When did you realize Islam is alpha and based and that Christianity is a Jewish religion for cucks
When did you realize Islam is alpha and based and that Christianity is a Jewish religion for cucks
Islamic countries are the poorest, least educated countries in the world. Islam is a failure at every level.
3 years ago when i converted. best choice i ever made
When I started regular Anal Jihads with my imam, and the boys at madrass
Who's organizing the raid? Tons of pro-muslim threads are popping up. It's probably the same morons that do the pagan raids.
Why they always grow that neckbeard tho?
That shit is ugly as fuck.
Try to rock the Saladin look or learn to shave.
There's literally no other region more affected by Rothschild/western imperialism than the Middle East, going all the way back to the 1700s up until today.
When did you realize that all arab and nigger filth should all get the fuck out of white countries before we finally lose it and start murdering your men woman and children
When you realize this is the only delusion keeping Muslims from realizing that Islam is just a Chinese copy ofJudaism.
>Claims to be Alpha
>Sacred shitless by pigs that Christians use for food.
>Also has a massive hatred of dogs.
Come back when your religion learns to conquer nature rather then fear it.
some shit says they have to have their moustache real short or none at all. they're supposed to dye it red too but barely any do nowadays
Pigs have parasites and literally eat excrement to feed themselves.
Nah the muzzies always smell like goat pussy.
That ugly bitch needs to clean house better.
That smug look on his face just screams, "Yes I am this tolerant".
>Pigs have parasites
like every other animals.
>eat excrement
Only when humans don't feed them.
Holy christ sometimes you should quit your little white suburb fucking bong.
I can see how muslims don't condone cannibalism.
Islam is more like the religion of autistic rage
Muslims are based
I'd gladly exchange a lot of our poor subhumans for conservative muslims
what's the source for that pic? honestly that guy looks so satisfied with his qt arab hijabi wife
The one true religion is Zoroastrianism you heathen fuckbiscuit.
They are both sandnigger religions, and believing in Odin or whatever is for snowniggers too. Best to believe in the Great Architect of the Universe.
Truth hurts, doesn't it? Enjoy your pedophilia cult. Literally no different than the juden.
literally who?
Holy shit I thought it couldn't get worse.
I think the last one with a cool beard was osama.
Actually pigs are foragers.
They will only eat shit and even other dead pigs if they are kept in a closed place and not being fed properly.
Lots of animals end doing that shit if you treat them the same way as they do with pigs (locking them in a little place and letting then sleep on their own shit).
Check wild boards for example, they are literally the same thing but forage for mushrooms, berries, insects, etc.
Your "prophet " is a 6th century version of l Ron Hubbard.
You're just to stupid to release the hole religion is a larp
nah it's based on the idea that you get to fuck little girls in this world and the next
>Not able to handle bantz, so bans beer
Yeah nah, no thanks mate.
now that you're a muslim when are you gonna start molesting little girls ?
At this point I'm not even sure this is bait.
I would call you a retard but I think retards wouldn't be stupid enough to believe what mornhamid said
They aren't supposed to dye their beard retard, it's just permitted for people with greying hair.
"Muslim" literally means "Kneeling Cuck"
she is so cute :)
Honestly been waiting for the alt right to go full Islam for awhile. I mean the book is garbage compared to the bible esecially the old testament which had so much time and work in it but fuck.
Islam sets the alt right free to be honest.
Since when is it alpha to be submissive?
No, Islam is literally anti-science and made up by a socially awkward bandit for barbarians.
If Islam had conquered europe, we wouldn't even have cars let alone nukes.
Sup Forums was pro-muslim before the election. We were flirting with the idea of utilizing it to get rid of feminism.
Basically anyone on Sup Forums who is antimuslim is the newest wave of newfags who came here for election crappenings and never left.
They'll assimilate, they always do.
The cold hard truth to this pic is this: if youve ever frequented a gym for any period of time youd know that the vast majority of "gym bros" that look like they lift (like the pretty boy in the ops pic) are the most insecure socially awkward and most thirsty for a girlfriend mother fuckers on the planet. So what more than likely happened, is he converted to islam to be with her. Also I guarantee he has a longer bathroom regimine than she does. Ten years ago it use to be called being a metrosexual but its just normal behavior now.
so true. it’s sad that so manny plebbit r/t_d fags are here now.
Sup Forums is really a unique situation. I was here since the first week, when it was a board to spam BBC threads.
But as a dedicated "Happenings" board, we get an influx during any real happening - Luckily there are so many happenings these days that the other boards can't even keep up.
Jewish Jamboree, Trayvon, Dorner, Sandy Hook, Aurora, Elections, Etc. All of these things, when Happenings weren't a daily occurrence, Brought in faggots from other boards, and I'd say around 10% of the influxers stuck around and shit up the board for two weeks or so before becoming assimilated.
Now that Happenings are abundant, I think Sup Forums is either overwith or will enter its golden age.
Fucking Kim Jung Un just said nuclear war is imminent and most threads are Christianity V.S Muslims and Racemixing bait.
