Daily reminder that Medicare for All is the only real path forward on healthcare.
Daily Medicare for All Thread
Sponsored by your mom's vagina you faggot.
Debate me like a man instead of being a Russian cuck.
Your organs sold seperately are worth more than anything you produce alive. Your family is secretly dissapointed in you completely and they have 0 expectations you'll achieve anything. You're soulless and frankly, you're just a loser in every sense of the word.
You sound like an asshole.
>Your organs sold seperately are worth more than anything you produce alive. Your family is secretly dissapointed in you completely and they have 0 expectations you'll achieve anything. You're soulless and frankly, you're just a loser in every sense of the word.
That's pretty messed up user. Also, I make more money than my organs are worth. So go fuck yourself with a carrot.
Keep telling random anons on the internet how much you're worth. I'm sure you're not self conscious at all.
Commit suicide, you won't be missed.
First off caps lock doesn't mean you are any more correct. It just makes you look like a crazy person.
So the government can handle an atom bomb, but can't handle paying some doctors for your checkup? kek user, that's pretty silly.
If you are so scared of the "big bad gubbermint" let's implement Medicare for All as a nationalized non-profit with mandatory transparency on finances.
Does that work for you?
Nope, illegals can fuck right off or use their own country's health insurance.
The only one who smells like bullshit is you.
Sorry user, you should look at opening your mind a little on this issue. Not everything is a conspiracy.
You mad wite boi? Get fucked by Tyrone too hard?
Jesus christ. I'm a little drunk right now, but I work in medicare health services.
If you told me that I only had medicare as my health care service, I'd blow my brains out.
If you pay me, I'm happy to reeeeee at you about how bad medicare actually is.
Listen. I rather die than let the government take control of anything else. Im sick of all this bullshit and each day people find out more about the Jewish control.
Fuck me, let me crack a beer and get started into your bullshit. I can't even right now. ALL OF MY REEEE
>So the government can handle an atom bomb, but can't handle paying some doctors for your checkup? kek user, that's pretty silly.
No, it's not silly, it's the truth. Medicare patients are literally cancer, and I have to pay my doctors 20%+ to even take them. I'm struggling to find enough doctors to even take them right now, because most of my docs are more than willing to never even take the patients, because they are that shitty.
>If you are so scared of the "big bad gubbermint" let's implement Medicare for All as a nationalized non-profit with mandatory transparency on finances.
Out of the 28 doctors I currently work for, only 8 of them take medicare patients. I would rather blow my own brains out.
>Nope, illegals can fuck right off or use their own country's health insurance.
Good, we're in agreement, they shouldn't even be allowed to use hospital ERs.
You seem to be bitching more about the patients than about the system itself.
Is it reimbursement rates that you hate? Or are you just a racist prick?
Also, do you know how shitty medicare is for actual cancer patients?
When you have to lie to the federal government and actually creatively account for chemo drugs to make enough money to actually afford to push said drugs on the patients, that's fucked up.
I've had multiple patients that COST me 4,000 a day, and they visited 3x a week. 13,000 GOD DAMN DOLLAR A WEEK
That I could only afford to give chemo drugs thanks to tax write offs. And they were medicare patients.
I'm drunk and a healthcare autist. AMA
>You seem to be bitching more about the patients than about the system itself.
Yes the patients suck. Why is hating medicare patients racist?
>Is it reimbursement rates that you hate?
Also yes. Why is losing 12,000 dollars a week on a chemo patient okay?
>Why is losing 12,000 dollars a week on a chemo patient okay?
It's not? Obviously if Medicare for All gets implemented that would need to be fixed.
Why do you doubt it could be fixed under a NATIONALIZED system (rather than the one it is now)?
If it costs you money, stop doing it.
Medicare for all would kill so many people, should rename 'shit care for all'
The only thing that should happen is the annexation of Canada and then steal their doctors and staff to surplus the strain on the nationalized health care system due to increased demand.
Remember when Trumpcare was essentially universal insurance?
Remember when Democrats voted against it?
Democrats don't give two shits about helping Americans, they just want to transfer wealth from the middle class to the poor.
Started working a nurse about 6 months ago, you wouldn't believe the amount of people who fake illness just to get a hot meal and drugs.
