Except >3DPD arguments, why would you want to watch this over BBC's Sherlock...

Except >3DPD arguments, why would you want to watch this over BBC's Sherlock? It isn't even like it has any cute girls to warrant the 3DPD argument.

Every episode start of with 10 minutes of scoobydoo running around followed by 10 minutes of Hercule Poirot explaining.

Meanwhile Sherlock is 5 minutes of scoobydoo shenanignas, 5 minutes of an autist blurting out the explanation and 40 minutes of "detective" banter.

Gosick needed more "banter" between the two MC's.

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Pirating western stuff takes more effort than I can be bothered with, I'm sick of having to change the proxy I use for pirate bay all the time.

I don't think Gosick is really relevant anymore

ED 2 was one of the best anime songs ever

Haven't see this, but BBC Sherlock is pretty bad.
I can't stand Cucumberbach and he's portrayed more as a magician rather than as a detective.

>It isn't even like it has any cute girls
You just posted her though.

I loved Cumberbatch's Sherlock up to S3 before they went "lol autism" on him

I love mysteries and I can safely say I've never seen a mystery anime as good as BBC Sherlock. I actually dropped Gosick extremely early on. Un-go and Sakurako-san were alright but had really shitty mysteries

good thread

What is cute about being a, now sadly typical, see-saw pseudo tsundere?

Gosick is a constant blueballing that somehow ends up with a literal midget knife fight at the end. Could have been great but the writers flew it right into the world trade center of terrible ADHD plotting

The mysteries are either extremely obvious to the point you have to be dumb drunk deaf and blind to not be able to see it come a mile away, or it is a "asspull deal with it" tier mystery.

To take a drink every time he says VIKUTORIKA

And aoi

Remember the African Song


Because they are two different shows that can't replace one another.


Both exist with the sole purpose of entertaining the viewer.
Sherlock does a better job at this.
Gosick is redundant.

There is exactly 1 reason to watch Gosick over Sherlock, and that is if you only speak moon (assuming that Sherlock hasn't gotten a moon dub/sub)

Did you know that entertainment is subjective? I can get something from Gosick that I can't from Sherlock and vice versa.

>Did you know that entertainment is subjective
Objectively wrong, especially here on Sup Forums.

Victorique is voiced by Aoi Yuuki

I liked Gosick, but maybe that's because I'm always desperate for any kind of mystery anime that ever comes out

It was my first knowing her

I remember dropping gosick when it came out because the solutions feels ass pully

Why watch either when you can just read a book?

Takes a lot longer, also requires 100% of my attention. Other than that though, I do indeed prefer books over anime/TV shows

What are some good mystery books?

niggers are invisible at night

Aoi Yuuki

Eh, I liked the show. My opinion won't change.

Loli vs BBC is no contest.

>Sherlock was a genius but we writers are idiots, how do we portray him right?
>We dont make him smart we make his omniscient

Absolute garbage series, its like he read the script in character

why not both?

Character development was good too.

Well for one could actually read Sherlock Holmes

He said good, user.