No one talking about this?
No one talking about this?
Because you put the title in the name field.
What the fuck?
Don't tell me they are making a sequel about this? But then again, If I remember well she and the other two (Berry and Blackberry or whatever their names were) became humans.
So this is a reboot?
Yeah I realized that. I'm on my phone now and I knew I'd fuck it up
The Saber Marionette web page posted these 2 pics. I also remember the 3 girls became human and Otaru their foster father. Maybe they just grew up.
>no 90's deformed face
I can't fap to this
so they will keep ruining old anime, i'll pass
Season 1 had pretty "normal" faces for a 90's show, but J to X on the other hand...
Larger versions on the official website:
I'm still concerned about Lime, Cherry and Bloodberry being human or not. If it's a sequel they will be grown up girls as seen in the pics. But the why would it be called Saber Marionette if they aren't dolls anymore?
Maybe they were able to recover them?
It's not like Tiger, Panther and Lynx, the two other marionette samurai girls and the rest of the marionette around Terra 2 suddenly dissappeared.
But yeah considering that Lime, Cherry and Bloodberry were the main ones, and not to mention "special", it makes the situation weird.
Unless they retcnonned everything that happened in J to X.
Why do I want to tap it really hard?
Lime a shit
Years havenĀ“t been kind to Otaru
Now that i think about it, the setting was fucked up.
You are dumb OP.
But surely Otaru wouldn't be that old like he looks in the pic if the girls have only aged to teenagers.
How are the 80s and sixties just so fucking good?
When were the visuals released?
Considering they can transfer minds into marionette and human bodies, I doubt he'll be stuck in that frail old body for long.
Oh god this is gonna end up like that one h-manga isn't it?
Didn't she become human in J to X?
Wow, this is sad.
The mind transferred shogun was not considered human and was merely a temporary measure.
My very first waifu
M-me too.
Congrats on failing your 6/7 chance of success.
Not Tiger
>not Luchs
Oh fuck. This makes me feel old.
I'd rather a new good Slayers show, but it's still nice.
Me three.
OP here. Yes I am, but that's not the main topic.
I found them yesterday.
Yes. They're human now. Which makes me wonder how they will continue the story.
New Saber J stuff. I was so obsesed with this when it came out.
Can't wait to get more Lime! Man this makes me nostalgic and emotional as fuck.
It's just a new OVA right?
>tfw no Lime figma
>Yes. They're human now. Which makes me wonder how they will continue the story.
Maybe they are making new marionette bodies for the three of them to transfer their minds into and they have to choose wether to do it or not.
Right in the feels.
Didn't the girls all died when the ship blew up in space?
This series is even older that CCS
They died as robots, but miracously they reincarnated into the girls from the women reborn project or whatever it was
>dem fucking faces
>Is not even QUALITY
>Cherry's VA is retired
>Luchs VA is ded
They're going to have to completely recast it.
Get ready for Sora Amamiya as Lime!
There aren't dragon balls in Saber Marionette user
Saber Marionettes sucked.
Bring back Nuku Nuku!
>Implying they wouldn't get Megumi back for the role
Cherry and Blood are definitely going to be recasted.
Reminder that Marine is still rusting in Lorelei's basement
Hold on, HOLD ON:
Wasn't the anime based on a novel like Slayers was? How much of it was adapted into the anime? I have a feeling that the entirety of J to X was just anime original.
I mean, even if Lime, Cherry and Bloodberry ended up as humans and grew up normally, Otaru wouldn't be that old by the time they reached aduthood.
Unless him (and the rest of the Terra II men being clones has sonwthing to do with it)
I don't remember they reincarnated or had their mind transfered?
And yeah its older than CCS.
Only if we're talking the first OVA series.
Mai nigga
>Wasn't the anime based on a novel like Slayers was?
i don't know? I always thought Saber J was entirely anime original.
But yeah, Otaru wouldnt be that old. Maybe it is a reboot to an extent.
Still, it did work. Besides, considering this is still mostly a light-hearted series, I can almost imagine that even if mind-transferring doesn't work, there will be a one-time only age-reversal process involved somewhere. Or, have them pull what the three love interest did, and reincarnate into a younger body.
>/ss/ intensifies
Megumi MUST come back.
>tfw being mexican, and hope we get a dub with Cristina Hernandez as Lime and Rossy Aguirre as Cherry again
>he didn't like TV
If you added a little bit more fanservice, it would fit quite well with today's shows.
[hype intinsifies]
Conceptually, sure. The execution, however, leaves a lot to be desired. Frankly, I was surprised to find out the TV series is from 1998. The quality is such that I was kind of expecting it to be a victim of the bubble popping.
I wonder how well she can still do Lime's voice. She's still a great voice actress, but she has lost the sharp edge of her voice a bit.
me on the bench
I was all on Lime until read the manga
Tiger is waifu and breeding material
The lack of Cherry hurts my heart.
if anything shes now capable of a wide more voice roles, gotta love her sexy voice
if you ever went to conventions, shes still capable of reach the Lime tone so we will be fine if this gets a dub
>that phrase
Oh got a little confused, I thought you were talking about Megumi. Yeah, Cristina is awesome.
This is so amazing. New Saber J, fuck yeah.
A cyber marionete J thread!!
The ending sucked.
>breeding material
Did you forget when Cherry breastfed a baby?
>Did you forget when Cherry breastfed a baby?
>no milk
She was being used as a big cute fancy pacifier.
tits are basically pacifier for adults
>old seiyuu
>for a harem series
Not gonna happen. Cute young girls have to be voiced by cute young seiyuus.
Who /SaberMarionetteR/ here?
I liked her neurotic outbursts.
Wasn't this the edgy one?
Didn't everyone die at the end?
No. If I remember correctly only the antagonist dies. And his marionettes.
Megumi Hayashibara is the exception.
Saber marionette J was the first series I got obssesed with along with Eva with the awareness of the whole anime/otaku culture.
Lime was my first and actually only waifu.
Its also one of the first things I searched hentai of.
>saber j /ss/
I didn't knew I wanted this.
they could do as Tokugawa and transfer Otaru's mind to a Saber too
not to mention they could actually clone Otaru, hes the hero who saved the world its worthy to receive such a treatment
But would he want to do that?
Would he?
>Wasn't this the edgy one?
They were called Sexadolls. And one of them is literally named Edge.
>They were called Sexadolls
Really? Being mexican I only knew the latin american dub. And I always had the doubt if they really were called that or if it was a translation unaccuracy.