Based mexico

>no muslim population
>no jewish population
>0 feminist groups active on it
>gay marriage not allowed in the major part of the country
>Extremly conservative population
>Christian-based religions only
>strong family vaules and the men rule over his wife
>Large obese population just like in 'murica
>Lots of spicy and delicious food
>Free healthcare
>here national bird is an eagle too

why we hate them again?

Other urls found in this thread:

You're a fucking retard.


because retarded trumptards envy us so much.

so white

I don’t envy a culture that skinning and beheading a ‘human’ being is still a thing in practice.

Pretty sure Mexico is one of the most left-wing Latin American countries.

Because Mexicans.

>no jewish population
Yeah, about that...

Got a source on that?

>no jewish population
nigga do you even know why the northern states are "white"? the original settlers of the north were converted jews from Spain that came to New Spain because they would've been expelled back in Europe. In Monterrey there's even a Jewish neighborhood

>0 feminist groups active in it
this is semi true, while the lower class is generally unaffected by feminist bullshit the middle and upper class are leftist degenerates that try to push their agenda down the populace's throat

>extremely conservative population
same as the feminist shit

>strong family values and the men rule over his wife
the family part is true, but most of the time the head of the family is the wife (on terms of decision making) while the husband just provides money

>free healthcare
not false, but the universal healthcare is really shit (seguro popular), the one for workers really depends on the hospital and zone (imss) and the one for state workers is pretty nice (issste)

>no jews
sorry to say this to you pedro...

thats not part of our culture.

you dont know anything about mexican culture

>Kind of True; but it's more based on who has the biggest machete
>True; and that healthcare is useless bullshit. (Why do you use the "No steppy on snek"?)




Let's suppose that those are all true.
Even then you still are a nation whose drug cartels rile over the govermnent. And you have no one to blame for your shithole except for yourself.

Oh! You've cancer. Don't worry, we can set up your quimiotherapy in december 2090

You got a source on all that bullshit you just shitted out?

I dont. But if I had it I prefer go to similares.

well they gave my grandparents pretty good pension and performed pretty good surgeries on my grandma (she had 3 heart attacks, lots of cholesterol problems and lung problems) shes 83 still alive and all surgeries were free. But then again my grandpa was friends with the governor so it might be because of that or because of the fact they're older idk

>But then again my grandpa was friends with the governor
Yeah! Case closed.

La raza reconqista explained.

Says a country that invaded the entire world minus 20 countries and raped pillaged and slaved everyone

Kindly sit the fuck before we completely destroy you

We don't they just need to come legally and fic their crap hole country

Because they immigrate here and turn into Libcucks and proceed to breed like shitflies and drive property crimes through the roof while causing property values to plummet.
Also: Not White.

More people are killed in Mexico on a yearly bases than in most of the Middle East. Let that sink in, thats how big of a shithole your country is

Because your disgusting people are invading our country.
>Exploiting the 'colored' rift and calling yourselves 'people of color' to live on handouts
>Working the jobs our youngest workers should be cutting their teeth on and getting PAID for. Beaners undercut the wages
>Mostly Mexicans are about to tip the white population into a minority
America should invade and push you disgusting mongrels into South America.

>why we hate them again?

because of:


>It's official: Latinos now outnumber whites in California

and pic related

America is the reason their country is unlivable

kek you are getting the shitiest ones.

Miss met yet, America?

I have a way to get rid of a despised underclass who are literally destroying your country from within...

and the fact there are people as retarded as you who would actually believe the state of black and brown countries are America's fault is the reason America will soon be unlivable.

In the 1820s, some people from the Northern and Eastern United States entered Mexico illegally. Mexico did have legal immigration through empresario contacts. The reason for this was to create a buffer between Mexico and the growing United States. At first they tried to convince Mexicans to move into Texas. However, Texas was dominated by the warlike Comanche Indians. Mexican families did not want to move to Texas and risk their families lives. Mexico then offered cheap land to Anglos from the United States. These legal immigrants had to agree to live under the Mexican Constitution of 1824. Mexican Texas was bordered by the U.S. frontier areas of Louisiana and Arkansas, had the most settlement by American illegal immigrants. When Mexico realized that illegal immigration was out of control they attempted to shut it down. Mexican Texas had a population of 3,000 illegal immigrants by 1823; most of those immigrants were from the Southern United States or Appalachia. By 1825, Mexico and the Coahuila y Tejas territory legalized immigration under the condition that settlers convert to Roman Catholicism and not own slaves. However, as the settler population expanded to 7,000 and did not assimilate with Mexican culture, Mexico banned American immigration again in 1830. However, by 1835, American immigration increased to 1,000 per month. Santa Anna did away with the Mexican Constitution of 1824. Many violations under his dictatorship led to tensions and eventually the outbreak of a revolution. Texas became independent from Mexico in 1836.[5]

this country is livable

So why aren't Mexicans fixing it?

