Europe needs to go back to its pagan roots to survive


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wow really makes me think

Fuck off Germany

The Suebi who migrated to Spain were pagan.

No we don't, amerinigger.

Norse mythology is literally bastardized poo religion.
Hellenic Paganism is infinitely more 'white'.

Odin the swede cuck



Yes but they didn't believe in fucking Odin

pic related

At that time, and subsequently, I had to warn followers repeatedly against these wandering scholars who were peddling Germanic folk-lore and who never accomplished anything positive or practical, except to cultivate their own superabundant self-conceit. The new movement must guard itself against an influx of people whose only recommendation is their own statement that they have been fighting for these very same ideals during the last thirty or forty years.


Ask yourself, why was the advent of monotheism such an important advent in the first millennium BC? Why did it survive under conditions that Egyptian/Sumerian religions would have fallen into the clay history tablets? Why does it persist today? How did monotheism affect the development of not just the ancient middle east, but Europe as well?



I honestly do not understand why Americans strain at the gnats of their 1/64 Scandinavian/Irish/Italian ancestry.

You have no claim to European heritage, or history, or the primitive religions we used to follow before we evolved and left them behind.

You should look more into your African and indigenous religious roots instead of trying to take our's, it is more suiting to your nation's history and genetic makeup.

That image of Odin looks like it was lifted straight out of a fucking comic book. Jesus Christ you LARPagans are embarrassing.


>mudhut temples are better than cathedrals
>featherniggers of Europe

>that shitty drawing

Did someone take art in the prison tattoo academy?

Odin was literaly longer a comic book character than a deity. Most if not all of pagan "lore" was fabricated in XIX century by jews. Seriously, look it up.


How does one even reach that level of cucked?

Why? Paganism is dead and irrelevant.
Nobody genuinely believe in their Gods.
Paganism doesn't have 10 commandments or a clear doctrine.
No organized institutions that affect real life politics.
Paganism is just retards roleplaying with symbols, most likely idiots butthurt at widespread religions.

>Hitler didn't want to get fucked by the jews and fought back
Oh, Canada...


Why are all these jews telling Europeans to be pagan?


Where are you getting your information from?


With Christianity

She was part of a breeding party, she was getting fucked by a couple of bulls, at least 6 tp 7., while her boyfriend filmed and watched.

the bank of common sense you fucking retard barbarian snownigger

worng, anime is great.

>people in pics said are atheist
>le Christianity caused this
Truly, the highest of cucks

Why do Christians larp as Jews?

>we need to "go back" to a dead religion which we know nothing about

>this pagan Germanic tribe did not worship Odin
sure sure
browse more newfag, he's using a photoshopped version

Odin is a cross-dressing, homo degenerate.

Spotted the pagan.

Yeah, let's worship a Semitic deity instead!

praise the fucking sun, pussies

Now now don't be so racist you're a globalist orgization after all

>Odin promised an end to ice giants
>There are no ice giants today

there's more evidence for odin than almost any other deity

He also fucked a few of their women as well.

this shows mostly a change in time.....

t. Flag made of 3 crosses
Paganism is objectively less theologically advanced than any Abrahamic religion, which is why the history of the last 2000 years of the world is the latter displacing the former. Advocating paganism is advocating returning to using swords in a world of guns



>drinking cum and being a degenerate snow niggers
>going back to your roots

>How does one even reach that level of cucked?

The title must have been changed. The only way you could cuck this badly is if you were a member of the Christian suicide cult. Christianity is killing the west.

* rolls eyes *

>unironically believing that shit


>duuur christianity is killing the west
>christianity declines alongside culture, traditions, morals, and family
You people are absurdly retarded. Just think rationally about this. There's a clear correlation between the decline of Christianity and the decline of the west.



Oh, whoop de fucking doo, they believed in Odan, or Wutin, or Udton, or whatever. I'm sure it was so fucking different.