Healthcare needs to remain a privilege, that way I can keep my relatively high salary and stop dealing with poorfags that are a burden to society.
That bill was garbage and there is a reason why it is dead. You should read about it user, you might learn something instead of repeating FOX and Breitbart propaganda.
All I know is I pay a shit load of money for shitty insurance, but i'm not poor enough to get Obamacare subsidies. Those tax credits would have helped, but you greedy shits want to take my money.
Your government already spends more per capita on healthcare than the UK.
Give us medicare for all and a refund, please.
You gonna get educated today little nigger.
So let me educate you today nigger.
There's a specific chemo drug that only comes in 30 CC vials, that is billed at $2,000 a CC. Our physical cost, including refrigeration (if it ever gets above 50* F it gets thrown out) and spoilage (if it's older than 2 weeks, it gets thrown out) is $1,500 a CC.
Our cost per vial is $45,000.
We bill insurances at $60,000
That's a 30% markup.
But medicare makes me have to creatively account or literally kill patients. I've killed patients before because they've only had medicare.
Medicare doesn't account for wastage because you can't use the same vial on multiple patients. So, if I push 31 CC of the chemo drug on a patient, I lose 60 CC worth of product.
That works out to (my cost) of $90,000
They only pay me $1800 a CC.
That means, for pushing the drug on the patient, I only make, $57,600
I just lost $35k in one patient, in one visit.
What the fuck am I supposed to do?
What I do in real life, is pray to god they forget to show up and never call them. I make a $5,000 bonus for every patient I can get to leave.
>If it costs you money, stop doing it.
You're right cuck, I should stop giving cancer patients with medicare drugs.
This guy gets it.
This message brought to you by the medical industrial complex and the future debt of the US tax payer.
I wouldn't trust leaf doctors. I've seen their statistics, it's some bad shit.
AYYYYYYYYY LMAOOOOOOOO nigger. I wanna reee at you, but I'm too drunk. Just AMA I'm a medicare claims adjuster.
This nigger knows what's up. Don't forget that they lowered the reward money on reporting medicare fraud, so I'm not risking my job to report $3 million worth of fraud a year for a measly $2,000. Fuck that shit.
Just stop paying, tailor your refunds on taxes to owe govt money, and make sure you have catastrophic insurance.
>the government can handle the atom bomb
Nigga you know how many times we almost nuked ourselves. The military had to buy a bunch of swamp in South Carolina and Georgia because we lost a nuclear weapon there.
That's pretty fucked up user, I admit that.
What do the other insurers do? I'd bet they jew you out of at least as much money as Medicare would.
>Medicare doesn't account for wastage because you can't use the same vial on multiple patients.
It seems like this is the issue. As part of the final bill, I'd be fine if you think it should fail if it doesn't include fixes to that.
If the final bill fixed that issue, would you vote for it?
Thanks for the lesson big nigger?
and yet you haven't moved to the UK yet. could it be that our healthcare is more expensive because it's, dare i say it, BETTER?
I've never seen a worse thread on Sup Forums
Do we"? My current PMPM is around 800 for member above 60. What's the UK healthcare number? I'm honestly curious? Do you have any stats on their level of care that I can do a deep dive on?
If you save me money, I make 10% of that saved money in bonuses, so please respond. If you save me $10 a month, over the life of my 60,000 patients, I can make $6,0000
Not free you dumb nigger.
Paid via taxes.
Allowing the government to control healthcare and to pay the bill means they decide what is important and what isn't.
They wouldn't even allow Charlie Gard an opportunity. Fuck Kimmel's 'for the children' bullshit.
Keeping healthcare in my control allows me to make decisions. My liberty, not Bernie Sanders or any idiot Dem who falls for this shit.
Stop stealing from everyone to pay for your big government projects.
I read that in Roberto from Futurama's voice. Did not disappoint, but now I know why he robs everything.
we dont have the fucking money for it dude medicare costs the US three times more than military every year.
>What do the other insurers do? I'd bet they jew you out of at least as much money as Medicare would.
No, they pay us 4x what medicare does. I have to literally ply doctors with booze ever other week to make sure they take medicare patients.