Going to check out each and every one of your post...Let's see if you post anything new or if you're just regurgitating all the same old maymays.
if you have a problem with memes and seeing them all of the time - you shouldn't be here nigger
I was going to post this. Thanx. BTW, Muslims are in denial that the god, Allah, they worship is still the same Hubal, the moon god, of the pagan Arabs.
>is a Jewish religion for cucks
This is something Christianity and Islam have in common :)
The bedroom is a mess and she doesn't have a black eye. Yeah... I don't believe it. If I converted it would only be to beat my woman when she disobeys me.
>All I know how to do is regurgitate things I was told to regurgitate
Lol...Thanks for the giggles boy, This is why I'll be looking at the thumbnails you post and recalling the year their were originally made.
The moon god, Hubal, had three daughters. Those three daughters were transferred over to Islam and were turned into three cranes who "mediate" on behalf of men. Same as how Catholics use Saints to intermediate on behalf of men. Catholics practice "intercession" of Saints. That's what those three cranes are for as well. They are saints of Allah. In reality, they are the original daughters of the moon God, Hubal who was called Al-Lah.
>obligatory troll is obligatory
Let me guess...In your mind...10 replies from now...You'll keep posting the memes that can be found in like 80% of the threads right now, and probably thank me for bumping the thread so that Sup Forums can get "redpilled" god...I just want you to know you're the cancer. Not even as an insult. I just want you to know that you're what's wrong with Sup Forums and to sort your life out. You could be so much more useful if you had your own mind. Poor kid.
>Chaddam cucking all those pencil dicked mudslimes
>Islam is alpha and based
no, it's the gayest thing ever,
please tell me more about how you praise Allah.
I actually don't praise Allah.
If you refer to my first statement in this thread - I assume the one that made you spaz out and go full regurgitation mode - I explained that Sup Forums was pro-muslim and flirting with the idea of utilizing it to overthrow feminism.
But you, with your 16 year old knee jerk, went full Crusades on the thread like a good goy.
Christ...Sort your life out, kid, it's fucking embarassing..
If you believe every meme that is handed to you as true, you're a very useful idiot.
Honestly I'd rather be a muslim but the evidence for the resurrection of Christ is just too compelling.
everything I posted was factual except for one pic
>b-but they are OLD MAYMAYS
cry a little harder
>I'm an oldfag and can remember when they were originally posted
good for you, go change your diaper now grandpa
>you saw my post and started shitposting
nobody, including me, cared about what you said. I just jumped in and started shitposting
>sort your life out kid
I tried to tell you that I was trolling you - you still didn't get it
Thank you for the lulz
>everything I posted was factual except for one pic
>>b-but they are OLD MAYMAYS
I didn't bother to look at your dime a million posts. So you're admitting you're a fraud? Thanks for doing my homework for me cuck.
>>I'm an oldfag and can remember when they were originally posted
>good for you, go change your diaper now grandpa
Being a useful idiot is fun for you? Welcome to Sup Forums, Redditguy.
>nobody, including me, cared about what you said. I just jumped in and started shitposting
Coincidences...Yeah... Sup Forums isn't going to buy that lol, dumb kid...
>I tried to tell you that I was trolling you - you still didn't get it
You mean your 12 posts of autisms were to...Troll me? You're an autistic follower...Deal kiddo. Hope you're a bit smarter come this time to tomorrow, we could use you in our ranks.
tell me what year this one was made
tmw mooslims destroyed their own golden age exdee
They're all 2017, because just like your sentiments, those memes are from newfags.
Hope you're not such a faggot come the new year, kiddo.
Tell me how we can measure scientific advancement. Nanoquarks per millisecond?
sounds about right
>dark ages meme
The downfall of a society: the picture
its retarded. and you suck off Mohammad`s dead dick
how about this one?
>Hates White people
>doesn't hate themselves
>Kill all Whites
>doesn't kill themselves
these autistic fags should read a book on hypocrisy and irony
Islam is also an Abrahamic religion...
B-But you can't kill whiteys if you are dead!
My existence is justified!
>the confused Muslim said, not realizing that Islam is also a Judaism-based religion
The Jews historically played Muslims like a damn fiddle as much as they have with the Christians.
We're all cucked by the Hebrews in the end.
where'd you go?
I just stating to have some fun again
The discipline and order looks appealing on the surface, but it's empty within. Like a good looking apple with a rotten core. Been there, done that. You won't find any muslims that are pro-west. They are vehemently anti-west and anti-white in every way.
No religion can help us in our current predicament
>time stamp from 2016
You are a newfag, newfag
The fact that 98% of responses past my last are anti-YOU.
I didn't feel I had much left I had to say....I guess...Thanks for bumping my thread kid. lol
Hijaz is only the western part of Arabia. Saudi Arabia is mainly Najd. The real question to ask is if the Saudi family is actually Jewish like some claim.
Lol. I'll give that one to you.
But yeah my man, just stick around..Delete your Sup Forums folder because it's filled with propaganda...Form your own opinions that can deal with our scrutiny and become a free thinker. You don't seem like an imbecile...Let's get to work buddy. I won't even tell you what work is...I'm sure you'll figure it out once you stop trying to damn hard.
I see you Mohammed