>Spend your time writing books
>Instead of genociding the Danes

>Hitler didn't want to get fucked by the jews
>So he raped europe, built an unstable war-economy in germany, got Israel created in the process, only managed to set the jewish population back 80 years, and ended up losing catastophically at least partially because all of his soldiers were freaking out due to meth withdrawal symptoms
>not bad
what you said


Culture and tradition is older than Christianity.

That's not even the real pic

Obviously, but our cultures and traditions are intertwined with Christianity.

More accurately, Christianity entwined itself around our cultures and traditions, like a cancer.

Name one major Christkek church which doesn't have a single shitskin in it

You cant

t. Cross on flag

Not an argument, schlomo.

Oh shit, it all makes sense now. The Ant religion is the one true way!
I hope if I venerate the Ant God hard enough he'll bless me with the sight to read these scriptures.

those zany franks sure were big fans of odin

Huh it's like being Southern is inseparable from being Christian

That not how anything works. Christianity didn't 'take' Europeans, Europeans 'took' Christianity and made it our own. It was taken and Romanized, then as northern Europeans converted they added their their own holidays and cultural aspects which they adapted for Christianity.
Tell me more about the wonderful pre-Christian faith of the American South. Lovely flag by the way.

t. Knows nothing about the south except what he sees on tv. Try harder schlomo or you won't get your shill shekels today.

Tell me about the Pagan South, user. I've only lived here all my life so idk.

This one always gets me.

Sure you have, kike. Go push your race mixing shitskin worship somewhere else.

His photoshoped pictures further proves my point that Christfags are mostly shills. They hate pro white atheists/pagans and want the board to focus on christ cuz hes a false idol of the demiurge aka the kike god.

Pic related: Real pic and real link to the article:

Even as a fringe minority, paganism got us into this mess.

Now they ask us to turn to them to get out...

Fuck them, I'm going with Christ.

But how is he wrong?

>They hate pro white atheists/pagans
>proceeds to hate on pro white christians
>follows a religion which exists exclusively for anti-christians

Here comes the flood of copypasta and aging memes.





If some people are so insistent of being monotheistic, why don't they swith to Zoroastrianism or Manichaeism?

Those evil Pagans and racist atheists!


>be retarded southern Jew worshiper
>push race mixing, refugees welcome

The only people who stand for whites in the south are the pagans and, rarely, an athiest or two. There are far more of us than he wants to admit to, because he lives in a make believe 1950s world where everyone sucks off Rabbi Yeshua, it's a relatively common delusion.

So basically southern european gods. If there is a pagan god we should worship it would be jupiter or saturn or zeus not thor or odin

Wotan Mit Uns!!

That's not how it works.

Pagancucks are larpers and most Democrats are non religious or atheist fags.

It's just like in Londonistan, the only people explicitly calling out Islam is Britain First which also carries out "Christian" patrols in response to the Sharia patrols by Muslims in terrorist hot beds like Tower Hamlets etc. Meanwhile Britain First is attacked by atheists regularly in their videos.

So what the fuck are you going on about? Atheists are cucks, secularism is what has made the West degenerative and Pagans are just LARPERS. Only Christianity can save the West as we've seen with Russia with its people who returned to Christianity after the fall of the antitheistic communist regime there.

And who keeps attacking Russia? SJW's who are often atheists, Buddhists or Pagans as a quick look on Twitter will tell you.

You pondscum have collectively destroyed Protestantism and Catholicism but the Orthodox will not bend knee to you. In Russia, gays are beaten in the streets and niggers aren't welcome. In Cyprus, gays are beaten in the streets too and atheists are openly mocked.

I hope you cucks try your shit in the Orthodox countries. Russians are tired of your shit from communism and remember it well and all Greeks have always been nationalistic, even a foreign born Greek like me would have a hard time getting a decent girl over there. Their families want them to marry those actually brought up in the culture.

You secular and Pagan fags actively welcomed LGBT degeneracy, abortion, promiscuity and multiculturalism. The West deserves what it gets now. All based Westerners should move to Orthodox countries.


pagans are worst than muslims

Bottom middle is a stave church in Norway. How is that pagan?


Because the architecture predates Christianity.

>posts stave church
that image was made to fool you heathens