Why do lefties love Rick and Morty so much
Why do lefties love Rick and Morty so much
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I didn't think they did. The only people that watch it are people that actually hate it and just want to be able to better criticize it. That's what I've learned looking around here at least.
Bread and circuses
They're the same as the "I
You're in too deep bro
People who like to 'think' they are smart watch it.
Personally I think futurerama had much more intelligent jokes.
Feel free to get out of that bubble any time.
Because they don't understand that it mocks them.
xavier is the true patrician cartoon.
>tfw Xavier calls out the jews
Because it promotes nihilism and it doesn't take any amount of analysis to understand it's views on the world, all it takes is just to able to look at the surface value of the series, ironically the bluntness and unanalytical nature of the show displays exactly why nihilism as well as leftism is a false conclusion.
Don't you know? Just watching him scream "I'M PICKLE RICK" over and over again will increase your IQ by 50 points easy!
glorious chad composition : what life doth
Because it's a show about emotions and the human condition.
And we get to laugh at people who aren't smart enough to understand the show isn't about "lol no god"
Basically, if you think the show is about Pickle Rick, you're even dumber than the people who laugh at Pickle Rick.
If you think the show is about nihilism or science, you aren't smart enough to understand what it's about.
Original topic. Why do faggots on Sup Forums care?
Post approved
>Life is pointless, so just go full hedonist all day, every day
>Love is pointless, who the fuck needs marriage now?
>Low brow toilet humor disguised as LE SCIENCE XD XD XD
kek theres a slight jew callout in this episode I watched
also blatant nigger slave jokes that wouldn't even be possible today
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterization - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humor in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them.'
>the first 3 season of futurama
I like Rick and Morty but i'm also not retarded enough to let my life be in any way defined by a fucking cartoon. It's clever sure, it's a good show, but I'm tired of it being put on a pedestal
>Your show sucks
What do you know, the one and only argument that pissed off R&M fans throw at you when you say you don't like their show.
Theatrefag here. While I was doing a community theatre production last month almost all the cast were fuckhead liberals who would constantly make Rick and Normie references.
I shit you not one of these fucking idiots legitimately told me he supported antifa and that he'd be going to the then upcoming Trump rally to stir up trouble. (I will probably share my story from the Phoenix rally on here last month eventually, I just haven't done it yet. It was an insane day to be sure.) Consequently, he also talked about buying Rick and Morty merch and participated in the cancerous "Le PickkleEE Rickckk" meme. It's ironically stupid and pseudo-intellectual enough to appeal to the dumbest among our society (Liberals.)
Maybe cuz its funny
>Why do lefties love Rick and Morty so much
Becuase they caved into online pressure and hired multiple women to 'write' for it...
...and promptly killed the show in its third season.
Basically it's a show supporting nihilism, they don't want you to belief in things like God, family, or your nation. Although to be fair, maybe evil Morty will turn things around.
Whoops, that should say "Share my story from the Phoenix rally last month on here eventually"
Show the Xavier: Renegade Angel. It's a red pill disguised as libshit propoganda. Just tell them that it's similar to shit and morty.
>buddy show me the original pilot of rick and morty
>Morty licks Rick's balls
>mfw that blatant pedophilia
Why do liberals circlejerks on degenerate shit like this?
xavier is the pinnacle of tv shows.
The third season is different I didn't think it was particularly worse though. They explore the characterization a little bit more but it's still basically the same show
Because they are a bunch of children so they watch child shows. This is one of the reasons why they like Harry Potter so much too.
The other is that they want to be seen as 'nerdy', but they are a bunch of normies so they can't even watch entry level stuff.
pic related.
It's because you aren't.
