Tara McCarthy comes clean
Tara McCarthy comes clean
People are speaking up one by one. This is how it starts. Until I see real fucking change and real fucking actions by the jews though. I WILL NOT CHANGE ANYTHING.
Is she Jewish
There's nothing wrong with being good at capitalism, goys. Get Good
You aren't a credit to your race
Isn't she mixed though?
She is not. It is a dig at the "fellow white people" Juden tactic
She is so dead.
She's like 2% Jewish according to 23&me. Totally using it to her advantage.
She's a mamzer/mongrel who sides with the white european part of her lineage. Unless she's a psyop meant to make us go "look, jews can be good".
She's 1/16 or something but she's using it as a fellowgoys tactic
2% Jewish is full blown kike tho!
I wish someone would point out to Ben Shapiro that Zionism by its very definition identity politics
wonder what she meant by this
Jews also declare their homeland based off theology that most of the world doesn't abide by. They say they are entitled because of their belief system. It's incredible how fucking stupid that is.
she's just enough of a jew to piss off jews and too little of a jew to have people consider her one. i dunno what to think
She's had many guests on her channel who are very critical of jews
Shhh....Tara, you're not supposed to let people know abou-
She is engaged with a white guy and is trying to have kids. She is doing good work until the day she openly throws her hands up and gives up on making babies.
Israel is not exclusively Jewish so this is kind of retarded as an argument
yeah i was just fucking around shes cool. doesn't seem like a thot, like that ho faith goldy and to a lesser extent southern. that shit with faith goldy was funny as shit. i always knew goldy was a ho.
>Israel is not exclusively Jewish
Now THIS is a retarded argument.
I like her.
It's not exclusively Jewish, but it's trying to be. Look at what they're doing to the Palestinians.
This is pretty cringey actually holy shit
I don't mind Jews being successful, I don't like their blatant social engineering and their hatred for white people.
I have worked with Jews on my own personal music project, and they're pretty good. They are good with marketing and know what people want, but holy shit they are slimey liars.
Jews don't need to repent for "Jewish privilage" or some gay shit, it just needs to be discussed how they are engaged in an anti-west social engineering campaign since the late 20's.
Laura loomers fucking nose
Doesn't matter Jews pretend to be white all the time, why can't we pretend to be jewish? What can they do aside from kvetch?
I mean that there are Muslims there, and they aren't kicking them out. Like they have more than France by population percentage, so if France is an example of white genocide than Israel is one of Jewish genocide.
Now obviously the Israelis treat the arabs and muslims completely differently than France does, but you still can't argue that Israel is some kind of ethnostate, or purely Jewish
It's explicitly the Jewish state. That's what Zionism is. It's on their flag ffs
i thought race didn't exist?
>walks into a synagogue
>greetings fellow jews, who wants to invest in my business?
i guarantee you could get millions of cash by doing this
What about the amazing one?
The swastika flag ain't fooling anyone Ahmed.
>jew uses her jewish privilege to expose jewish privilege and help white people
lauren simonsen should take a lesson from this semitic roastie
id fight right alongside this jew
Lauren is not jewish though so that doesn't make sense.
fuck off finnshill youre played out and boring. same lines every thread.
I'll go away when you stop lying.
he's a typical kike hypocrite, like all the rest
Oh shit..
The hit man is on his way to her apartment.
She's just being an asshole. Good for her. Stop attacking people who are helping us. It's stupid.
1/16 is apparently enough to get rejected from Identity Europa.
Any amount is, they take a pretty hard stance on "semites" as they call them
t. 1/4
Only JIDF could be lazy enough to attempt this.
No it's a joke.
>Like they have more than France by population percentage
it really doesn't have to that way tho:
>all jews come out of the diaspora. make Aliyah to that most magical, holiest of holy GPS locations in the M.E. and be jews all day among fellow jews being jews while doing jewy dances and head banging the whaling wall and jew jew jew jew jew jew ja jew ja jew
>the goyim will not only fully fund their rock n roll lifestyles directly out of the US treasury, but also finance, fight and die in endless wars because "Patriotism"
>then, they can continue blaming Whitey from a fully protected Greater Israel, because he whines as the victim while stabbing you in the back
>then, all we have to do is wait another 2000 years for the magic sky wizard and we'll all be allowed through the Pearly gates on a technicality
What the hell how can there be Jewish Privilege when there are literal Nazi's roaming the streets still looking to kill Jews?
Clearly she's nothing but a self-hating Jew and must be silenced.
49% of the wealthy 1% are Jewish. They're privileged as shit.
Are you Jewish or just a good goy
Fuck off kikes!
It's too late for that. Nuke everything NOW!
>how can the king be privileged while Robin Hood is still alive?
There's a space for you too if you want to be a shield for the Jews.
you'll be alright there in Tel Aviv, ccccChaim-putewy.
When you attack the 1% of America's elite, you're also attacking 43% of American Jews
>so if France is an example of white genocide than Israel is one of Jewish genocide
This is incredibly stupid. The Muslims already lived in Israel before the Jews arrived. Thus the parallel would be that the Israel is an example of Muslim genocide, and the official policy is to keep down the Muslim birth rates anyway, so perhaps you should reconsider your stupid argument?
Disgusting anti-Semite.
She's a disgusting kike, she doesn't speak for any white people at all.
>The Muslims already lived in Israel before the Jews arrived.
>jewish cointelpro comes to Sup Forums with astreoturfing campaign
>says some moderately true things
>housebound virgins flock to them
makes me think
I normally find jewish women to be incredibly pretty, but...she doesnt even look like a person.