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Shamelessly preordered. Yeah the price is fucked, but shit, muh best girl.
Woops, made a thread a few seconds late. Can't delete it because stupid rules left over from /q/ days.
Any of you guys out there have an idea who the figure is top left?
Where should I buy these two cuties?
>5 seconds in google
You should probably buy it from hlj. Either place is fine.
Anyone know any other place to get this at a good price? Ebay has it for 200 as well as amazon. Cant find it on other jp sites as shes sold out
Thanks mates
Here's a sexy statue that I enjoy lusting after.
I really hate doing this but this might be your best bet right now. Used.
Whats wrong witb solaris japan?
They're basically the scalpers in the industry with making everything overpriced, even preorders.
You get what you order but dont expect it to be cheap.
>Have become addicted to receiving packages
I know it's bad, but it feels so right
Do you guys think this will sell out?
They don't actually have in stock what they say they do. They source it from elsewhere and sell it to you at a markup. You are effectively hiring them to find the item for you.
Thanks. I hate supporting scalpers but thats the best used price ive seen. Ill get it
maybe in a couple of months (early august)
Dayum. Thanks!
You need holes in the base of pots and a layer of rocks between soil and that drilled base to grow anything as complex as flowering plants. Go plant (basically, uproot and add) motherfucking moss.
just preordered on amiami
do they do a good job in packaging so that the box don't get damaged like this ?
i'm willing to pay top dollar for shipping.
What can we expect this to be priced at in the secondhand market a year from now? 20,000 yen?
I don't know what they do but I've bought stuff from them sold-out everywhere else (except plamoya, holy shit the prices...) and it was shipped out fast and arrived just fine. Don't care otherwise.
6,000,000,000,000 yen
If I hot glue this will Shamsiel be summoned?
Amico has the most best packaging.
nope, money doesn't grow on trees.
oy vey
You will die.
So you're saying it'll probably just hover around the current price?
Nope, she will be around 15K at max.
It's been ~5 years and that fig from alphamax looks like something that's actually based on the original source and not another Sora bunny suit or cultural appropriated CHINA DOLL for the umpteenth time!
>What can we expect this to be priced at in the secondhand market a year from now?
>20,000 yen?
I would jump with glee if Sora is worth 200 bux used OPENED-BOXED
Why would you sell her?
>cultural appropriation
End this meme.
some folks are in this for the money
we are in no hurry to sell but would love to make 200-300%
Anyone understand the difference between these two?
Second one just looks like a rerelease if I'm not mistaken. Why is it so much cheaper?
Anyone happen to own this?
I don't like big tits.
They're not pure enough.
Drink more water. Consider a lecithin/pygeum vitamin regimen.
They are different in several ways.
Faceplates, bases, and donut box.
What was that?
Selling my plastic
Prices are very negotiable :)
Probably a pitiful attempt at hotglue.
>Yeah the face is fucked, but shit, muh best girl.
Fixed that for you.
I don't care about Flan.
But be real with me, how fast do you think this bitch will sell out?
The expensive one is the Koto store exclusive one.
>delayed to September
I've bought from Amico a couple times, Air SAL and EMS. No problems at all.
They bent the postcard once though.
> Only through MFC
> No burner email for selling plastic butts.
And I'd've gone for the Asuka prize fig too.
Does it come with anything unique that's worth the price bump? Never heard of it honestly.
How is DHL with amiami for USA residents?
Why do I feel like I see this question in every thread?
is it worth paying 3-5x more for an official daki? Is the difference even noticeable vs bootleg, as with figures?
Depends. Sometimes the bootleg daki is just a vectored version of the sample art, so it can be pretty bad. If they actually bothered to scan the official, then it's the same shit.
I hope my fellow buyfags are supporting seismic with liru out now.
I'll support otome function, I don't care about Liru
Because Amico isn't giving any exact info on how DHL stacks up, timescale, pricewise or otherwise, against RSAL and EMS and any others in their shipping spreadsheet.
Additionally their description of DHL is also rather vague.
I'm trying it with my June order just to compare it with EMS. (I two or more figures is always too much box for anything less, it seems.)
This post
was meant as a reply for
fuck off I'm downloading the torrent, the guy has already sold around 1000 copies(JAP+ENG ver. combined) sold, that's nearly 2,000,000JPY-
fuck it I guess Im spending $200 on cloth
500 in white haired loli fabrics. I don't want okita anymore but Im afraid to tell ami
I want to thin out my collection, anyone interested in picking these up?
Maybe. What is the name of the one on the right?
Non non, based on a work by some artist, the black version is apparently hard to come by, but I'm not really appreciating it so it should go to someone who really does want figures. Mine has a grey stand though.
When can I pay for my preordered Snek on amiami?
After they send you the payment request. Which will be after they get the item and package it for you.
arigatou desss.
I read somewhere on here that they get stuff early so they can release it at the same time as GSC (with this figure being from GSC) so I thought the request would have shown up already.
At least donate to his Patreon, faggot. You can afford an overpriced plastic butt, but not good porn with English localization on release?
Yup. Bought my copy of adorable, lewd wolfu.
Cheapest way to buy BitCash prepaid cards with just PayPal? Want to grab some goods on Japanese DLSite
Head bags should be sold as an accessory for every figure.
No tentacle penetration, no buy.
>no buzz pack
not at all
I couldn't decide between all of the version so I got none of them.
Asking price for Meiko?
Why does this make it so much more lewd?
>damn, it's dark in here
>it smells like lunch meat
>i should buy some lunch meat
>fuck, i'm hungry
>my feet hurt
Is there a tag for stuff like head bags on sadpanda?
I'd do $290 since all the fucking ebay auctions are $500+.
What do you guys use for risers? Looking to get some for my display but not sure what's good
Nendoroid boxes and ferrero roche.
If you plan on building a big collection consider buying a sheet of acrylic, a plastic bend heater thing and a small buffing machine. You'll probably end up saving a heap in the long run. Also you can make the risers the exact size and shape you want
lmao her arms are long as fuck. how did they even approve this?
Are you saying he should make his own risers with the acrylic? Doesn't sound like an entry level task.
All I can think of is that one character from Guilty Gear.
I just uses the acrylic ones they sell on Hobby-Search.
do you have a link to them? I'm having trouble finding them
This Tamayura stuff came in today.
>Bought the artbook on Amazon for 4800, and found it the next day on Froovie for retail price (3k)
>7k EMS
I decided to try Fedex for the S2 set when I made the shipping instruction, and FJ gave me a list of shipping options to select from again when I paid for it, which I've never seen before when I selected EMS on the shipping instruction. Fedex Priority was like 200 less than EMS (3.3k / 3.5k). I wonder what the difference would have been for the box I received today.