It's like this:
seth rogan didn't even read the article, lol
Hahaha found the uneducated troglobite who probably doesn't even watch the fucking show. You Nazis wouldn't be able to speak to such an intelligent man such as Rick Sanchez. Rick would probably shoot you alt-right fuckers and be a prominate member of anti-fa. If I met him I would explain to him how gender constructs are harmful to society and he would understand perfectly. I'd also share with him my favorite memes and tell him about how funny it was when he turned himself into a Pickle. I'd then convince him to run for President in the past so Drumpf couldn't ruin this fucking country. Imagine him saying "R-Ricky and M-M-Morty 2017 *Buuuuuurrp Bitch!!!" XD
i always thought the entire point of the show was to make fun of them.
unrelated but this is my favorite clip from the show.
Thanks autocorrect.
imagine being this retarded
>it's still basically the same show
you fucking apologist scum.
I wish I was smarter to understand that pic
Yup. I call them Science! fans. They don't actually like real science, just "I Fucking Love Science!" memes and clickbait videos about explosions and climate change. Y'know, Science!
Rick and Morty caters to these asshats who think they're smarter than they actually are.
Science. I fucking hate science. As someone in the field of biochemistry, these people are a cancer to science. They try to say social sciences and natural sciences are the same. They are never skeptical about anything, "science" is set in stone to them. It's like a fucking religion, where they take everything Bill Nye or Tyson say as dogma. Question one of these things that are set in stone, or even just ask them for a study or data, and you're crucified as an evil, stupid science denier. It's blasphemy! You can never doubt the all-mighty science, you can never question what we know, even though what we know has changed so much throughout history. Science isn't an all-knowing, omnipresent entity that is "punishing" Trump supporters with hurricanes.
I have to listen to these idiots everyday, and each day gives a new reason why they are no better than the right wing Christians they call retarded.
Are there though? And why does that even matter?
Because it lets lefties dip their cock into some right wing ideas and concepts with out labeling it as right wing so they don't feel bad.
But now that (((diversity))) has gotten it's hands onto it, it's gonna start tanking once they introduce more "liberal" ideologies since they won't get that dangerous feel from it anymore.
Who gives a shit? Who gives a fuck?
I love the show and have found myself thinking the same way rick does about some things but I think only retards believe there's hidden meaning in the show. Any "meaning" in r and m is pretty obvious. Episode 1 is still my favorite.
It's a good show but the fan base makes me want to kill myself.
Holy fuck. What a fucking faggot.
ignore these distractions
get a job, build your career, read the bible, use your spare time to refine your skills and study the scriptures
this other crap is meaningless
Same fucking people who are into big bang theory. "look how smart this jew is!" que laugh track.
I actually really like the show, I think most people don't get the deeper meaning of it at all. A lot of what is said there is really red pilled, it just is delivered in such a way that if you aren't paying attention you will miss it.
Latest episode the first real scene, morty makes a mistake and says some bullshit to the principle about a new counselor. Who takes it as induendo for pedophilia and ends up making the counselor kys.
It was a satirical shot at the fucking "epidemic" of teachers sleeping with their students, because the counselor was a dude he was not not believed when he said otherwise (Double Standard when it comes to the truth)
Rick is an admitted nihilist so Liberals are Jelly
This is exactly how I feel. I partly blame the Jews for using science as a political weapon.
If you have to tell people you're smarter than them because you watch a cartoon to get your point across, you're likely a retard.
I like it, a lot of the season 3 episodes were shit, but the one two weeks ago was great, with evil morty and all.
I'm sorry for your loss
because they think watching the show about a smart guy makes them smart.
Oddly after thinking about what you wrote, I agree with you.
But I'll still start calling you names and using every logical fallacy that comes to mind, because that's just how we roll around here.
Because they think watching it makes them virtuous. You have to remember lefties are only seeking validation, and they get that from Rick and Cuckty
I think the point of this show is to show us how shit we are as a species. This show makes me laugh as much as it makes me want to genocide jews and niggers. I think the science part is kind of a "facade". But leftists do their thing i guess...
People like it because it’s good, but they pretend to hate it because memes and they’re fucking too weak to have their own opinion.
Because they fucking love science except when it's race and iq
You're a fag trying to justify enjoying that garbage, there's nothing red pill about it.
Can anyone not see this as a fucking troll? Look at the last fucking line. Jesus this board after Donald came around
>Gods not real
>Science is the answer o everything
Gee I wonder why?
