How do we drive the ancap and lolbertarian filth from this board?
How do we drive the ancap and lolbertarian filth from this board?
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With mercedes and By hanging national (((socialists)))
We purge the mods and get mods who actually use objectivity when they do shit.
Nazis are children or larpers. Get a job.
You have always been a joke here and always will be.
Worse than a meme pasta someone made. You're the joke, larper.
Friendly reminder that puritan Hitler allied with Shitskins to kill brits and french people then he fled to the very white Argentina when shit got hot
but sieg heil my degenerate brother
Please end your life, you ignorant twat.
Worse than a meme pasta I'd say. You're the joke, larper.
2012 called, they want their Ron Paul memes back.
dont conflate national socialism with marxist socialism. Hitler even explicitly addresses this.
They have a decent moderating influence on some people and they at least, generally, have an understanding of modern economics.
The real scum which needs to be purged are those who think that economic questions are of greater importance than social questions. Even excluding race from this social problems will, and always have, dictated the course of society.
>how do we purge the only fringe group with any reasonable chance of defeating leftism?
NatSocalites are the ultimate Dunning Kruger examples.
For somebody who places individualism above all, that's quite a collectivist non argument there Aberto.
Wouldn't that violate the NAP?
Reminder that liberty and libertarianism is the pinnacle of western philosophy and identity. Anything left of Liberty is commie garbage. I dont care if you throw the word nationalism in front of something you're still a lefty.
Not Ancap, just capable of seeing how dumb OP is.
Who said I'm libertarian? Libertarians are better than children like you though.
There are dozens of us! DOZENS!
We don't. They get assimilated. Everyone does eventually. Nat Soc the world
Say you agree with them.
Post more ancap memes plz
What exactly have Libertarians done to halt progressive marxist degeneracy?
Crusades. Get some machetes, get some child soldiers, hop the child soldiers up on pcp and let them murder the filthy swine so that we might spread the light of Christ.
Libertarian Jewish woman here, ask me anything.
Hello Ayn Rand.
There is nothing wrong with throwing you into an oven.
Sorry that that wasn't a question, that was a statement of fact.
>wanting the government out of my life is filth
Be sure to delete your history. I'm sure your parents check your computer to make sure you're not on any naughty websites.
What have you done?
daily reminder that nazis will be put up against the wall right next to commies
Just like a goy, to ask a question with a statement.
>tfw Sup Forums loves to gargle on 3rd Reich's dick and fondle its balls
>tfw the 2nd Reich was vastly superior to the 3rd in every way
Fuckin Ol' Willy had to fuck it up with his autism and Hitler put the final nail in the coffin, all that work Bismark did, for nothing...
Start a land war in Russia
by who you fucking faggot? you going to amass an army of centrists through incredibly boring centrist speeches? see you on the battlefields fucking cuck
About as much as any normal person could do in this world, tried to spread the truth. What about you?
I also like how none of you lolberg kike loving faggots can refute anything here
>he doesn't know
National Socialism is still Socialism. At the end of the day you faggot NEETsocs are still filthy statists.
They look like the bad guys in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.
This is pretty much the case.
What the fuck is that image? You didn't prove your premise AT ALL.
just let them do their thing, they're kind of amusing
their impotent ideology has no influence in the real word, nobody's scared of lolbertarians, nobody protest anarcho-capitalism, they don't even have any way to implement their ideology if they were given free-reign because it's based on voluntarism and nobody except those larping memesters would voluntarily live in an ancap society yet they continue to post as though they're part of a legitimate school of thought
You first stormnigger.
>What the fuck is that image?
It's a quote from general George Patton.
>You didn't prove your premise AT ALL.
>proving a question
You're joking right? Nobody is ever going to take someone identifying with that ideology seriously. Are you like thirteen or something? I mean as impractical as libertarianism may be, I've been on Sup Forums for years and still don't know what natsoc is.
(Something something incoherent grumbling NIGGERS! JEWS! MONOSYLLABIC GRUNTING, is my take)
so I don't know what you twits are but I know what you aren't. Probably some asshole leftypol fuck, trolling the newfags.
1776 > 1488
Sup Forums is a Ron Paul board. you newfag stormfront reddiors are the immigrants.
Um, that video wasn't even a Nazi.... His friend was filming, wrong armband, dressed as leathered Antifa. There are plenty of legitimate, cringe LARPers to mock. y post the fake ones (._.)
I agree. Jews like picking that flag to LARP and try and cuck us! Shows how weak and useless they are, any old Commie can subvert the damn thing.
Fuck off boomer.
he is most definitely a high schooler. just a marxist faggot wearing the costume of a bunch of dead losers. notice how these nazi children always downplay keynesian vs austrian economics because they would have to admit they are on the side of the kikes. how fucking laughable to think socialism will set you free hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. nobody will touch le based neo-nazism with a ten foot pole and its pretty obvious none of these trogs have the balls to do anything pro-nazi in the real world. they just larp here, eat pizza pockets and jack off to anime
>hurrr germans are so based!
You sound like a woman.
>I've been on Sup Forums for years and still don't know what natsoc is
You might be retarded.
Fuck off shill. /new/ was deleted for being too anti-semetic and Sup Forums was forced to tone it down or risk facing deletion again. Now that that faggot moot is gone we don't need to pretend we're retarded lolbergs anymore.