Because, medicare patients are a net drain on their money making ability.
>It seems like this is the issue. As part of the final bill, I'd be fine if you think it should fail if it doesn't include fixes to that.
No, because this is by design. Medicare literally says "you should have enough volume to hire a medical faggot to pull this drug into different syringes to no have to throw it out"
Shit's fucked when I have to bill charities for medicare patients to make sure they don't die, and the only reason I haven't told them to fuck off and literally die is because I'm a national socialist.
>If the final bill fixed that issue, would you vote for it?
Fuck no. We've tried that before. It doesn't work.
>Thanks for the lesson big nigger?
Fuck you, I'm a spic, not a nigger. Go fuck off and die. Give me your SSN so I can ban you from my clinics.
>Paid via taxes.
>Keeping healthcare in my control allows me to make decisions.
LOL. The insurance companies own your ass right now.
Why are you OK with giving your boipussy up to some multinational globalist corporation rather than uncle sam?
Patriot my ass.
Reminder positive rights are the cancer killing western democracies.
The only rights you have are negative rights.
Can we have an actual discussion about this?
If Medicare for all manages to be cheaper than our current system (no insurers skimming money off the top, the full force of the US Government negotiating rates) while providing more care to people, why wouldn't you be in favor of it?
On the other hand, what are some downsides?
Yet, here he is on an anime imageboard. We may be social outcasts, but you gotta be as NEET as us to be spending time here.
This comic makes no sense.
>stealing from everyone to pay for your big government projects.
Care to say which ones you don't like?
I'll wait.
I fucking lold. I was hoping more for boondock saints, but I was hoping you faggots would enjoy and ask me anything.The only reason I kept 1/3 of my patients alive is because I'm a national socialist.
>we're bleeding 10,000 a week on this patient
>can we write it off as a business expense?
>dats right niggah, we expensing patient lives.
>US three times more than military every year.
I don't even have a word for how hard I would suicide if I had VA care. I'd have to develop a nuclear reactor to give me stage 3 cancer to die in 2 weeks.
medicare is a privilege to have
weird that you won't ask the actual medicare faggot about medicare.
Every premise of your hypothesis is wrong.
>No, they pay us 4x what medicare does.
Somehow I doubt this. Got proof?
>Medicare literally says "you should have enough volume to hire a medical faggot to pull this drug into different syringes to no have to throw it out"
So... why don't you hire a medical faggot to pull it into different syringes if it costs so much? Sounds like you're being a lazy faggot.
I can select my coverage you idiot at least.
But for you, goto single payer and they control hospitals to tell them if your surgery is ok to do.
More process, less actual healthcare.
You're just retarded with money and expect "uncle Sam" to pay your bills.
A true Patriot is a benefit to the country not a burden.
Yes, paid via taxes. Specifically payroll deductions like how medicare is currently paid for. Even niggers don't get out of paying it.
Do you not pay taxes?
Not everyone has terminal cancer
Well, if you're waiting for Ben Garrison, I'm sad to say he's not here to tell you that he dislikes military interventionism, the Federal Reserve, bank bailouts, legislative earmarks and omnibuses, or militarized police forces.
That's not my opinion, though. That's his. The only political cartoonist I agree with is Kelly.
It's true, I'm pretty NEET.
I do make a lot of money though, so I guess it evens out?
>So... why don't you hire a medical faggot to pull it into different syringes if it costs so much? Sounds like you're being a lazy faggot.
Because we don't have enough volume. And you're right. You're not going to like this, but this drug expires due to a 2 week life before I get another patient with the right conditions in. You're right. I'm bleeding money on patients that I shouldn't be bleeding money on. 1/2 of them are black, and I have to use creative accounting to keep them alive. If I hire a guy to pull syringes, I'll love an additional $100 per CC. If I stop doing creative accounting on the niggers, I'll save about $10,000 a week, and get a $1,000 bonus each week.
I guess I just became a death panel.
If niggers need chemo and only have medicare, don't come to my offices.
What is your job title?
You're not wrong, but it's the best example I have for REEEEE at people.
Wait till you learn about the creative accounting I've had to do to get adopted kids into a primary care visit
Guess what's going to happen when everyone has medicare? Looks like someone is going to do their job.
