Bluepill me on jews...

bluepill me on jews. post evidence proving that there isn't a cabal of merchants controlling everything and fucking everything up.

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user, this is a great idea desu. Nobody will be able to prove it doesn't exist.


I can’t. Take a red one instead

2% of the us population is like 6 million (kek)
there's like 150 people in that image max

Jews was turned into soap, had their heads shrunken in some kind of South American ritual and were thrown into gas ovens by the millions, even though Germany couldn't spare recourses due to the war effort.

Nevah forget goyim. We wuz holocausted so anything we do afterwards is justified

>proving a negative

And all of them Jews.

Really greases the pan.

White people do not force niggers to have a lower IQ.

If you would put half the effort into red pilling Jews instead of bitching about their superiority, you would go a lot farther.

It is impossible to prove a negative.
If the jews were the money hungry evil people that you propose how would they keep such an organisation together.
Wouldn't they be continually fucking each other over.


but i wont post that shill shit

Antisemtism has no place in our movement.


End of discussion.

There's more evidence for the gas chambers than a secret cabal of Jews controlling world affairs

What other name for leftyjews is there other than Jews?
If there’s ever a way to target the cult of ceos, bankers, pornographers et al. you’ll get the average joe on board

200 out of 6 million work in media
ZOG confirmed

You're wrong.

Since when did religion belong in the political arena anyhow?

Since the beginning of time actually

What I'am saying is why would Jews have any reason to act against us if they aren't a race?


Yes, there are many individual Jews in positions of influence in Hollywood, in network television, in sports and entertainment, and in many other areas of American public life. These individuals, who happen to be Jewish, do not act together in any kind of conspiratorial manner. There is no “Jewish control” of any of these areas — or of the many other areas, such as medicine, law, academia, finance — where there are large numbers of individual Jews in high positions. Many of these individuals are Jewish only in the sense that their parents or grandparents happen to be Jews. They do not live Jewish lives or support Jewish causes. They certainly do not conspire to exercise any sort of “Jewish control” over the areas in which they work.

They don't "work in media." They completely control and own every part of media and entertainment, from news, movies, music, even fucking youtube. Fuck off Jew. Your days are fucking numbered. Whites are going to take back our institutions, and not with violence like you eternally-persecuted masochists wish we would; no, we are going to defeat you with our superior intelligence and work ethic. You'll be tossed out of every industry because you will be replaced by better and smarter people. As more "holohoax survivors" die out, you are going to lose your shield against all criticism. And then you're all fucked.

>These individuals, who happen to be Jewish, do not act together in any kind of conspiratorial manner.
Bull fucking shit

>A SJW Cuck created the universe
>Huh, prove me wrong then pal, post pictures that he didn't do it

I can try tho. Bill Gates is the richest man in the world, second is Warren Buffett, both are American, not jewish. Trump is in the WH. If Trump really is that good goy people claim him to be, why didn't these puppetmasters just put him in office? Why did he fight tooth and nail with credibility on the line? Why is Kushner being pummelled on the (((media))) as a Russian operative?

Pic related, highly relevant Alan Moore quote

this is why i can't buy into this shit. i know objectively that i'm not a jew shill or any kind of jew, but you think that i am. i know for a fact you're wrong about that, so why should i believe any other facet of your conspiracy?

Didn't you get the memo? Everything is fucked up because of baby boomers, not the Jews. It's your Nana's fault.

>anything we do afterwards is justified

Now now goyim, that isn't necessary. All you need to remembah are the six gormillion Juden that became soapbars and lamp shades. We don't want anudda shoah, right?

Because they're actually fake Jews?

Most of the ones running banks, Hollywood and shit are ethnically German-Jews/Ashkenazi. They aren't the same lot as Hymie the jeweler or Hershel the deli owner.

Even in Revelation they warn of fake Jews and the Synagogue of Satan.