Keep it coming up! keep it coming up! don't stop it now!


Other urls found in this thread:

>use #takeaknee on twitter
>@ every black nfl player playing tomorrow
>tell them to protest the cop violence and the president even if their coaches tell them not to
>they do it
>worst ratings in 10+ years
>superbowl, worst ratings in 30+ years
>espn goes out of business

its all within your reach Sup Forums

I know 32 stadiums that will be empty next Sunday.


How is this protest hurting me as your average 30 year old white guy?

My second question is why is a white guy named Shaun King so obsessed with black people?

Even if no one showed up, your life will still be as shitty as it is today and yesterday

I wish a nigga would. The faster these fucks pull a stunt like this, the faster the sports (((journalists))) shit on their own viewers en masse and trigger gamergate 2.0 normalfag edition.

These niggers are so beyond stupid that it might be funny if it wasn't real.
>They think that the federal government somehow controls the local police departments.
How and why do they think this? If you have a problem with a police department, then go protest the mayors house.
>They keep saying that they are not protesting the flag while kneeling during the National Anthem...
Where's the logic in this? Can anyone explain or translate this nigger logic for me?


All liberals are obsessed with black people. Look into who founded and funds all these nigger groups.

truth here, they don't know what they're getting themselves into... just shut up and throw ball monkey you aren't being paid to think

This is good.

It's not. Embrace living in a divided antinationalist, antipatriotic society friendo. Surely there can be no reprecussions.

t. 31 year old married guy who doesn't want to raise kids in a country that couldn't rally round the flag to save it's miserable life

serious question. where would blacks be without music or sports?

at work


Talcum X thinks he’s starting a revolution. It’s probably jr high little league and they will protest by foregoing Burger King and going to McDonald’s as protest

sniffing their fingers after they get done wiping their asses.

Serious question: Where would whites be if Arab scholars didn't advance science and mathematics for the 1500 years whites decided to check out of civilization?

building mud huts and beating eachother to death with pointy sticks like they still are in Africa, which they are still doing anyway in America. Just replace mud huts with homes bought with gibs money and sticks with guns

Weak b8. Arabs never advanced shit. They simply conquered places in which shit was invented.

ok. but I asked about blacks

The dark ages you are referring to are a meme. It wasn't a period of scientific stagnation like most people erroneously assume. Rather, it is called the dark ages because there wasn't a lot of records being kept that survived during that time period.

It could be for a variety of reasons. War, Plague, societal upheavel after the Romans up and kicked it in the west.

What we really need is for a player to up the stakes. Forget about taking a knee, one of them needs to burn a flag, right there on the field, during the national anthem.

If anything it might be a slight ratings bump from the libs tuning in for that specific day to see if anyone takes a knee. If they do, any increase in ratings for that one day will have the media will cream themselves over it "WE DID IT REDDIT DRUMPF OBLITERATED"

Afterwards they won't keep watching it afterwards, knees bending or not. Even worse if they keep taking knees because hey it juiced ratings for that one day!

I'm a football burger tard. But seriously, this is getting ridiculous. I'm telling people the next step is for blacks to protest going to work, which will be easy enough.

These fucks make millions to catch a ball. They'll kneel but never donate a dime to the "community".

They're lying.
It's all for attention.

let's meme it. it will kill the league.

there is no community, just gib seeking feral nigger savages.

>How is this protest hurting me as your average 30 year old white guy?
Very few times will "internet activism" illicit a response. If you think there should be more decency, here is your chance to ask for it. IF you ask the way Sup Forumstards suggest you get the opportunity to fix espn for a bit.

pepe should be gassing him.

>worst ratings in 10+ years
More like best ratings ever
Everybody loves drama

Yung rapper G on 1st song: "If I make it big i'll give it all back to muh nig"

After he makes it: "fuck u make yo own $ homie dis my shit"

Yeah, tell that to Hollywood.

Nobody likes propaganda.

they couldn't think, even if you did pay them to.

