Why is he sweating?
Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress
It was a hot day.
Too much habanero peppers.
>what exactly am I looking at here
[Screams internally]
Try catch a dart with your eyeball.
You'll see why.
More like KABANERO peppers
After 10 years he felt fear again.
To show that he feels fear.
He's going to scream like a little bitch before he dies and beg for mercy while Mumei tells him that only the strong survive
It was a "Shit, that was close" moment.
cant unseen
>biba goes around pillaging shit and destroying entire cities
>has people who want to kill him
>none of them decided to snipe him from a window or a bush
literally why? you'd think someone would have attacked him god father style by now. hell, even Hitler was involved in a whole bunch of failed assassination attempts
I want to scare Biba-sama.
Well that old broken eye patch guy tried to kill him.
>To show that he feels fear.
>He's going to scream like a little bitch before he dies and beg for mercy while Mumei tells him that only the strong survive
That BETTER end like that
This is C-virus level of bullshit.
Habanero not so spicy after murdering thousands
Biba never destroyed a city before, his "liberation" pretty much started this episode
I loved how stylized this episode was, it had a very nostalgic charm to it. That shot of the single bead of sweat on a black backdrop was just perfect.
The other station destroyed by a colony was obviously Biba's doing.
You don't assassinate someone by going up into his face, and telling him "I kill you unless you say no"
The first black smoke was not man-made
how the fuck did they get outflanked when they had a building at their backs and Kabane all around them?
Just because it didn't have a carbonara heart doesn't mean it wasn't man-made
They didn't get out-flanked. A larger armed force approached them, guns ready and they chose to lay down their arms rather than resist pointlessly
it had Mumei's old friend in it, it was definitely man made
Looks like Mei's ult.
It was not man-made because it didnt fizzle out after 5 minutes, Biba's research team still cant replicate it perfectly even with a kabaneri core
I can't tell which of these to believe. They both sound right.
>it had Mumei's old friend in it
is not man-made
the girl wasn't Mumei's old friend
the girls is wearing simple cloth
Mumei's old friend
wasn't her friend but it was a Kabaneri
and who has a habit of collecting Kabaneris'?
Yes but can you prove it's her?
at least kurusu was able to protect her smile
And then he got himself killed because he had to push the guy off the train instead of just stabbing him with his sword.
Speaking of which, how does a scrawny old man like that even carry around a minigun, let alone fire it without ripping his arms off?
Not even the same person.
i think the guy pulled him off
if you've ever been in a scuffle, you'd know that it's easy to get pulled along with your opponent once things get messy
So delicious.
because muh revolution
What's going to be the tweest next episode? Next episode the Biba crap should be done but there are two episode left.
she had some great ass shots, screencaps?
Fair enough. I'd go back and rewatch it but I already deleted it.
well now that I look closely mumei gets a bit surprised before attacking this and the shit is blue, like the thing this fag has, and horobi became blue too
ikoma can use the nine tails cha- i mean transform into the colony thing too
Well, it ended up being exactly how I predicted it's gonna end up
Mumei is not going to be held responsible and pay for her stupidity at all is she? Because otherwise would be something new, which is bad.
>when u see the normies
Just how many of my fetishes are they trying to hit?
Nope, she'll be forgiven of murdering an entire city because she feels sorry about it now.
mumei is a fucking retard
I hope ikoma finds a better girl
There's at least 3 other waifus for him to pick but we both know he's going to end up with Mumei
>held responsible because she couldn't predict Biba's true intentions
No. Mumei literally did nothing wrong, it was all Biba and his KAIHO.
I was thinking along the lines of going to the Capital. But I guess shitposting is better.
>Mumei couldn't save two parent/child pairs in the same situation as she was
Mmm. Nice and spicy.
Everyone in that station's having a happy fun time now, eh, Habanero?
>Blue shit from the blue heart
>Implied Mumei only has 1 nakama who's also a Kabaneri
>She mentioned she had a whole team of Kabaneri before but they all died
>Can't be manmade, hur.
My guess is that he made her and the other woman into Kabaneri because they can be brought anywhere under the excuse of women and children.
>Mumei literally did nothing wrong
not listening to ikoma for one, going along with a shady ass motherfucker
>Mumei literally did nothing wrong
She did everything wrong by being a whiny little bitch.
she has 2 big fuck ups already and because she never listen to ikoma
>Next episode the Biba crap should be done
Wishful thinking.
She is going to listen to him from now on.
Mumei has known Biba for years and Ikoma for roughly a month or less, would have been weird if she simply didnt trust him out of the blue.
>Listen to a guy you felt inferior to you through the whole show
>Or listen to the one who gave her a purpose in life
It's a tough choice, user.
the blue is because Biba was trying to immitate the naturally occuring
I think so we still have to meet Biba's daddy.
So the purpose of the blue metal zombie super juice is what exactly?
that's still a decision mumei had the power to make, which makes her wrong
just because you know someone for a long time doesn't mean you shouldn't analyze their plans or behavior and make sure they're doing the right thing
I want to rub my dick on her eyebrows.
Also fuck Biba.
His determination wavered, he's still human.
He was scared, and that brought hesitation in his waifu once more.
>we Resident Evil now
>Also fuck Biba.
dude thats homo
Implying Biba won't win and we get a second season of Ikoma and Mumei going rogue in a new world under Biba's foot.
She's 12 user, any kid would follow their guardian before asking questions.
It is partly her fault even though she's been groomed and manipulated by him for that express purpose.
>kill hundreds/thousands, indirectly subject the survivors to horror and suffering
>get all the bellies of rice you could ever want because "I-I'm sorry, honest!"
>Kabaneri beam
>"Look at this beautiful new land of freedom and equality, Mumei"
When did this show turn into such a comedy?
And she is going to start calling him Ani-sama, and he will call her Hodsumi. They already set up the symbolism of Mumei reminding Ikoma of his little sister, and why else would they have made Mumei call Biba Ani-sama if it wasn't so that they can use that as a symbol that Mumei has replaced Biba with Ikoma?
Biba forged his facade for years, it was not that easy to see through it or assume something was wrong in a heartbeat. Mumei made a mistake but the weight of responsibility fully lies on Biba and he is going to pay for it.
>any kid would follow their guardian before asking questions
what kind of brain dead kid were you? by the time i was 10 i more or less made my own decisions and didn't accept anyones word unless they could prove it
It all starting going downhill when they got off the train.
>taking a train full of kabane into a city
fucking glaring red flag right there
>by the time i was 10 i more or less made my own decisions
You either grew up in a trailer trash tier family, were a spoiled piece of shit, or are a liar.
I all feel is rage. When does Mumei get her face smashed in.
Depends on how you were raised.
She was raised by a man who was betrayed by his own father, plotting for revenge in the last 10 years.
Biba is the worst written villain I have ever seen. He's not even comically evil it's just dumb. Especially when he managed to build an entire army with people that agree they should just murder all of humanity.
I expected the cliche heroic moment for her to begin stepping to redemption and then the show shat on her in the way that would scar her the most.
Biba is a generic vilalin. There are MILLIONS of villains like him, so don't be too harsh. Hyperbole is unnecessary.
That same train also made a stop in the previous station and nothing happened.
>Mumei tells him that only the strong survive
Mumei's a fucking brainwashed idiot and she will most likely die fighting whomever tries to kill Biba
What if most of those people were abandoned together with him at the time, 10 years ago?
It's Mumei's mom
user, he was being sarcastic.
What redemption? she just opened the door to let kabane come into the station and ruined everything. She just gets in the way of IkoMAN, the real hero of the story.
that's mumei's mother