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>Canada in the middle
Yeah nah, eject those retards

I feel very distant from those other countries. It seems like all we have in common is the language.

Anglo talk of the evening is NZ though. There was a huge uptick in labour seats in parliament. They have the freest economy in the anglosphere, and the third freest in the world, and I don't want to see them lose it.

I can taste the many flavors of freedom already.
Fritz n friends can fuck off

fuck you sheepshagger

t. the "Anglo" nigger

>strength in unity
>leaves European Union
Nice consistency champ.

Because the Anglo isn't and has never been European.
Nice education champ.

Remind me where the Angles came from. And the Saxons. And the Normans.

I'm not a nigger. I just think Americans are too different from NZ, Australia, the UK. Canada is maybe our closest friend and they're still trying to be more like the EU than a fellow Anglo country.

Doesn't feel like they're our brothers. Would they help us out if a civil war were to happen? Doubt it. We're alone in this world

If their cultures had any relevancy today then you would have a point. Fact is we're all one big anglo family - US is just as different from the UK as Canada, NZ or Aus are. The cultural marxists have spent the last 100 years doing their best to keep anglo nations fragmented.

I lived in London for a year when I was studying, before coming back to Montana. I like you guys, but beyond the language we have nothing in common, and I sure as hell don't want to see my country go the way of England or Canada.

In spirit and mentality the English have always been different. Just look at all the political ideologies that started in the mainland and then check how much success they've had in Britain. None

If we had a anglo-union, we could spread our mexishits to other countries. They can get real authentic mexican food, while we lose our shitskins. Win Win.

What specific ideologies are you referring to?

>I lived in London
Hey man I've lived in New York, really taught me loads about the deep South.
Your entire concepts of freedom, property rights, common law etc all come from Britain, more specifically England. John Locke was an Englishman and your country was founded on your "rights as Englishmen" (seriously, look it up).
As for seeing your country go our way, I will remind you that you have your own issues regarding the Left, Mexicans and African Americans. The real answer is not to play a game of "your country is more doomed than mine" but instead to work together using our shared language, values and culture to sort it out and get things progressing again.

I thought the Brits left Europe because they want to pick their own fruit and unclog their own toilets. Can't seem them going for this.

Not really brothers, more like cousins with similar culture and way of thinking.

How much do you have in common with a New Yorker?

Fascism, communism etc etc. Sorry about the short answer user, drunk af. My point is that Britain has always done it's own thing. Maybe on purpose?

>The real answer is not to play a game of "your country is more doomed than mine" but instead to work together using our shared language, values and culture to sort it out and get things progressing again.

Fine. But take the stupid superfluous u's out of color and valor and such.

>My point is that Britain has always done it's own thing. Maybe on purpose?
The concept of "Europe" as a group of countries was birthed in the UK and travelled over to the states during its birth, sadly now we're lumped in with that term but it was originally created to separate the Anglo from the European (in the days when that was all there essentially was in the civilised world)

I don't need you to tell me about my country. Thanks champ. I know our democratic traditions are the basis of your current semi-democracy with a majority unelected parliament and a completely unelected head of state, but if you're proud of that system I'm absolutely not going to take it away.

We don't have shared values. England has no respect for personal freedom. You imprison people for "hate speech" and ban owning knives, let alone guns. We don't have the same culture. You don't play football, hockey, basketball or baseball, and we don't play your sports. We have a shared language, and that's great, but we Americans go our own way. And you guys follow us. Let's not forget that.

London is the only successful part of the UK. Many red states in the US are rich and successful, like Texas. As for fascism or communism, they never took hold in Switzerland. Or Denmark. Or Sweden. Or Holland. Or Norway. Are these not European countries in your atlas?

So lads, how are things in your country right now? Over here we may go to war with North Korea (Hopefully you guys can help us kick Commie ass), other than that I hear there some things going on in New Zealand, quick run down?

>The concept of "Europe" as a group of countries was birthed in the UK
Do British people never get tired of this sanctimonious bullshit? The concept of Europe has existed for centuries. The current EU was the invention of the French, Luxembourgers, and Germans in particular.

That and the Roman republic. The founding fathers even recognized that they were copying Rome I think. They improved upon it with ideas from Britain too. Also, another thing people don't know is that the founders though themselves as British with Ben Franklin frequently traveling to London and admiring it

Fair point, bad analogy. Maybe I should've said that mainland europe has a tendency to authoritarianism

We didn't put them in, you took them out. What's a couple of letters between pals?
I'm just returning the favour big fella. The current state of it is irrelevant as we were talking about America's inheritance.

Lotta anti-British spiel there but again, you're wrong. This country was the first to care for personal freedoms, we've lost our way a bit thanks to the Left but you guys are having the exact same problem. All your sports are derivatives of classic English sports. Yes, you're the big boys now but truth be told we were much better at it than you and shit was much more stable when we all worked together.
I'm not talking about the EU. I'm talking about Europe as a group of countries distinct from Britain - ie a brit might refer to "Europe" the same way Americans do now but lumping us in.