>America should invade and push you disgusting mongrels into South America
Fuck off, we're full

>no jewish population
Tip top kek

>no muslim population
Yes, because not even muslims want to live there. Muslims only migrate to developed countries.
>0 feminist groups active on it
totally false
>extremely conservative population
>christian-based religions only
Yes, like in some Africa-tier countries.
>strong family values
until the local cartel kills 40 children

> He thinks theres no jews in mexico

>total shithole
>average height: 5' 4"
you forgot those

>no muslim population
i know of a mosque about driving distance from my house
>no jewish population
sure, sholmo.
>0 feminist groups active on it
are you blind? all major cities are chairo shitholes
>gay marriage not allowed in the major part of the country
still legal tho
>Extremly conservative population
right now it's divided, chairos, radical centrists and some conservatives
>Christian-based religions only
>strong family vaules and the men rule over his wife
yes, city fags do not apply
>Large obese population just like in 'murica
not a good thing
>Lots of spicy and delicious food
unhealthy though
>Free healthcare
lmao, shitty and cheap
>here national bird is an eagle too
only good thing imo

We brought civilisation

What about the cartels?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

It's such a lovely place that millions have fled. Cancun is now a drug cartel slaughterhouse, life expectancy is 55 for men 65 for women..

Because they come to our country, and ruin it by voting in favor of all of that negative bullshit here so that they can raise our taxes to pay for their gibs.

>It's such a lovely place that millions have fled. Cancun is now a drug cartel slaughterhouse, life expectancy is 55 for men 65 for women..


t. Pocho cagon.

Fuck off you stupid leaf

You are describing a total fantasy, feminists run wild on the big cities. In fact the main city is siege by them, all policies revolve around them and we even got all strip clubs closed because of them. All public transportation has divisions for women also, so yes Mexico City is full of cucks, I am one of the few that still uphold traditional values, not many of us around the main city. In rural Mexico anything flies so you can have a narco women leader or an old timer. Gay marriage is allowed in Mexico City and I will go as far as to say sponsored by the state. Jews control all important real estate in Mexico, look for the biggest REIT in Mexico ticker FUNO in the stock market, all own by (((them))). Pol is a place for truth and principles , do not come here and take us as fools.

>>no muslim population
>>no jewish population
I wish this were true
but the jews have showed their true color, every day they star in more and more telenovelas, every day their influence spreads on TV, written media, internet denouncing traditional mexican lifestyle and the catholic religion

and now theres a muslim population too, they're being adopted by the trendy feminists as well

its all quite disgusting

at least all the feminists got trapped under the rublle.
>how long untill GDLJ get's HAARP'd

>no jew
>no Muslims
>no feminists

Literally can name you jews, literally know a guy who knows a guy who has af feminist daughter in group that been on tv.

Good looking family

They are spics ?

lol those bitches didnt even bother to go to collapsed buildings and move rubble
GDLJ has always been traditionalist and catholic thats why the gay lobby/feminism is so invested there, trying to destroy the foundations

it is. amado bodou has a mexican gf.

right, S*naloa and Tam*ulipas are the ones that need the nuking

its such a great country, we dont deserve their best and brightest dreamers. If we are moral and not selfish, we must send them home.

then why is he giving them amnesty?

And thick fertile Mexican women to plant my white seed in

Sinaloa alone has ruined Ciudad Obregon (sonorafag here from hermosillo) and now they're coming up further north bringing their shit customs and way of life
they need to be nuked or HAARP'd

Cuando se es gatero se es gatero

amado vende merca?

>no jewish population
lol every one of your four developed cities has a large jewish (and quite wealthy) population. Only difference is lots of you call them "arabs" because you're retarded.

>0 feminist groups active on it
also nope. Mexico loves to copy the US and that includes all the leftist shit like feminism. You even have frequent muh more womyn in business initiatives, conferences and shit.

>gay marriage not allowed in the major part of the country
I'm pretty sure it's been approved in a few cities already plus like I said you love to copy the US and that includes all the leftist pandering to gays.

>Free healthcare
No respectable human likes your socialized healthcare (IMSS) and people only use it if they're poor as shit or if they absolutely have no other option. Clinics are eastern Europe tier, there are constant medication shortages and the entire system is worthy of the third world country you are.

t. lived in Mexico for a decade

>80 iq brown people who are criminal savages equal to niggers are best
because you're subhuman garbage that's not even fit to be slaves of white men or live in america? ifw e wanted more subhumans then we'd just import 50 million niggers from africa. we don't need shitskin brown people to ruin america.

sonorafag here too, Sinaloa is truly even worse than chiapas or other southern states.
they're ruining fucking SAN LUIS R.C!, my hometown.
Also Tijuana needs some major death squads, we're getting tag teamed over here.

