Why is abortion legal? it's murder

why is abortion legal? it's murder.

who cares if its murder

only individuals who can fight back (and thus be a threat) should be the concern of the collective

enogh with the retarded moralism

>a Mexican doesn't care about babies being murdered

I'm shocked

It's super practical and let's roasties ignore the consequence of their behavior. So of course the issue is politicized and used to solidify voting blocs along party lines.

no I dont

and several societies before us are there to back me

dont get me wrong, I do have some limits, based in waste

why wait 12 months to make up your mind? 3 is enough
unless your baby turns out genetically sick, then 3 months after birth should be enough for you to make up your mind

Not really since it's unborn but it still disgusts me. Do you want rape babies though? But post birth abortionfags really disgusts me.

there is literally nothing wrong in evading artificial responsability

only natural responsability matters

Humanity is trash. No such thing as too many abortions.

Women's rights overwrite the rights of fetus.

someone post the mum bedtime story pls

something something I was raped, I dont want to be a teenage mother something

>me 12 years old playing lego in my room
>mummy knocks on door and says bedtime
>tidy up lego and climb into bed
>mummy comes over and tucks me in
>tell mummy i need to speak to her about something very private
>mummy reassure me i can talk to her about anything
>tell mummy about problem where peepee go big and stiff very irritating
>mummy says is normal but needs tickle from time to time
>ask whats that
>mummy says she will show me how to
>take off pyjama bottoms and sit on mummys lap
>mummy gently stroke peepee and it go hard again
>kiss mummy and touch her boobies
>mummy unbutton her dress and let me suckle
>suddenly feel rush and peepee start pulsing
>hold on to mummy tight and yogurt comes out
>start to cry
>mummy ask whats wrong but just tell her i love her lots
>mummy says she loves me too and very proud of her big boy

mummy is against abortion

I mean, I'm not proud of baby murder, but it's enormously disproportionately nigger baby murder. I mean, yeah, whites need to improve their reproductive rates, but abortion isn't really a significant part of that, whites are smart enough to use contraception when they don't want kids.

what collective does mexico even have? the fucking cartels?

abortion is good

why the fuck should people have kids if they dont want them

>when you cant debate my argument so you focus of where I am

I'm not a collectivist so I'm not going to debate if it's good for collectivism

filthy cunts like you should be aborted at all ages, jew scum

Because 70% of all abortions are performed on black women and no one cares about black deaths.

why kill the niggers? they can be put to work or just sent back

Rich lobbyists made it so! You're a poorfag so it sucks to be you!

Niggers should have allllllllllll the abortions they want. Whites should be banned from having them.

Expecting niggers to work forever got us where we are today, allowing their population to expand further will invite yet greater blights upon our descendants.
As far as sending them back would be concerned, killing them in the wound is far kinder.

whats filthy about killing unborn
they arent born
they arent alive

wanting more crackers doesnt fix anything when the parents are just going to be shitty

>white people


the one girl I know who has had abortions was white and has had 3 of them before she was 25

>niggers can be put to work

>wanting niggers to increase as a share of the population
>wanting more jobs filled by worthless niggers via affirmative action
>wanting more crime and ammo for gun control advocates to push their shit
>wanting to pay more into welfare programs that go to niggers who'll never straighten up
>wanting to pay more tax dollars for our criminal justice to restrain niggers on a leash
user I...

Probably because, I should not have to pay for your kids. If people were prepared to have them they would keep them. They should probably stop fucking under the circumstance but good luck regulating that.

>Welfare State
>Abortion rights

Pick one.

>whats filthy about killing unborn
So it's ok to kill an unborn child 3 minutes before birth? Since it's still unborn at that point it's fine to kill it right?

is it because you can't prove it's murder and crimes need to proven in most legal frameworks?

would be in my eyes

not the law unfortunately

I believe you should have the right to kill all the way up until it pops out

what if you change your mind during the final moments

When have either of those situations happened before?

Same reason why removing a malignant tumor is not murder. A rapidly dividing cluster of cells is not a person.

>a Mexican doesn't care about babies being murdered
Not just mexicans - but everyone who identifies as "pro-choice".

You have to explain to them why murder is wrong and even with non-religious arguments, they will still persist with their barbaric logic.

oh look, an atheists who assigns no value to human life.
are you saying you weren't human while in your mother during pregnancy?

why is that bitch's mouth too small for her face?

give me a non-religious argument

I will wait

Doesn't that mean that blowjob is a canibalism?!


because atheists are degenerate subhumans


A human becomes a person after conception but before they are born

I'm an atheist, but ur opinion.. means wery little to me, but tell me, If you're not atheist or you just talk shit to yourself, what does that make you?


Isa 7:14
Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.

Mat 1:23
Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us

>tfw I will never get to suckle on mummys boobies


Liberals believe that there is no underlying objective reality and that what determines what is true is the words use construct to express meaning. So you just substitute "baby murder" with "woman's reproductive choice" and replace the word "human life" with "fetus". We can't let reality come crashing in and tell us that we can't have as much care free sex we want to without consequences.

it irrelevant
they cant fight back
their exterminations isnt a threat to the collective

in that pic it's even worse. What the fuck is wrong with her mouth? Bitch needs to suck some black cock to make it a little bigger and not so freakishly small.

When they get older they can fight back

The collective can go fuck itself, you commie faggot

wow I hope you feel like a big man making fun of innocent mummy, good job

but they wont because their are dead

exactly, fuck the opinions of the collective

wew, who is this old hag who keeps getting posted in this place as if she was even remotely attractive? i mean, it is not surprising at all coming from people who masturbates to cartoons and transsexuals

>give me a non-religious argument I will wait
If you won't recognize the centrality of personhood in Human Rights and Law then there really is nothing to discuss. You are essentially arguing that no law should exist and civilization should not exist, but sure:

Murder is inherently wrong because it denies the right to personhood.

