32 days to go
>tfw you will never perfect papercraft with Chiri.
Most challenging one yet. But I was amazed with the result
Today is the comfiest day of the year, Kiri's birthday
Dude nice.
Happy birthday, Kiri
I can't believe you finally made it to the double digits.
You're my favorite user.
I want to properly tie up Chiri and do lewd things to her.
Happy birthday Kiri!
Cheers mate!
One month more and we will be free
Kiri smells really bad
Shut your whore mouth
Thanks for the chapter
>Title Page
>Page 13
Thanks for the dump, user. Post more Kiri please.
Best girl
Every day until you turn pure.
Magnificent positioning and craftsmanship, user. Thank you!
I dub thee papercraft user.
Thanks to the anons who redirected me [again] to the nyaa collection.
See you on 32 days
It came
Haha, I feel bad for asking, but could I get a link?
You can download it in nyaa.se searching Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
It´s really easy tho
Guys, she's too cool to celebrate her birthday.
Too lewd user, spoiler that shit.
Only 32?!