How do you guys deal with the fact that the degeneracy free society we are trying to create in the west is pretty much what the Muslims have?
How do you guys deal with the fact that the degeneracy free society we are trying to create in the west is pretty much...
We don't need to put bags on our heads and turn people to useless drones. We just need to get rid of the kike and send them all back to their chosen land.
>We don't need to put bags on our heads and turn people to useless drones
That's really just Saudi Arabi, most Muslim women don't do that.
Also supporting Zionism because it's "sending them all back" is inane. Literally supporting them.
Once the chosen race are in their chosen land they can sort out their shit with the muds. Europeans need to stay out of that mess.
most muslim women dont go to that extreme they just have to dress moderately and not like massive whores like western white women
>Fuck goats
>Thinks that fucking six year olds is acceptable due to key religious leader did it
>Start sexually assaulting any woman who shows her ankles and claim they can't control themselves thus acting like animals
>Incest is rampant among Muslim majority countries
>Claims to be the least degenerate group
Yeah no
By having an existential crisis over my feelings about Islam.
>degenerate free
>pedophile rapists
12th man > 12th imam
>Sup Forums
>trying to create a degeneracy free society in the west
>memes I hear on the_donald are real
Just because it's degeneracy free doesn't mean they fuck goats or rape kids.
yeah, that's why everyone wants to go to Europe or America but literally nobody into shitty muslim countries
Degenerate free? You're joking right?
>tfw no imaan
>tfw my deen is pretty fucked up as well
Islam is not degeneracy free
They fuck animals, boys, their own daughters and sisters up the ass and don't invent anything useful.
They mutilate their dicks and sometimes womans vaginas and torture animals.
They hate dogs and pray 5 times a day they are lazy.
And what's good about having just one god? Power concentrated in one person is never good.
Islam is also uncreative
I liked the time when there were many gods for every aspect of life, birth, death, love, differnt occupations etc
they also fuck little boys
And they are sexually deprived because they only see veiled women and there is gender segregation
>They fuck animals, boys, their own daughters and sisters up the ass and don't invent anything useful.
Afghanistan != the entire muslim world
>They mutilate their dicks and sometimes womans vaginas and torture animals.
FGM is an African problem, not a Muslim one. Christian east africans do it.
>They hate dogs and pray 5 times a day they are lazy.
The prophet had a dog. They don't hate dogs.
Praying is good for the soul.
>And what's good about having just one god? Power concentrated in one person is never good.
I can't even respond to this one.
>Afghanistan != the entire muslim world
they do it in Pakistan as well and in Egypt and god knows where else
Rape of boys is very common
If a boy gets raped by a man of higher social rank it's his fault for he attracted the man
Very logical if you can't fuck women.
The same with goats and donkeys.
Using other alternatives for sex is usual reaction of men without access to sex
>Praying is good for the soul.
But not as a duty or daily exercice
if anything over one percent of Muslims fuck goats and little boys I'd be astonished.
Islam debunked right here:
>probably his video