Tips le fedora
hi I'm a scientist
Rick and Morty has nothing to do with science
it's just a cartoon dudes
So atheist in general?
>this spacing
Everyone does. It is a funny show. They made a joke about Israel too, and had squirrels talking about coups, Exxon and Monsanto.
"These knobs, that want to protect the content they think they own—and somehow combine that with their need to be proud of something they have, which is often only their race or gender. It’s offensive to me as someone who was born male and white, and still works way harder than them, that there’s some white male [fan out there] trying to further some creepy agenda by “protecting” my work. I’ve made no bones about the fact that I loathe these people."
damn them red pills from Dan Harmon
I know plenty of right and libertarian chemists and physicists with PhDs that think it's a hilarious, intelligent show. I'm just a lowly kike and nigger hating developer myself and I feel the same. Each episode generally has a message, it's crazy and vulgar fun, and I enjoy all the science and sci-fi references.
because it's simple and pandering to their horrendous personality defects
>i'm so smart! i'm so smart! i'm so so smart!
>you can't do that! you can't do that! you can't do that!
>scat humor constantly
it's the perfect reddit show
Found the fag.
I hate how climate change has become the gold standard for their judgement of someone's scientific knowledge. Anytime I ask for a source on the claims, I just get dirty looks and told it's "science" or "how can you NOT know? The evidence is everywhere!" Well okay, that's cool, but I want concrete fucking data in front of me that I can look at, interpret, and conclude that climate change is what people claim it to be. I've had a few admit that they never even looked up any research on it and just believed what they were told. I don't care if it's real or not, that isn't how science works. Saying "well how can you not know, the evidence is everywhere!" sounds EXACTLY like a Christian when you ask them for proof of God.
And people wonder why China and Japan are leaping ahead of us in scientific innovation.
Nah, just like Christians, if an atheist isn't a dick about it, I don't have a problem.
Someday I'll make FB sockpuppet accounts and start spamming every IFL science! post with pol infographics about race and IQ saying "where is your science now!"
This, I fucking hate it.
I'm glad that kids are interested in studying science when it comes to shows like Bill Nye or channels like Vsauce, but man I seriously fucking hate these pseudointelectual lefty fags who think they are some sort of transcendent super genius because they watched a video on quantum physics or special relativity.
Rick and Morty isn't a masterpiece, it's an okay cartoon that tries to do what Futurama did a decade ago
clever =/= smart
It appeals to thier base instincts of sex and toiler humor. With some bullshit on top to make them feel smart and witty for liking it.
It's only like that with idiots who don't know enough. I love science (quantum physics is my favorite) but part of enjoying some good science is recognising how little I actually know about it. With science and with religion some people are fucking idiots and don't criticize their own ideas, beliefs, or things they know about. So when they are criticized they take it personally and since they don't try to prove their ideas wrong they have no experience defending what they understand or conceding that they don't know or understand the subject.
I dunno man, I think we actually have the high ground on respecting Rick and Morty over the fucking "Left." which really at the end of the day doesn't fucking exist and is a made up just like the "right" and is a forced divide into tribal like groups we call Us.
Anyone who watches cartoons past the age of 18, should be locked up.
Such a shame Sup Forums is always so unsure about their IQ. Just watch the show as any other and enjoy it
I will never understand why people like Rick & Morty so much.
I just don't get it.
Early Futurama is better and has smarter humor.
mate, I'm a regular at Sup Forums and hate commies but think rick and morty is awesome
>watch the first episode of this show
>"wow that burping thing is annoying"
>multiple scenes later
>"wait, he's going to stop the burping thing, right? It's already old..."
>he doesn't
Tyson and Bill are both actors. I like Michio Kaku though, especially when he talks about civilizations.
Because they are idiots with a false sense of superiority.
>Just watch the show as any other
Well every other show is doing the same thing, creators allowing their political beliefs to have priority over the plot so I guess that's how it would go down.
He does that when he is drunk.