What do you think of this German?

What do you think of this German?

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I was born to drink her breast milk

It'd be nice if there were others like her in the show. Surprising how out of touch the creators were considering the dearth of decently sized chests in that show. Do you think the creators had even watched Girls und Panzer or did they just willfully go against what worked there?

Impregnate her, teach our child the good prussian traditions and start the 4th Reich



I prefer the bigger version of her.


>yfw your german girlfriend goes back to her loli

She wants more sausages.


She's attractive and I'd like to have sex with her.

I bet she has a nice personality too and we could spend time together but I can't know that for sure until I meet here.

That line will work. Works for me 99 percent of the times that it might not work when it worked eventually.

>Do you think the creators had even watched Girls und Panzer
No. This is an Aniplex anime, they just read about how it made a lot of money.

If you look at the credits list, only one person is shared between GuP and Haifuri: Series Composition Reiko Yoshida.

GuP was a great idea, really. You have a large cast of girls for fans to wank about, and they actually do something interesting, besides eating cake and singing like so many idolshit anime do these days.

So the folks in charge thought, we can make one for the navy too! Except they don't have a director that knows how to control large casts like Tsutomu Mizushima did, and they only had one military advisor where GuP had two (and both character designers, Fumikane and Nogami are huge military otaku).

So it's basically a half-hearted attempt at replicating GuP's success, riding on the cute girls in military genre.

Actually it also shares the same military adviser who is also credited as the one coming up with original idea for the series.

The premise is there with the cast and setting to make something fun like Garupan but the execution is so unbelievably fucked.

It still astounds me that Mina shows up and I go "oh boy finally a character that should be able to give half a clue what's happening" and she just fucking disappears off screen unaddressed until it's fan service time or a full cast scene.

I don't think Haifuri knew what it wanted to be: slice or life, or cute girls on naval warships

Girls und Panzer was always about the tanks. GuP didn't bog down in slice of life like Haifuri has bogged down in them.

they needed to either do more DAMN THE TORPEDOS, FIRE AT WIL, or just scrapped the whole 'mutant rats mind control' and just been entirely a SoL about cute girls on a boat doing cute things.

I really wish Haifuri had the sort of hype GuP had, because ever since Der Film, I have a gap in my heart for a good girls-in-the-military anime.

Her boobs are fantastic, but I don't know much about her booty, so I would say about 4/10.

The slice of life parts in Haifuri are supposed to be ship relevant, they just don't quite work somehow.

I get that, I really do. But would it really have killed them to have more girls in Haifuri with a decent sized chest? Variety is the spice of life right? Why so many flat girls in a show that has a large amount of time spent with the girls in swimsuits? Unfuckingbelievable that there could be such incompetence.


Wir Deutschen mögen Würstchen mit Kartoffelbrei!


Shouldn't she be brown then?


Hi Sup Forums

who cares go fap to your shitty doujins or something

But he's right.

No he isn't. The majority of Germany is white more so than America.
But this topic shouldn't be on this board aynway that's what i'm getting at.

There is a special place in anime hell for people who post Sup Forums memes on Sup Forums

German went away at last episode but it was no problem to me because Moka exist


There is an anime character named after the city I live in?

>Moka exists
Gotta treasure those two whole appearances she had.

Cont So I just looked at her full name. Pretty obvious that they named her after that guy


Should I go into the cities mausoleum and post a picture of your dead waifu in her coffin? It only takes like 15 minutes for me.

This is a message for all the Japanese women: don't marry gaijins, they will abandon you and go back to their real wife in their country.

Meant for mudslime raping.


The joke was told 10005799 times. Be more original next time.