Absolutely, the Roman values are something held dearly by every successful western nation.

But even then that's just not true. Some parts of Europe did, some parts of Europe did not. The British belong to the part that did not, but that doesn't make them special. It just makes them part of a group of Europeans that had similar cultural approaches to authoritanianism.

We were an Imperial Monarchy. The problems arose when a form of socialism began to be created over in Krautland that eventually spread and infected major portions of Europe.

The UK did not respect personal freedoms. That's why we left, and established our own country with freedom guaranteed by the constitution. Our strong example has served to see freedom established throughout the west, including in England.

I don't remember baseball being played in England. Maybe you do? Same with our other sports. But hey, I'm not the one who claimed we had a similar culture. What would happen if I went to Britain tomorrow and told everyone they should be expected to pay for using healthcare, or that they shouldn't get free money for being unemployed their entire lives? I'd be called a fascist. Over here I'm comfortably centrist. We don't have similar cultures, and the fact that you think we do suggests you've never lived here.

Ah, so Britain is the proud inventor of a term only used in Britain. You know, here everyone calls England a part of Europe. Because you are. Just saying.

But did they come up with Magna Carta, Common law and freedom of trade?

An imperial monarchy? What does that even mean? A dictatorship?

>magna carta
>common law
>free trade
Definitely not English.

And I don't see why the first two are necessary for personal freedom. The Swiss are pretty damn free and they don't have either.

Is imprisonment for hate speech freedom?

Rounders mate.

>free trade
>Definitely not English.
who are adam smith and david ricardo

Top kek are non anglos even human?

no they're not.

also, only ppl of colonial English descent are real Americans

When will Mosley rise from the grave and institute glorious self sufficient Anglosphere fascism?


>who are adam smith and david ricardo
English men who lived long, long ago, and proposed a form of free trade that had been pioneered centuries before by the Spanish Empire.

I've been pretty interested in this. I'm hoping it means Trump has interest in closer ties with the rest of the Anglo world.

hey ya'll what about south africans of english descent?

are they in the club too? they're the white diaspora that sounds the most English

Cape Town was British territory since 1795 until the referendum

In addition - even if England was at one time in favor of free trade, Brexit has proven that you have now become a fundamentally anti-free trade country. Not saying we're doing much better right now, but at least we haven't torn up NAFTA yet.

>Germans in particular

being bound by EU regulations when negotiating isn't exactly "free trade"

From the looks of things the cuckservatives will have to kowtow to the populist party to get a coalition.

This. Let me know when NAFTA requires free movement of all people, no one would stay in it for that.

Free trade is not always beneficial, free trade has hurt Australian business, and globalized capitalism has allowed many of our businesses to be brought out by other countries or simply fail, cause lol one billion slave labor chinks

British groups have had conflict with European groups & Zionists.

American groups have been used as the "muscle" involving regional warfare.

[KB Thread Archives: Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/ ]

Canada is turning into a larger social engineering program then Europe.

Australia is being eyed by China & has a network of tunnel connected bases in the outback.

Leaving the world's largest free trade bloc because of all the nasty free trade going on isn't exactly free trade either. Let's be honest.

Can you explain what your argument is here, please?

>Can you explain

I was arguing historically they've been different, not about recent events. Hate speech persecution is a new phenomena in Europe. Anyway man, I'm not as qualified to argue with you, but will keep on lurking.

Also Adam Smith is the father of free trade. Granted he was Scottish, but deep down he felt the queens love in his heart cause fuck Scotland

Wrong. The founding fathers really didn't want to leave, but the were forced to do so after king George repeatedly declined their pleas for representation. Most of the population was on the side of the empire as well, most of today's Canadians are former Americans loyal to the crown. Also, at the time, Britain had more personal freedoms than any other country on earth. The constitution doesn't guarantee anything, it states that those rights are given to you by god and gives you arms to guarantee them

why do they work so hard to keep us divided?

>This cringe thread title
Hi faggots... would you like to know something? I'm the guy who started all the anti-Anglo stuff. I honestly cannot believe how fucking sensitive you Anglo faggot are. You wouldn't even think of using terms like "Anglosphere" and "Anglo" before I started shitting on you relentlessly. One guy.... one fucking guy is all it took to make your entire people on Sup Forums circle the wagons in hysteria.

Jesus christ the anglos are literally jew tier schizophrenic. Keksimus Maximus

>Free trade is not always beneficial
I never claimed it was. However, Brits seem to believe that it is, and simultaneously believe that this makes them special and not just dumb.

>Let me know when NAFTA requires free movement of all people
Sure. It'll probably be around the same time that it allows unlimited trade in services between our countries. Seeing as there's no deal like that in the world (apart from between the member states of the EU), you'll be waiting a while.

Go back to sleep America, the government has everything under control.

