Real Alien threat?
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yupits real just take my word for it
oh fuck.
the backwards-english speaking aliens are universally accepted as the most brutal. /x/ told me.
we already have a real alien threat
Ayyyyy Arriba!!
An ayyyyy-lmao made contact with /x/ yesterday
>real alien threat
Yah, there actually is one.
We aren't just building nukes for own amusement.
Myziam seems like a cool cat.
>thinking we're big shit enough for extraterrestrial races to give a fuck
Oi veyyyy lmao
That is the most convincing ayy larp i've seen to date.
I cant even tell wtf it's saying, ayys are mongs and need to learn English. They need some civilisation. Some conquering and exploitation, old school, like. Gonna take their natural resources and give them real infrastructure, none of this living in their UFO shit.
Fallen Angels
They literally taught us how to make nukes silly
If you want the real alien story without any bullshit, I present you the grey pill:
This isn't a joke.
>now lets reverse it
>same fucking sound
reptards already got a 999 year lease
This image is more accurate: