Which Trigger boy is more autistic?
>comparing a legit autist to a weapon
Kacchon has feelings but can't understand his own or anyone else's. Nova has nothing, but can interpret other people's feelings. Kacchon is the definition of autism.
The real question is which one deserves to be smothered by dicks, and the obvious answer here is Nova.
I haven't watched either of these but the boy on the left looks objectively more autistic.
the kid on the left looks like a legit autist I knew in middle school, so him
How the fuck does someone 'look' autistic?
I said the way he looks reminded me of an autistic guy I knew, I didn't imply there was a autism scale for physical features.
Down syndrome
>Nova deserves to be covered in dicks for not giving in to a cock hungry slut
why are autistic people hated?
I get disliking their actions, but why are they treated as bad people?
Because seeing them act like mongoloids who mess everything up is infuriating.
Nova is just a dick though.
Nova-kun did literally nothing wrong.
That's not why. It's outright stated that all he has going for him is his looks. If a boy is inherently lewd, he's made for dicks.
Nova isn't a dick. He is a void of emotion enslaved by evil. Nova did nothing wrong.
How many cocks do you think he can take up his pooper?
>there will never be doujins to answer this question
No matter the number, he doesn't mind either way
he isnt autistic he [spoilers]is suffering from the accumulated positive feedback loop of the FEELINGS x2[/spoilers] just a bit desensitized it all ;_;
I want vanilla-chocolate swirl to fuck me.
But most autistic people aren't actually that bad. Just the really really messed up ones who never got raised right, and most people will never meet one like that in their life. And just because someone is annoying doesn't make them "autistic". Lets just face it all autistic is nowadays is just the new way to say "retarded".
Why do you care so much?
He's an autist.
I want to fuck that autist.
Which one?