What's wrong with the Chinese Sup Forums ? Why do they treat human life like it's literally trash?
What's wrong with the Chinese Sup Forums ? Why do they treat human life like it's literally trash?
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What the fuck. How does that even happen? Was she just walking around for hours having contractions?
I feel bad for the poor kid. Ouch.
There wasn't a rice paddy near by? Oh well, I'm sure she's back to the iPhone factory.
she looks like she is contemplating firing up the wok
What in the fuck
this shit happens in shitty parts of America too. Did you not just see the articles about street shitters in that one street in California?
I'll believe it
chinese hardly feel anything
they're like insects
Aren't chinese forbidden to help people in need in the streets or something?
I heard there's a law or some shit where if you help someone their family can sue you for whatever happens to him so let's say a dude is having a heart attack people just walk past him in china instead of calling an ambulance and shit.
Chinese are fucking insane and heartless and this is coming from a hue which you guys meme to death about violence and all that stuff 24/7.
make this a webm!
>chinese shits out baby on street
What a fuckin story that kid will have if it grows up to be something some day.
IF it grows up.
They're fucking animals and they're in the process of taking over. Soon the west will really find out what happens when you become degenerate and weak. We must fight... like retards and, no, there is no hope - only honor
They are taking born in the streets to a whole new level
>letting the kid drop to the floor like that
That lady is at least somewhat retarded.
W-we have bigger iq than whitey i-i sweaf
The beauty of life.
Japs are the only decent Asians. The rest should just be walled off from the world.
Supply and demand. How many of them are there?
Supply and demand like anything, it's not like humans beings are scarce over there.
*record scratch*
*freeze frame*
>yep, that's me, guess you're wondering how I ended up like this
*rewind to Chinese street scene*
*mother shits baby onto Street, whanging its head of the pavement*
*Mongoloid by Devo starts playing*
There goes your only child
I think you made some assumptions of what the video is about. You should probably actually watch it.
I love the look of "how the fuck did this get in there?"
That thing nearly broke its neck falling out of her pussy.
Man, God bless that one who actually went to handle the baby and clean it up.
I've been to China. You only see shit like this in the shittiest most southern or west towns. Its so fucking weird how 1st (sometimes 2nd) world china is in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, and Tianjin..etc And then you go off the beaten path and they act like 4th world jungle people.
They probably do though.
China is a giant country that just came out of terminal poverty. Also, there are retards everywhere, even in high IQ countries.
I mean there are articles about women having babies in public bathrooms/walmarts too.
only one person held the baby, out of how many?
fucking soulless people, honestly.
just shit out head first onto the street, while puffing on her cigarette.
Chinks dont develop theor exoskeleton until they are exposed to the air for about 7 months. That blow to its budding antenne when it got shit out will likely lead to its death
It comes from having way to many people stupid.
They always are like niggers.
At those cities they just dress in fancy clothes and hide their true selves, but they are still the same as anywhere else.
They do. But lack empathy. That's why whitey is the best. Smart enough. Creative. Driven. And caring.
post chinese subhuman webms
China will never be the world superpower.
Fuck no, another chink in this world shit
Look who is talking.
>this is how leafposters are born
Bitch rolled a natty 20
I wish all the SJW's could see how Asians are the most dehumanizing savage people on the planet. If they'd simply stop hating mommy and daddy for a minute and see how our culture and civilization is the most compassionate yet produced so far in the history of humanity.
>In case you’re thinking that Chinese students must be some of “the best and the brightest” who provide the brain power needed by America’s engineering schools, nothing could be further from the truth. Most Chinese students have no better than average ability, and many do not speak, write, or understand English well enough to contribute significantly to the academic community.
>WholeRen Education, a U.S. company that caters to students from China, reported that some 8,000 Chinese students were expelled from American universities last year, mostly for poor academic performance or cheating. “Chinese students used to be considered top-notch,” a WholeRen executive said, “but over the past five years their image has changed completely – wealthy kids who cheat.”
>The Reuters news service has just published an in-depth examination of Chinese cheating on college entrance exams such as the SAT, which is administered in China under license from the College Board. In many cases, actual test questions and even entire test booklets were found on Chinese web sites or used by Chinese cram schools.
>Some Chinese families aren’t waiting to send their kids off to college in the U.S., but are starting much earlier. About 35,000 K-12 students from China, some as young as 10 years old, now live in the U.S., many paying non-resident tuition to attend U.S. public schools.
Think about it.
If even monkeys are calling them niggas what do it mean?
Though you are likely a (((refugee))) larping as a danish.
Always cracks me up
Chinese don't have higher IQs. That's bullshit promoted by Richard Lynn:
>A long time ago I checked through his China references and almost none of them even contained IQ data! It was totally baffling. I have 100s of Chinese studies, many of them in Chinese. I would love to start working on the China post, but it would be a crazy amount of work, and I would probably need a good Chinese collaborator.