I wear a lot of hats.
Chief data autist, IT security analyst, and medicare billing autist.
I'm talking about tax-funded spending alone. US government spending is over $4,000 per citizen, UK and Canada are around $3,500. Per citizen, not per covered citizen. Sorry, I lost the graph. But there's a stacked public/private bar chart you'll see posted here, or you can look it up through primary sources. Level of care is tricky. It is hard to get any data on why this is the case. It's hard to find available data to quantify the return on that excess spending. At this point in the discussion, everybody just fills in anecdotes and ideological biases
Our private costs are in addition to that.
As a consumer, it looks to me like they get a more-or-less equal outcome for less money. I would bet I'd say the same about a capitalist medical system. But our system is the worst of both worlds.
>Guess what's going to happen when everyone has medicare? Looks like someone is going to do their job.
Yeah, I'm talking about medicare patients only. My patients are mostly above 60, I'm not talking about medicaid, which is an entirely different can of worms.
>US government spending is over $4,000 per citizen,
How are you getting that number? I will make BANK if I can get that patient PMPM to that.
>Per citizen, not per covered citizen
Oh, so straight up lies. They're being subsidized by non medicare patients.
>Level of care is tricky. It is hard to get any data on why this is the case.
No, it's not. It's just hard to study in the USA so it's super easy to use UK statistics to make bank here in the states.
>As a consumer, it looks to me like they get a more-or-less equal outcome for less money.
Lol no. They get worse outcomes for way less money. But when you compare outcome to money they are beating us.
>I would bet I'd say the same about a capitalist medical system
Also wrong. Wait till I ree about prostate cancer, but you have to physically ask me to prove you're not a bot.
>Medicare for all
The best way to throw the country into debt and create long lines for seeing a doctor
Your opinion, I respectfully disagree.
We already pay much more than Medicare for All would cost.
And private insurance (that good jobs would likely still offer) would still exist for things medicare for all doesn't cover (Cosmetic procedures, better hospital rooms, etc.)
Kelly is truly an astute observer of the American Train Wreck that modern society has become.
All would do well to study his work.
It's weird that you've stopped responding to me.
>We already pay much more than Medicare for All would cost.
Yeah, for a reason. Private health care pays for actual costs.
>And private insurance (that good jobs would likely still offer) would still exist for things medicare for all doesn't cover (Cosmetic procedures, better hospital rooms, etc.)
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL This fucking lie again.
Come at me nigger, with statistics. If I'm wrong I'll make 10% of whatever savings you can find me per patient, multiplied by 8,000 patients. So please, prove me wrong.
>Oh, so straight up lies. They're being subsidized by non medicare patients.
So our welfare burden is even greater than the official disparity? Great. This graph is made to prove another point, but the dark blue bars are what's in question (obviously has gone up since 2010).
>And private insurance (that good jobs would likely still offer) would still exist for things medicare for all doesn't cover (Cosmetic procedures, better hospital rooms, etc.)
At the most basic level, if people all ditch private healthcare because they think they're ok with M4A, this is going to make private insurance skyrocket and price itself out of business correct?
I have dropped all coverage due to getting priced out of my employer insurance and exchanges because I make too much, and am going to be working taxes to counter Onigger's middle class penalty.
You're arguing about re-imbursement rates. I'm arguing for a payment and taxation method for healthcare. Different conversations man.
I'm all for Doctors and Hospitals getting paid fairly.
But if you aren't willing to hire a medical faggot to put medicine in a different tube "Because we don't have enough volume" then you should be sending patients to a different place where they do pay a medical faggot to do so.
Maybe that place would have enough volume to not be a fucking jew.
I'm for saving people's lives at the least cost to the taxpayer.
You don't know the half of it senpai. I'm only a drunk national socialist spic fighting the good fight.
>At the most basic level, if people all ditch private healthcare because they think they're ok with M4A, this is going to make private insurance skyrocket and price itself out of business correct?
Wrong. Good luck convincing doctors to even take medicare for all. I would straight up go out of business tomorrow if that happened. Every doctor I know would retire.
No you wouldn't. You would cry oy vey up the chain and everyone would either take the cut or sit in the street with a tin cup.