>I was arguing historically they've been different, not about recent events.
Sure, they had a unique history - just like Denmark or Switzerland or any other European country. Every European country is special.
>Also Adam Smith is the father of free trade.
He has a prominent space in the English-language literature. However, he simply did not invent free trade. That existed centuries before in the Spanish Empire.
>The constitution doesn't guarantee anything
Come on, champ.


user 5 im retarded and i cant think of a smart enough question to ask you to get a you, can you give me one as like an auto graph you can have a snickerdoodle swastika



You can't have an anglo thread without at least one potatonigger post. Now I'm just going to leave and continue being irrelevant.

Who do we count as anglos? Any white individual who lives in an English derived country? Or just people of English ancestry? I wonder if most white people in America could be considered anglo as English descended people were mostly displaced by Germans.


We need anti-Tory Laws once more.

Anti-Tory Laws

The presence of British Loyalists was such that, by the winter of 1775, the General Assembly passed an “act for restraining and punishing persons who are inimical to the Liberties of this and the rest of the United Colonies.” The piece went on to note that “any person by writing, or speaking, or by any overt act, shall libel or defame any of the resolves of the Honorable Congress of the United Colonies, or the acts of the General Assembly of this Colony…shall be disarmed and not allowed to have or keep any arms, and rendered incapable to hold or serve in any office civil or military, and shall be further punished by fine, imprisonment or disfranchisement.”

After the Continental Congress declared independence in July of 1776, further legal action came against potential Tories on the state level. In October of that year, one such act stated that any person found aiding or abetting the British, whether by recruitment, military service, intelligence gathering, or acts of conspiracy, was to be charged with high treason and put to death. Throughout the war authorities convicted six individuals of high treason under this act, but only one, (((Moses Dunbar))) of Waterbury, was actually put to death.

Connecticut’s Loyal Subjects: Toryism and the American Revolution

>The majority of the 100,000 British Loyalists who relocated at the conclusion of the conflict set their sights closer, however, settling not in England but in (((Canada))).

where the fuck is my eagle faggot

Why do you refer to yourself as a "potatonigger"? Just curious. Do you have no pride?

Any culturally English country, pretty much any that was once part of the Empire.


Making Anglos sperg is as entertaining as harassing Jews. Both faggots are blood related at this point in history.

Nothing worse than a self-hating Anglo. Or are you a mexican?

I honestly don't get why Brits think they're so special.

> Muslim Mayor in Capital City
> Commonwealth consist of 90% Nigger Nations
> Princess Fucked an Arab
> Prince does photo ops for gay mags
> Other prince cries about Putin being the new Hitler
> Cry about Trump
> Eat like shit house rats
> Totally run by Jews
> The Birthplace of Western Liberalism
> Ugly skank women. Worst of all Europe.
> A nation full of slimy bankers and market playboy wannabe's
> Pedophiles everywhere
> Gay accent

I mean, god damn... England is literally cancer.

Can someone make a "Looks like some _____ are in need of _____" meme for NZ? I suck at creative

he's more than likely a fucking dago, potato-nig, or some other subhuman non-anglo scum

only ppl with ancestors from colonial America are real Americans

Just like a fucking Jew kike devil. Did you just list off every type of White man?

England is not White. It's a god damn Jew cesspit with a commonwealth empire that is 90% african nigger.

You literally invented Western Liberalism in order to manage all your niggers in the commonwealth.

Western Liberalism was born in Frankfurt and is responsible for 90% of the issues you listed there and the issues all our nations face.

we wuz american n shiet. le civic nationalism

Europeans on proxy out in full force.

> It's always the others faults

fuck america. degenerate shit hole.

>You literally invented Western Liberalism
user I

Enjoy the last remaining days of your fucking multicultural country. Because you're living them.
There are much deeper plays at work here... you idiots don't understand. You got played hard.
You made a deal with China to go against the Dollar.
You're so fucked.
All of Europe hates you
Russia hates you
United States will soon understand what you did. We will turn on you.
Scotland, Ireland all hate you.
sorry hans

England is barely culturally English any more. Church of England is dead. London is dead. Personal freedom is dead.

Outside of England, I can't think of any countries which are culturally English.

London is as representative of the UK as Detroit is of the US.

You are literally a faggot and england is faggot headquarters.

The origin may be here but it's your own fault if you adapt to it

>muh anglosphere






faggot anglo prince touring the gay scene.

we are dismantling you for good this time


yeah, and look what happened to obama? americans literally put Hitler in power.

>Anglosphere is formed
>USA and Canada work to decimate Latin America for further Anglo expansion
>Give UK Argentina
>Australia and New Zealand start expansion into Asia
>Start colonizing the colonizers
>UK reclaims India and gives them toilets
>Anglo super power defeats the Eternal Kraut once and for all
>Nuke Israel
>Universal Anglo-Day goes into law
>Europe is free, North America is free, life has never been better
>The sun will never set
>Pic related is the next big step
>Anglo Space Empire