>You are right, though. I have not carefully examined them, but many studies from rural China report IQ scores in the 90s, 80s and lower.
The thing fell on its head the minute it came out of the womb
What the fuck? Women have held child birth over men's heads forever, but she drop that like explosive diarrhea.
>Superb kek
Not a law, just that chinks are selfish and will use any leverage to get free money.
>chink bleeding to death
>you help him
>chink blames you for his near fatal incident, sues you for free shit
>courts side with the victim
Its also why in some shitholes, you see some people purposely try to run into your car and get injured for an excuse to extort money.
Wtf is with that trump comment? Was that one of you?
No they don't. China doesn't have any IQ measurements, theere are only measurements for Shanghai and similarly large cities, which is the same as taking the average of IQ of the Great Boston area of the US and saying it's the US average.
Basically this. A chinese art student at my school got in on full ride diversity bucks. Turns out he copy pasted his entire portfolio off of the internet.
They let him graduate because art school and diversity.
Paying other people to do your school work is really big with Asians. There's basically entire academic Craigslist apps.
No matter the situation they will still somehow blame Trump over it.
yeah it was me, get fucked
Probably because of years of state indoctrination that Chinese lives are trash.
This is what racist pieces of human garbage actually believe. Lol, people from China are actually people, and just like white people, there are dumb and shitty ones. You're clearly one of the latter. Probably never left the state you were born in.
Not an argument.
t. chinky wong
Found the chink
Uh, how is not an argument if the "academic" sources for higher Chinese IQ are fraudulent and/or misreported? You're a meme-spouting retard.
Fuck Mang0 is THICC
No, Chinks are subhumans and i have first hand experience and they should never ever taint any other country with their shitty insect ways
fucking rude savage piece of shit commie subhuman trash the lot of them
my country doesn't have states, and I've traveled all over the world including to China on the freight ship I work on
China is fucking terrible, don't delude yourself
thats what happens when ur short like a chink, cant even see whats in front of ur car
years and years of massive overpopulation, country-wide famines, economic, ecological and social oppression, have dramatically lessened the general peasant populations value of life. death is traditionally FAR more common over there than in any other industrialized nation
there is nothing wrong with shitting a baby chink in the street you drumpf nazi
>on the freight ship I work on
are you a pajeet?
con honestidad camarada en ellos esta la mejor oportunidad que tiene la humanidad de superarse a si misma
Empathy would be fine, if other races didn't exist.
Look how many resources we give to Africa to give them the ability to keep reproducing beyond their means. Look at how we allow our communities to be destroyed just to accommodate "refugees".
As it stands our empathy is strangling us.
found the yellow piss man
Okay. You mentioned the shitting streets instead, so I just wanted to make sure you didn't skip a quality video.
Did this happen in Canada?
she took a shit, nothing to see here
Okay, visit any uni and look at all the STEM majors. Go to any major engineering corporation and look at how Asians are disproportionately represented.
You can scream ching chong all you want and laugh at all the commies, but they'll keep on kicking our ass, because unlike you they don't come to Sup Forums to denigrate other races but instead focus on bettering themselves and working harder.
I had no idea births can go so quickly and smoothly. She just popped that rugrat like a turd. I'd heard my mom was in labour for two days having me. What gives? Is it the fact that women in the West lie on their backs, to allow the doctors access to their vajeyjey? Should we make women shit out kids on a modified toilet of some sort instead?
Pic related, girls I wouldn't mind impregnating.
there are like 1 billion chinks
how many white people in america?? 200 million
on average there will be more chink smart people YET compared to the white population here are a ton of smart white people compared to their lower number
It's okay. They think chinks are subhuman but that doesnt stop these white bois from trying to fuck a cutie asian 3.14
how many american women plop the baby straight out of their vagina, dropping 3 feet straight on its head onto concrete, and leave it on the dirty street with no attempt to pick it up or move it? how many american women would move their purse out of the birthing fluids so it doesn't get wet, but leave the baby in a pile of gravel and cigarette butts, refusing to even look at it or acknowledge it?
Empathy unrestrained by judgement, reason and discrimination is cancer, true. Other races are irrelevant to this, we simply need to deny women the franchise. Problem solved, overnight.
>give birth to baby
>just leave it on the pavement while you sit down
depends on the woman
Put it in a soup.
I didnt know much about this, when I first started freelance programming 15 years ago, an Asian guy hired me to write all these simple/stupid programs. Finally he just started sending me the homework directly. Then I realized what was going on. He paid well and got a degree from CMU for it. A real eye opener.
I'm sorry but you don't have 1 billion chinks living here in America do you? Not all 1 billion chinks, retarded or smart, have the opportunity to move to America.
Asians are still actually considered a minority here in America (5-6% percent of the population) yet in some STEM fields they account for over 50% of enrollment.
Again, believe what you want, but at the end of the day the asians will continue kicking our asses.