I am fucking sick and tired of listening to you pieces of shit talk about nothing but race. There are more important thing in the world than race.
I am fucking sick and tired of listening to you pieces of shit talk about nothing but race...
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This, Sup Forums is a transhumanism board now.
>what is /SIG/
Tell it so a social justice warrior or BLM cunt, cunt.
Nigger detected
Why are there so many niggers on Sup Forums tonight?
Like genetic cleansing, Ill murder most people of most races
>niggers are obsessed with being niggers
>this is a good pattern of behavior to mimic
Im so sick of the fucking shills posting the same threads for weeks on end.
mongrel detected
Yes but all of those thing are boring in comparison, so we pay attention to them for a little while, but then we end up back here, wasting our lives.
I agree. Disparity between economic strata and the few controlling the majority of the world's wealth instead of the many is the biggest problem in my opinion, but Sup Forums is too brainwashed to even consider such because MUH COMMIES MUH DEGENERACY MUH SUPERIOR ARYAN GENES.
name one.
Pro Tip: you can't
shut up you nigger faggot
Retards on both the left and the right can't stop obsessing about race.
Join us at Sup Forums
>There are more important thing in the world than race.
Such as?
Like solar flares
lol, the irony of what you said vs where that pick came from
If you can prove that you're white then I'll never visit this board ever again, but I'm willing to bet every last penny to my name that you are some nigger or spic so please just shut the fuck up.
>There are more important things in the world than race
That may be true, but there is nothing more important in politics than race