Where do you stand on lesbians Sup Forums?
Surely the same you stand on gays, correct?
Where do you stand on lesbians Sup Forums?
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fucking hate the crazy obnoxious bitches
i've met a gay guy that i could stand to be around but never in my entire life have i met a decent lesbian. absolute cunts
I like girl's myself
Depends, are you talking about 2D or 3D lesbians?
It's all good as long as no dicks come out. Yes, same rules for both.
2D lesbians are the ideal couple for POL. Most 3D lesbians are what you expect to be, Cultural Marxists.
I do not stand on lesbians, gays, traps, or straights. I try not to be abusive.
They are degenerate but I can't stop fapping to them.
>Surely the same you stand on gays, correct?
Yep don't like'em.
waste of pussy
Me too. Nothing beats a girl with a flat chest and a feminine penis.
The lesbian in my university's Diversity class joyfully volunteered to do a project on Islam, then after class she followed me out to the lot to let me know she appreciates my alternative perspective on issues. She recognized I was educated, so I guess I can't hate her, but goddamn if I don't shake my head. Ymmv
Degenerates. Gas.
these degenerates can't possibly understand
pretty much
Best chance of finding a virgin over 18 in the West is probably a lesbo who turned in college. Seems like furtile territory to me
All degenerates need to be fucking gassed.
>men and women are the same
There you go. That's the flaw in your accusation.
Same, why are men better at everything?
That's just how things are. Whatever women can do, men are better at it. Why? I dunno. Just are.
Yeah I've noticed that adamant lesbians tend to be total man-hating cunts. Gays can be tolerable as long as they aren't complete faggots.
Even better at being lesbians desu
Fucking locon.
Kind reminder that actual lesbians (girls that weren't ever abused and naturally find women attractive) are the chillest people you will ever meet, pretty much bros but with vagina.
The problem these days is the many sexually abused straight and bisexual women turning away from men and getting brainwashed by feminism into forcing themselves to like women; most of them will eventually find a good man to settle with when their peak ends and realize how retarded it is to hate a whole gender. Trulesbians don't actually hate men.
3D lesbians are puke disgusting, 2D is the way to go.
that's great but no marriage and no unions. they live in degenerate sin as god intended.
I disagree with you there because as long as marriage gets legal privileges you can't deny it to any adult couple. If you make marriage a 100% religious or non-legal thing I can respect a third party not wanting to marry a couple they dislike. Gays that want to get married by the church are totally retarded.
Equality is a worthless meme. There's nothing wrong with them not having the full privileges of straight couples.
>first day on Sup Forums
Hey man stick around, glad to have new visitors
>lesbians=fap fodder
>faggots=need to die a gruesome death
I don't give a shit if it's a double standard.
Why should they have the same privileges of a couple that can rear children?
People have died and seen Hell and it is filled with homosexuals and other unrepentant sinners. REPENT TODAY.
Mickey Robinson
Ian McCormack
Howard Storm
Shawn Weed
Bryan Melvin
Christine Eastell
Mario Martinez
Bill Weise
Mary K. Baxter
There are more than these, and you can search them for yourself. Do not be deceived: Evolution is a lie, God is real, Heaven is real, and Hell is real and terrible beyond your imagination. BELIEVE ON CHRIST AND BE SAVED, THE EVIDENCE IS ALL AROUND YOU.
You stand on their chest, stops the breathing eventually.
It is wrong because among the most important things marriage allows you to do is visit your loved one if they ever get hospitalized, and rightfully inherit benefits and goods leaving their wife/husband protected when the other dies. Other things include tax breaks and shared benefits, etc. depending on the country.
You know there wouldn't be a problem if gay couples could acquire these legal privileges and call it any other way that is not marriage, you can call it piece of turd but the goal is that they get the same benefits as het couples.
You're wrong, my friend. I've been here before (the old) /n/. If you're wondering why am I discussing gay marriage is because I'm simply bored.
>Where do you stand on lesbians Sup Forums?
Lesbians are worse than gays. Homosexuality has a long history of being a form of male bonding, which is why it was often seen in very patriarchal and bellicose societies from Samurai, to Sparta, to ancient Rome. Even if modern homosexuality is simply basic degeneracy at least it has some historical claim to give it moral superiority over lesbianism. Lesbianism on the other hand has only existed in two forms, in the perverted fantasies of heterosexual men, or inventions by by bored upper class women in order to feel rebellious or unique.
That being said homosexuality should be fully legal, but society should ostracize homosexuals until they commit suicide.
Because not all het couples have children yet they still enjoy of said benefits. Homosexual people are barely 1-1.8% of any country's population, Jamal and Mohammad and their 20-children families living eternally on welfare will affect you more than giving gay people marriage benefits.
>On Sup Forums since /n/ and still a die-hard an-cap
In what country/state is this possible?
I wouldn't call myself a die-hard ancap since I like roads and not getting shot for accidentally violating the NAP.
But het couples can have children and they have the best scenario for raising children.
I think your problem is you think I want Jamal and Mohammad to have these rights too. In fact, I don't want them to have any human rights at all, I want them out of our countries, violently if necessary.
>REEE why aren't people nazi bootlickers like me?
Still not all het couples will have children and some can't even have them because sterile and/or don't meet the requirements for adoption. Adding the gay population to these numbers won't affect the economy whatsoever in terms of acquired benefits and tax breaks. Remember not all gay people will marry so you can cut the numbers by 1/3 or so.
What I meant is that rapefugees are leeching on the country and this wouldn't really be the case with gay marriage.
My very first girlfriend ever made out with another girl at a party and it really grossed me out and i couldn't get it up to fuck her later. We actually broke up over it. I never watched lesbian porn again.
>haha you have problem X why do you care if we create problem Y?
Why should you get tax benefits if you won't be birthing posterity to secure the blessings of liberty? It's a system designed to incentivize having families.
>inb4 adoption
Not even gonna waste time stating facts, let alone my opinion
Full on lesbians don't exist.
But the problem is that with poop-dick marriage legal, the state is implicitely endorsing sodomy. Sodomites should be ashamed to ask to visit their fuck budd(ies) in the hospital. The level of encouragement that gay marriage gives to sodomites just gives the green light for transvestite politics and pedofilia. That affects society in a far more negative way than legally marginalizing 1-1.8% of the country.
Leviticus 20:13- If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them.
Says nothing about lesbians. So they are cool.
Because childless het marriages still get the benefits. If the tax breaks were only given to people with children then I can give up the idea on gays receiving them.
You can have paedophilia without sodomites, just see any Islamic society.
Yuri is the purest form of love.
I found out today that two lesbians I knew are "guys" now they have facial hair and everything
>Grand Chase Rule 34
Threadly reminder that all anime posters weebs and their waifus will be gassed first.
That's exactly what the kikes want.
>spergs out at the first weeb he encounters and kills him
>paints a target on his back for everyone hiding their power level
Rinse and repeat, and your kind has accomplished nothing but help us solve both the weeb problem and normie problem :^)
I wish I was a lesbian.
Too bad I don't believe in transgenderism like our current president used to.
say it with me now
"You're a Faggot"
my waifu is impervious to gassing and is a demi-god.
>mfw i looked at your thumbnail
>as long as marriage gets legal privileges you can't deny it to any adult couple
Scissor me timbers!
the best kind of
leddit army has arrived