No whether you agree or not, I will say that people have the right to come together with their neighbors and form governments based upon their common values and morals. That government can of course legislate and enforce laws based upon those morals.

So you either fail at the start by admiting your anarchy or you deny the centrality of personhood in human rights and law. You pick.

I never said I didnt have anarchic tendencies

human rights are my creed, not my law, never my law

and rights are an artificial creation, the society can give and remove them

Sup Forums still eating this bluepill kek

the babies being aborted are babies that you cucks would meme about wanting to be aborted if you knew the truth

but you dumb cunts in your infinite cuck mentality imagine your perfect 9/10 wife aborting your priceless seed.

if you stopped being cuckservative for a second you'd probably realize that a planned parent hood should be placed in every low income urban area.

Men are supposed to blast jizz
Women decide if the baby is viable
Men do things
Women convince them not to do things

Eugenics was a solemn duty of women in the past. Now this task is relegated to the state .

Abortion IS murder. But it's a woman's right to murder her baby, up to its weening.

Please find a logical refutation of this

It's a privilege, not a right

God bless Nigger Abortion

A human is any organism that can be considered "alive" with 23 pairs of Human Chromosomes.

Killing a human against their will and with conscious effort while in cold blood is murder.

A person or personhood is admittedly a little more complex - so we know you want to deny personhood to just about anyone you can to allow for their legal murder, right?

So what disqualifies you from being a person? size does not disqualify your personhood, nor reasoning ability, nor location inside/outside the birthcanal, nor being able to be self-reliant and independent, completeness doesn't disqualify you - All organs are present and operational at just 8 weeks of gestation.

There is no scientific argument that says a person inside a mother is not a person.

here abortion is illegal under any circumstances

bad for you

Provide a single reason for abortion to be illegal.

How do we convince muslims to start aborting their children?

we cant

>I never said I didnt have anarchic tendencies
So then do we agree that murder is wrong because it denies personhood to the blameless.


Okay, I can concede that point. Otherwise my assessment stands.

Anyone who argues this isn't how humans should be organized doesn't understand our motivation systems.

If a man leaves a nursing mother, she should probably kill it. This reduces the reproductive success of niggers and losers. If a man wants the child, he needs to appease the mother until the child is weened.

It's like your life is a meme and your overdosed on them. Who told you 100% of abortions are from blacks - and more importantly why did you believe them? We'll just ignore your pro-murder stance for a second - I'm more interested in the Pathology of your condition.

Only if it's the state sponsoring it with my money. Kill your own babies. Take some responsibility nigger


blameless? is that your comeback?

I dont really care if you consider a fetus a person, its irrelevant to me

Women are allowed to commit murder. It's a part of female privilege.

fuckin ameritards

Fetus is not viable outside the womb according to US law before 23 weeks--it is considered a right under Constitution pursuant to one's right to privacy to do what one chooses to do with that supposed clump of cells, much like a tumor.

So you're a commie and you admit abortion is murder - you think a woman becoming a mother is horrible in comparison to literally child murder?

Now don't forget, you just admitted you KNOW it is literally killing children... so explain your justification for murder of a child?


I cut my finger, it's murder. Jail me I dare you.

Stop skipping around - we are just talking about "murder" in general. Is murder in any case "wrong". Should you be able to legally go next door and murder your neighbor in their sleep?

It's like i have to repeat this entire argument again, and I thought we were making progress.

Please reply that murder is wrong so we can procede.

Murder is a legal word.
Abortion is killing of an innocent life, yes
But it has been determined to not be murder.

>Not realizing that pro-life=Exploding nigger population

If survivability and independence is the metric - you are justifying the murder of most children up to age 5 or 6.

I realize you're either trolling or literally 15, but I'll just assume you aren't completely stupid because you were able to find a computer connected to the internet and operated it to post this.

no, but not because you owe him anything, you dont

but if everyone started killing each other society would collapse because someone may revenge your victim, or perhaps your victim doesnt die and revenge theirself

but who would revenge your fetus? no one, the society isnt going to collapse and thus his killing (if you wish) isnt a threat

Yummy yummy i love mummy
I love her tasties in my tummy

in the bathroom from the trash
suck the tampon make it last

scrumptious pennies from her cunny
it tastes best when it's still runny

Bite it, chew it, get the treasure
the crunchy chunks brings lots of pleasure!

be very careful don't let mummy see
the string hanging out between my teef!

Yummy yummy i love mummy
I love her tasties in my tummy!

I like this one, where did you find it?

why does this thread happen every day? only faggots cry over dead fetuses.

>murder is ethical and ok because I think so and nobody else has a say except me
So you're an Anarchist. Pls see my original reply That was literally the first thing i said was if you're an anarchist (a prima facie irrational argument) there is nothing to discuss.
Why did you waste my time?


>it's murder
not if it's a nig embryo. then it's a civic duty

I literally told you I did have anarchic tendencies
the fewer laws the better imo

If it tanks black birth rates then im alright with it

Then use protection dipshit
There, no more babies. Murder isnt a contraceptive.

>niggers can be put to work
the only way nogs ever get anything done is under a whip. are you that fucking stupid?

In the ally behind her house as soon as I can afford a ticket to Ukraine.

mummy lives in Moscow now I think

Abortion should be mandatory for niggers, kikes, spics and muzzies


fucking kek