes are sobering. Lots of guys here go on about 'muh white race' I just think its reactionary to all the bullshit SJW victimhood prevalent in western society. Nationalism isn't bad, its when race and only a certain race is deemed valid that I start to disagree. Personally, having pride in something you had ZERO agency over i.e where you're born, is fucking retarded but thats just me.
I'm a National Socialist Buryat. I come here to have fun. What could be other purposes to use internet off your working time?
the only reason you think that is because you are a mongrel with no heritage or identity
This is not your safe-space retarded low IQ stormnigger.
really only 2 races can at least maintain a civilization of the type you'd want to live in. You fell for the meme of "having pride in something you can't control". That's not what's going on, white people here are putting forward an argument for why they should protect the rare ability for them to organize and rise above ritual sacrifice and scrounging in the dirt for food to create all art, musical instruments, philosophy, technology, etc. The "how dare you be proud of yoru race" thing is a distraction from the fact that it's not pride but self preservation.
Because it's interesting, and little to no moderation.
I'm of Mexican heritage, but I'm fully American and think illegals and Mexican sympathizers can fuck off back over the border.
Also I'm a fan of helicopter rides for leftists.
Dominican faggot here. I come to Sup Forums since people here are more honest and open about their views, racism, and overall perspectives on reality and the world in general. Most people irl are too pussy to say what they really feel so I come here when I'm not with my best friend who I can discuss this shit with openly.
Also overall this place is fucking funny and one of the few places on the web where I can get a genuine laugh. Sup Forums is based.
Pretty much this.
Im hispanic and the white people Ive ever known are self-loathing extremely left cunts
>tfw abo on pol
Aren't white people the biggest degenerates?
I mean look how simple minded whites are: you literally worship jesus (a kike), you follow an israeli religion, your most influential people are jews, etc.
What you said.
But I'm white.