>he isn't nationalist libertarian
the founding fathers only let white europeans immigrate and become citizens
Libertarians are pedophiles
lmao that was a containment board to get you larping trogs off Sup Forums. you don't have the balls to be a nazi in real life, just admit it. btw mom says the pizza pockets are almost ready
Listen lunkhead, the question "did the jews kill Patton?" is not proven from a series of quotes from Patton's Diary talking about a semitic influence in the press.That is a false cause logical fallacy. Read the fucking sticky newfag.
Libertarianfag here, those are a fucking disgrace to my movement. Self responsibility is important, as well as personal freedom but children aren't developed enough.
you have to be an alpha male to survive in the founding father's vision and since Sup Forums is comprised of angry betas, naturally they gravitate towards the socialist safety net.
Libertarians and ancaps can be redpilled, but you have to explain to them how the government won't become tyrannical under a fascist system, and if it does, what could be done about it.
You got it twisted, it's you who we want gone.
Lolbertarians like to LARP about fighting communists but I literally can't think of a single time in history where libertarians fought against communists
>sure kid: the post
what a stupid fucking comment
Social conservatives are low IQ retards. they shit on our gene pool.
you are luck we are libertarians you morons would be steralized already
Eh, we made the whole economic case against socialism.
It was called the Cold War It was won through attrition. It worked beautifully. It was won by people whowere traditional constitutionalists, not the fucking "alt-right" or whatever the fuck douchebag modernization it's being called today. You stupid fucks think Trump gives a fuck about you? No you're an embarrassment, but he knows a lot of libertarians broke for him last minute and he hasn't disavowed us.
Your ideology is a literal meme
Nobody one the fucking planet has ever fought "in the name of the free market"
Cold War happened for geopolitical reasons, not libertarianism you sped
I'm not "alt right" either, those fags are an embarrassment to fascism
>succeeding from a monarchy isn't libertarian
try harder kiddo
Eh sweetie, you may want to research all the countries that revolted against the Soviet Union.
It's liberal, there's a yuuuuge difference
No, I'm not stupid enough to parade as a nazi in public, it's also illegal where I am from.
The question isn't really important, it's what he said that matters. But you're right, I'll cut that off.
But the marxists infiltrated most of western academia/media and have turned most of the people against democracy and capitalism, particularly the current generation. How exactly did libertarians win?
I seriously miss Sup Forums before the election. 2012 election, Zimmerman trials, it was a fucking fantastic time. But that board is fucking gone now thanks to all you nazi faggot reddit LARPers who thought it was so cool to be edgy on Sup Forums. Your lives are so pathetic that you can't even identify as an individual and instead, identify with some dead white nationalist movement that isn't even relevant anymore because you troglodytes fail at everything you do in the real world. Fucking kill yourselves.
Yeah where's your movement?
>No, I'm not stupid enough to parade as a nazi in public, it's also illegal where I am from.
there you have it...literally larping. lololol if interpol came to your door with printouts of your Sup Forums activities you'd shit your tighty-whiteys little guy
>you troglodytes fail at everything you do in the real world
How much have you made so far this year, kiddo? I know you lolbertarian faggots pride yourselves on money, so do share
Obligatory. We just want to be left the fuck alone
you mean the brits and french that allied with communists?
They were mostly anti-Stalin communists, not libertarians. Again, your ideology is a meme.
>following a certain ideological beliefs makes you a larper
Your an idiot.
But it's literally not larping as it isn't live action role playing.
>lololol if interpol came to your door with printouts of your Sup Forums activities you'd shit your tighty-whiteys little guy
Ok kike. You go get off to the thought of that while i try to spread truth and fight for real justice.
Another obligatory post. Defend this, nazi crybabies. You retards fuck white nationalism over without realizing you're fucking white nationalism over
and the founding fathers designs failed miserably.
but hitler was sooooo successful amirite? lmao canada
No! You're a Nazi! The Antifas told us, now do what we say cuck!
when did hitler invite the entire population of africa,ireland,italy and then mexico into germany?
>believing this is what normies think
Please get off Sup Forums and go outside for once
lolbergs don't need to be driven off, most of them have already converted. Part of the reason they have so many spergouts against natsoc lately is because they see their numbers dwindling here.
He just admited that he dosent practice Nazism. I'm sure he knows nothing about nazism other than its stance on jews and that he has a fetish for its imagery. He just comes to Sup Forums and pretends he is a nazi. It's 100% larping and totally cringy
what did hitler accomplish besides securing the Zion for the kikes and fulfilling their (((prophecies)))?
>being thrown into a labor camp for being antisocial is a safety net
oooh but i thought you nazi revisionists claimed there were no ebil camps and the jews actually played ping pong and made paintings all day???
>implying the pic tries to portray what all white normies believe
Government will always be as tyrannical as people allow. Things are especially fucked up now because of the ethnostate distortions caused by the USA. Ancaps operate under a false premise that government is optional.
what are you talking about ? the british secured that when they failed in ww1
>le nazis destroyed white America goyim not the Jews
Kys kike.
>what actually happened
Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965
Literally says "white normie" lol
>labor camps = ebil death camps where people were burned in ovens
>toasting in a slide of bread
Yeah. It doesn't mean all white normies, retard
>Muh poor Jews are the victims.