Pretty much this. You'll still find scientific and industrial advancements during that period over even what the Romans had in terms of metallurgy, siege-craft, navigation, ship-building, etc.

You realize it was the Indo Europeans, Daurians, and Chinese who made shit like algebra right? Fucking Arabs just stole what the other guys were doing.

Arabs raped and enslaved other cultures during that time. They only used the achievements of other cultures at the point of a sword. Stop reading anti-white cucked history and do some real reading.

Walking right into Trump's trap.

Is Shaun Kang /ourguy/?

>niggers are stupid
No Shit, Sherlock.

1. This will only make people resent black folks.
2. This will only create more racism.
3. This will only hurt the cause they are trying to protest.

They can't be that stupid can they? Why are they walking right into this trap?

Don't stop at the NFL. There are alot of gullible monkeys in the NBA.

Praise KEK.

You mean the arabs rediscovering greek texts and applying them to their society?

Hell yeah!

How come black haven't lynched this fool yet?
He's obviously white. You can't just keep saying red is blue and expect people to believe it.
thread theme


>You can't just keep saying red is blue and expect people to believe it.

Actually you can. People are fucking retarded and weak.

who's the dumbest nigger in the league? we need a real dumbass who might fall for it.

or maybe a white cuck, any handeggers with swedish heritage?

I just don't get it. I'm all for allowing even those whose speech I abhor to exercise their right of free speech. But the exercise of free speech =\= speaking wisely. These NFL athletes have a tremendous stage from which they could effectuate real change in the ghetto communities through prudent exercise of free speech. They could also choose to serve as real role models for black youth, most of whom have no real male/father figure in their lives. Instead, they desecrate the Flag and our National Anthem, but why? Because that's what Soros pays Shaun & Deray to tell them how to think? Because a small handful of black men (most of whom were armed) attacked security guards or LEOs and were shot in self defense?

MLK, Jr fought prudently to effectuate real change. Betsy Ross and Francis Scott Key have absolutely ZERO to do with this ignorant #BLM crap that is but a false front used to sow descension by a Hungarian that was a race traitor to his very own people.

NFL players, wake up! You are being used and made a fool of by a complete Uncle Tom who race-traded his very own Jewish people directly into concentration camps. Don't #StayWoke, wake the fuck up!

Literally the first thing the Catholic Church did when they rose to power was burn Classical era texts. Europe basically forgot about Aristotle for a good 1000 years and the science / math they did engage in was limited to and hamstringed by the Catholic Church.

If it weren't for Arab scholars retaining Aristotle and advancing mathematics and natural philosophy in the mean time, there would have been no Galileo or Descartes or Newton.

Don't question it.
Don't interrupt it.
Just let them keep digging.

Protip: if you make a black twitter account to troll with, DO NOT use and AYO or WE WUZ type language in your tweets, or you will be identified as a fake and btfo in the replies.
Make sure your phony NoggNigger account makes sophisticated posts, and edit your NoggNigger profile image enough so that it is unique and cannot be backtraced through google images.
Remember, they may be noggs, but their (((handlers))) are on duty at all times to make sure that their herd is not spooked in the wrong direction.

He's /ourguy/.
He's just in super deep.

You're a fucking idiot, here's why:

>A lot of the "contributions" during the golden age were actually borrowed from the ancient Greeks and Indians, and from there (re)introduced to medieval Europe
>The (genuine) advances that took place during the Islamic golden age were accomplished by Persian scholars, not Arabs and not specifically Muslims either.
>The Byzantine Empire was a remnant of antiquity. Constantinople was the biggest city in the world during the high Middle Ages. They maintained Ancient Greek knowledge such as algebra (which they sold to Arabs in return for protection, hence how they got it), they also invented the precursor to flamethrowers. The so-called "dark ages" only really apply to Western Europe.

Can't wait to see Belichick's reaction if one of his niggers takes a knee.