This is how every profession that isn't supported by the government works. You're in it, so you can't understand it but it's true.
>You're arguing about re-imbursement rates
Yeah, what keeps companies in business? What keeps doctors from retiring? What keeps people like me fighting the good fight to keep patients alive?
>But if you aren't willing to hire a medical faggot to put medicine in a different tube "Because we don't have enough volume" then you should be sending patients to a different place where they do pay a medical faggot to do so.
Yeah, I've run the math. I either lose 12,000 or whatever per patient, per day, or lose 24,000 per patient, per day.
What do you suggest? That because I don't have the volume to make it pay under medicare I just stop pushing drugs on patients that need chemo 3x a week?
Oh look at that, you do suggest that.
>sending patients to a different place where they do pay a medical faggot to do so.
Good luck with that, the other nearest clinic is 2+ hours away on the highway and none of my patients have a car. They take a ((tax funded)) bus to me.
> You would cry oy vey up the chain
I am the upper chain. I'm the direct link between my autists and the CEO types.
I'm literally making money as a death panel.
The only reason I'm keeping certain patients alive is due to being a spic on pol and being a national socialist.
What does that have to do with anything?
You aren't delivering value.
>healthcare is a right
>he other nearest clinic is 2+ hours away on the highway and none of my patients have a car. They take a ((tax funded)) bus to me.
Sounds like that tax funded bus should go the 2+ hours away.
Living in a rural area has its downsides.
You've "run the numbers" and come out with that because you assume your suppliers operate at a fixed cost and you operate as a fixed cost. If you cut revenue and hold costs fixed of course you go bankrupt.
Where did all of your capital spending go?
>What does that have to do with anything?
Everything nigger, pay attention.
>You aren't delivering value.
I already told you how I'm delivering value.
i have medicare and its a piece of fucking shit, kys op
Up the supplier chain, fool. Not your boss.
>Sounds like that tax funded bus should go the 2+ hours away.
>Living in a rural area has its downsides
i'm working in the second most populated county in florida. I'm including only suburbs of miami.
Why do you have medicare, what's your current HCC, and what are you seeking?
Let me help you senpai.
I'm the drug manager for ten chemo places.
How much higher up do we need to go?
>Denying other options is a sign of open mindedness and forward thinking
>Debate me like a man!
>You Russian cuck!
Who is their alternate buyer if the US goes single payer?
This is Sup Forums, what did you expect?
Define single payer and alternate buyer?
Do you mean if the us health care system magically goes to the medicare system and medicare rates tomorrow?
Autism and intelligence, mainly.
>The government can handle nukes but can't handle doctor bills?
You underestimate how expensive medical treatment is, because you apparently are bad at math. You also seem to forget there are 300 million+ people in the US, and growing. How much is a nuclear bomb? Do you know, since you drew the comparison, after all.
>You're all so scared of the big bad gubmint!
>Coming from the same cucks claiming the Russian narrative is real, cheering for the deepstate, and hating on the OPPRESSIVE SYSTEM but only after BASED BLACK MAN is no longer commander
This is some gayfag shit.
wanna hire me? I'm a medicare autist?!
No, I mean legislatively, not magically. You talk as if it hasn't happened elsewhere.
Who pays US prices then?
Fuck this shit. I voted for Bernie and even I think this single payer idea is a bullshit pipe dream.
The Dems are barely holding onto Obamacare's weak reforms.
If they really want to sell something even more progressive, at least have the fucking brains to try public option first. Single payer is a step too far.
At least try to get Romney care first, even on a state by state level. Public option is a good compromise. People can still get private healthcare. It also pretty much negates the necessary evil of Obamacare of forcing people to buy a product, giving the option of public care.
Probably the only good point you've made here.
>No, I mean legislatively, not magically
What the fuck are you talking about. That still doesn't answer my question.
>You talk as if it hasn't happened elsewhere.
It has and I've shut down chemo clinics due to medicare pricing. Any clinic that makes more that 55% of their money from medicare patients, gets tracked heavily. If medicare drops their reinbursement rates, we shut that clinic down. We've only done it 9 times.
>Who pays US prices then?
What do you mean by this?