Why the fuck is there a white man in charge of BLM?

why the fuck is there a white man in charge of BLM?

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talcum x is (((black)))

Because BLM is fucking controlled opposition George Soros BS.

Don't you see all these fucking groups are meant to divide up citizens into different movements so that we can't unite and focus on the real enemies which are the corporations and banks and lobbyists and everything else.

Same reason a man can be woman of the year

>implying he's not a jew

White guilt, a probable mental health issue, and a viewed opportunity of economic gain.

why's banana ketchup red?

Its 2017!
Where men are better at being women and whites are better at being black!

In modern america you either gotta be a shaun king or turn into a tranny. thats your choice.

> this is white in America now

And they get money from Soros, a Jew.... activates my almonds.

I think he's mentally ill and literally thinks he's black.

>black mans way of taking a stand is to keep sitting on his ass


Virtue signalling taking to troll level proportions. Literally a white dude taking a black mans job.

In the end, whites just do everything better.

>if not welllllllllllllllllll :)

Well what? Fucking niggers.

White men are in charge of everything.

Fucking lol, photoshop a fedora on him and he looks like your average Rick and Morty enjoying white plebbitor

Narcissist con man, not entirely unlike Jim Jones.

they left aren't your allies, just new slave masters; same as the old ones. They give you the narrative and you follow along blindly.

(((George Soros))), A Hungarian Jew that ratted out other Jews to save his own ass during WWII, finances BLM.




>having a black haircut and mustache cut means youre black
No. Hes a white faggot

>blocks your path


Do you really think that a nigger would be able to run anything without being whipped or yelled at?


> Implying i said he is black

He is not white. His whole face is nigger.


He puts baby carrots up his nose at night to make his nostrils bigger, this is confirmed.

Because niggers, or Afircanus Criminalus, are incapable of complex social interaction, or long term planning. They live entirely in the moment, and thus need leadership from others to accomplish tasks.

Take the black pill and read Industrial Society and its Future and then you will understand why talcum x exists

You bitched about white in America and i pointed out White in Brazil, Are you pretending right now?

That honkie? Shit.

I thought BLM kicked him out or at least did some serious distancing away from him. Keep in mind that King's audience when writing for the NY Daily News is mostly liberal urban whites.

He is still a beacon for the BLM dindu faux outrage crowd, make no mistake. He is a racebaiter of the highest order.

can you guys even imagine what's required to consciously keep your nostrils flared like that?
the effort needed must be immense.

He's awfully entertaining, you have to admit. Isn't it entertaining how he cowed white leftists?

Dump the UMA folder, amigo.

I am telling you, he does nostril stretches in some form..I said baby carrots...maybe it is marbles...maybe he just looks in the mirror every morning and does 1000 nostril flares...


i bet his favorite part of everyday is that little moment he first gets home, isn't near any blm brothers or sistas and slowly releases his nostrils in respite from the days flaring.

just like you bleach your skin Uma Thurman

1. he's just a professional victim who gets people to pay attention to him because he's a white guy pretending to be a black guy. like sasha baron cohen playing his ali g character. speaking of a jew, that leads me to #2.
2. george soros is in charge.
3. 1 post by this ID. no bump. fuck off.