Think objectively, this is going to be a shit show either way that it could potentially pan out.
NFL & Fox know about this impending 'protest' they'll just not televise the kneeling players and camsra operators avoid them like the plague.
Niggers begin spout off about censorship and get even more butthurt.
TalcumX is just spreading rumors about how many Nigger Collision players are actually going to do something so when nothing happens tomorrow they'll also scream censorship.
I'll be willing to bet money that whatever network is televising the games tomorrow that you'll not see anything field related during the anthem...

Never interrupt your enemy while he's making a mistake.
Do it, Talcum X, take away the circuses that keep middle and working class white people docile and quiet.


It will be chaos.
There's not enough time for the NFL to organize a coherent response to this, and everyone will be shooting from the hip.
Complete shitshow incoming.

The same place they are now. All Arab Scholars were just repeating Greek and Indian scholars.

I thought algebra was Arabic in origin? Isn’t that why it sound like it does? If not what was the original word for algebra?

LOL how in the fuck does Talcum X have NFL connections?

Is Talcum X trying to destroy football? Godspeed

>Literally the first thing the Catholic Church did when they rose to power was burn Classical era texts.
This is not true. The Catholics saved classical era texts in their monasteries It was the Jew inspired activists and revolutionaries who did. It's ALWAYS the Jew inspired revolutionaries who destroy history. They're still doing it today.

Wasted quads. Wasn't it mostly persian's that kept documents from antiquity not Arabs?

It isn't, if anything it's a free laugh at how pathetic these people are.

I hear he's so pale people have to wear sunglasses indoors just to look at him.

Also #ThanksObama
He's the underlying reason that this shit is coming to a head now.
Trayvon was a pimple, Mike Brown was a cyst everything else since has become full blown abscess.
Stand with America or #KneelWithCriminals

Or (((they))) stole everything

Yes, but also the europeans translated and preserved every bit they had or could find.



It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:

Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:

The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:

Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

The Jewish role in the porn industry:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:


>I'm telling people the next step is for blacks to protest going to work, which will be easy enough.
Isn't that what they've already been doing? No one would notice a difference.


You faggots better not watch any game.

Trump won. This is exactly what he wanted. He wanted NFL fans to get redpilled and this is the beginning.

This is a transformative event, and these dumbfuck liberals have no idea the beast they are awakening by attacking the NFL. They are essentially fucking with the American religion and they are going to be burned so fucking hard by this

>white guy named Shaun King

Excuse me, did you literally just assume his race?

>says the increasingly nervous jew




>They can't be that stupid can they? Why are they walking right into this trap?
They can, and are, your expectations are too high if you're surprised by it

Talcum X also got last years Super Bowl wrong.

extra numbers at the polls

Why are you lying? This is we-wuz-kangz tier revisionism.

God bless this timeline.

Adherence to stadium traditions needs to be part of the code of conduct in future contracts. Its that simple.

Nigger pets dont dance, they get fired.

You misspelled *Greek*.


you fat american pigs, destroy that poor excuse of a sport, and while at it, free the goym from its slumber

Is the relationship mutual, or is it just him virtue signaling by sucking nigger cock on twitter and one or two kikes feel bad for him so they let him do it? I don't know what the actual niggers think about him.


The first time I heard about the USFL was today and how Trump basically destroyed it because he couldn't buy an NFL team.



Also they look ridiculous because kneeling is a sign of submission.

Because it causes niggers to big, pissing off some spics and a lot of whites. The number of whites people who move tight will greatly outweigh the blacks who will move left , as far as voting outcomes are concerned

This is great bait which will sink espn ratings and hurt ((Disney)) as well

>be young white kid
>grow racist over the years dealing with black people's bullshit
>spray tan yourself black and constantly act retarded trying to mock black people
>yfw black people can't recognize blackface
>yfw they make you the leader of black lives matter
>yfw you spend every day trying to set the black community back just for shits
>yfw you're about to destroy the NFL
Talcum X really is /ourguy/ I'm half convinced Trump is paying him