Where were you when Kabaneri went full Naruto?

Where were you when Kabaneri went full Naruto?

Oh god that's dumb

Welp, time to download I guess

Mumei's feet


This episode is the one that jumped the shark, now I'm just following it to see how this trainwreck ends. It's depressing how I was excited for it at one point.

I think it was funny as fuck. I learned to not take anime seriously now its all just a comedy for me

man, kabaneri threads on episode days really suck.

This episode was pretty good. Felt like the first episodes when EVERYTHING GOES WRONG.

Ikoman and Samurai Moe are going to save everyone's asses in the next episode probably.

Why can't we go back to this show being Attack on Trains?

>jumped the shark

No? Biba did exactly what anyone with a brain expected his character to do, as soon as the last episode ended.

It doesn't make any sense to call this a "trainwreck" when it's been predicable as fuck. You can still find it boring or dislike the results, but don't misuse terms.

It still is Attack on Trains.

Even Titans has focused more on human enemies or at least on the Titans that can transform and talk, after the events of the first season.

>Regularly luring people from the city into traps and killing them en masse in the attack
>Suddenly stop for no reason because oh look only a handful of people are left which are all named characters

Who approved this shit?

I expected him to hold onto his murder boner until the fucking capital with the shogun, not blow his load prematurely on a city along the way. Giving a chance for the Shogun to be alerted.

>This episode is the one that jumped the shark
Its jumped the shark a while ago

Shit is literally turning into guilty crown

Remember the first few episodes? They looked so promising. Then the giant colony combination thing happened. Then this episode happened. I don't even know anymore. It's still entertaining but it kind of went full retard.

Full Naruto would mean some sort of rival ninja dynamic.

They just came up with another ridiculous brand of zombie, to join the black smoke, the kickboxing dude and the other one that used other kabane as armor.

shit thread

Ah yes the crain that needed someone to keep holding onto the lever or else it'd cause whatever it was carrying to go down, I can blame that on a lack of common technical knowledge from the writers like the motorcycle guy cutting a steel cable that holds up a multi ton bridge in a single swipe.

Ikoma overpowers and obliterates pink fag when?

GC all over again

How are Ikoma's glasses not broken yet? He's gotten smashed in the face so many times.


I stopped watching this shit when the giant kabane appeared

He is not too far from the capital now and doing this is also part of his plan. I'd call this a trial run, rather than premature.


THIS is what is bothering you?

It's gotten worse.
He wasted a giant Kabaneri on it.

That wasn't a bad episode. I guess "jumping the shark" just means "I don't like this" rather than anything else.

Nope. It's Biohazard.

how pissed will everyone get when she dies?

PInk hair getting told hes a bitch


She'll be forced to become a giant kabane hive and Ikoma will have to save her.

Hey, the giant colony was a decent threat. This latest episode even connects back to that one. I don't see what's retarded about that. Unrealistic yes, but that's not the same thing.

>Literally me when this happened.
At least the writers know this was stupid as fuck.

She isn't going to die.

I bet you ten dollars.


Titans can't throw laser beams

all the other kabane forms are still kinda grounded and believeable though. this kabane lazor beam is just straight up ridiculous

maybe the only thing that can top this shit is if they reveal the Kokujyo to be a trainsformer mecha or some shit

Not the guy you quoted but at this point if more feels like they're throwing cheap retarded bullshit at the viewers to keep them entertained.
'guys sales aren't looking to promising, let's make a mega zombie colony giant!'

Then again I guess this is really just what the zombie genre always have been from the very beginning. Retarded bullshit to keep retarded people entertained.

Araki never takes anything too seriously. People should just chill and watch their dumb zombie titans rather than whine about power-ups.



If the shogun got word of the attack all he has to do is destroy the tracks leading to the capital and position cannons that point at where the train would stop. That's one of the reasons no one in real life ever uses a train to lead an attack on anything, the enemy knows precisely where you're coming from. The smart move would be to negotiate their way through the city and then unleash their wrath once inside the capital.

Why can't zombie titans that have been experimented upon by a madman? They don't follow the same rules, because they're not the same. Having a beam shot from the mouth of a Titan wouldn't change much either, in practice.

>I bet you ten dollars.

Where do you think you are? Bet your dick.

Horobi had regained her sanity right before she got stabbed.

Seeing Ikoma will let Mumei do the same thing. But, instead of getting stabbed, she's going to sacrifice herself to stop Biba.

fucking bitch he was clenching so hard

Sales are good, I don't think that's a rational explanation. They simply like over-the-top and crazy threats in their dumb zombie show.

Is this that train Eotons show?

what a faggot he his

justin biba?

The shogun is a big wild card, I'll admit, but Biba could probably still attack from a small distance and get there even without the train. Either that or he has men inside the city. You are correct about real life, but we are not watching a documentary on trains.

Just how much angst is this retard hiding? This picture is literally what Immediately came to my mind after finishing this episode.

Given how Biba-sama behaved during the episode I have a hard time believing that he managed to survive 10 years without jumping the gun and exposing himself for the psychopath he was.

she deserves it

Yeah, it was just an example. That bitch was done.

I'm sorry but this episode was just too much for my suspension of disbelief. I honestly can't stand what this show ended up becoming.

Don't forget he had help. I don't think we'll get more than a couple more references to his past anyway.


So this is the power of Ouroboros.

There is an antidote that they were going to give Horobi.

They will give it to Mumei instead. That's how she will live.


>Is this that train Eotons show?
I'd just like to interject for moment. What you're refering to as "train Eotons show", is in fact, Train On Zombie, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Draugr Assault.


They should at least have made the sweatdrop more realistic

You think Ikoma's stone will be relevant or was it just a red herring?

If an antidote exists, what's stopping them from making more?


It's trains then, AAAAOORRGGHHHHHH

Lack of armpits this episode.

Only good thing about this show.

Incredibly rare/difficult compounds required, probably.

Not something that can easily be mass produced

>this fucking episode

>literally edgylords killing everyone

What the fuck am I watching. I want to go back to the first 6 episodes.
The only way this can be redeemed is if the Shogun is somehow a bigger edgelord faggot than Biba and the stakes just keep rising to uncontrollable levels.

It's precious Biba-sama semen. That shit can't just be squandered.


They should have stayed on the god damn train


Would Mumei or Ikoma be able to withstand This laser beam?

>mfw this episode

At this point i'am expecting a Kaiju fight in the last episode

This was funny for some reason

Ikoma, you better keep your promise save this habanero.

Maybe it's just that in this point in time, I've seen this shit so many times before in different shows and movies that it never feels new or exciting anymore. Of course there's only one antidote. Same shit in the most recent SnK chapter.

Maybe this show isn't that bad after all, it's just that I'm tired of the same shit over and over again. I should find a new hobby.

Daita-tetsu desu, with diamond lenses

holy shit this ed is literally perfect


They can shoot their own laser beams.

>Mumei is turned into black mist for Biba
>Ikoma turns himself into black mist to save her
>Kaijuu fight commences
>all the people who Biba killed are part of Ikomas black mist
>their rage and vengeance gives Ikoma the strength to win
Deconstruction of the power of friendship.

That's just conjecture on my part. Maybe that glowy heart shits out antidote by the bucketful, but Biba doesn't let anyone have it because he's an asshole.



>replying this way

My fucking god, newfags and crossboarders sure are cancer.

At this point I wouldn't be surprised anymore if this happened.

What else were you expecting from airing days user

>red eye

Ikoma and Mumei are gonna go super kabaneri

I personally blame myself for having expectations, I wish I could say I learned my lesson but I know it will happen again in the future.

rate this episode from 1-10