No creo, pero si debe tener el tabique algo desviado

Que tal la noche de sabado

Found the dumb fucking millennial that has never been to Mexico

im white and i like mexicans. they have hottest chicks and our babies would look white anyway

t. spic shitskin from california

america has one drop rule you fucking piece of shit pedro. it always will as well. you'll never be white. america will implode and then you'll be left with liberals and niggers while white people move with whites

todo bien, fui a comer sushi y vos.

Mexicans treat white people like shit. We don't belong together.

"Canada is white" - Leaf

>Christian-based religions only
A load of bullshit as Mexicans natural religion is pagan. Even their Catholic faith is mixed with its native pagan faith and witchcraft and magic are widespread beliefs in Mexico (It is akin to the UK or Haiti).

>y vos
Are you being polite and using vos for him or because you live in a part of mexico that uses vos? Is there a part that uses vos?

So knowing the world considers Mexico to have one of the most corrupt government.

>How do you feel about your own government?
>Why haven't you touched the Cartel point many have brought up?

you sound like you have some deep issues. im white af from the south and the mexicans where i live usually contribute more to society than the white trash or nogs

one drop rule also only applied to blacks

I was talking like an argie. south mexicans from chiapas uses vos btw

Oh ok, I assumed you were just being polite but I didn't know that about Chiapas.
Cool shit bro

Nada, iba a ir a un cumpleaños pero me dio paja (flojera) ir a tomar el tren a las 12 de la noche y me quede aca escabiando vino tinto, me arrepiento de no haber ido pero ya es medio tarde y queda lejos

Eso mismo iba a preguntar je

It depends on the Mexican.

Are we talking about SoCal entitled "this land was stolen by white people" Mexicans or hard working, religious, traditional, family-oriented Mexicans?

i don't know where op gets that

Fake and gay.Theres always feminist protest, its full of wealthy kikes that control the government, every mayor city is full of faggots and the free health care is shit, you could literaly die waithing in line in a public hospital.

Yeah lmao, my family are Mexijews...

k i l l m e

>t. Brainwashed edgy memer who spends his time shilling for trump memes and agreeing with trumpnigger trash
Kill yourself, you aren't getting any uncle Juan points

Mang, i just saw a kike at costco last weak, he had a star of david pendant and looked the stereo typical kike. I followed him to his car and wanted to fucking punch him but i contained my autism. I still feel like i had to at least follow him home and slash his tires or something.

no hay piñatas en los cumples de alla?

de boca o river

>white trash
you're a spic larper kys you dumb motherfucker. pathetic piece of shit. one drop applies to all mudbloods. you're never gonna become white or take over america faggot.

Since when do we have universal health care?

Some people who live here aren't willing to accept that México is still a 3rd world shithole, everyone knows the gov. is corrupt but nobody is willing (or afaik, capable) of doing so, they'd rather wait for the problem to fix itself, but to be honest, it won't, at least not anytime in the next 70 years, and narco is still as rampant as ever, OP hasn't mentioned it because
>Read previous statement

I'm migrating to Australia or the UK as soon as I get a degree, I live this country, I love my flag, I live its people, but this is not where I'd like my offspring to live, not in its current state.


hol up paco! I have dual citizenship and im studing in Mexico right now.

I hope you realize how autistic and backwards that sounds

>hehe I'm gonna show my Aryan Bros how redpilled I am by punching some random jew or slashing his tires in an autistic fit of rage, coz I'm le redpilled Sup Forums user and something must be done about le kikes

You're either 16 years old or some autistic subhuman who can't differentiate between memes and reality, sad.

That's more of a reason to believe you're looking for uncle Juan points from americans

since seguro popular

I always wondered why a lot of the Hispanics I see in LA look like Jewish/middle-eastern goblins.

En los cumpleaños de los nenes nomas

y no sigo el futbol pero si me gusta el deporte

Respect, fuck London. Bunch of cucks. Straya is better

Los judios son una escoria pa por mas que tengas razon en el resto

el judaismo es un culto y no vale la pena apreciar la diferencia entre el judaismo y el sionismo

>Somewhat true
>Fake in the south
>Fake, but most of it is
>True, fuck drinking cocacola like water
>Not so true

More half my family lives in the US because they lived in California when Santana sold half of it to he US. The other half retuned to Mexico because they lived near a military base and the marines were pretty rapey (they had like 10 daughters), plus the goverment gave them land. So we ended getting dual citizenshit. I dont know why do you get mad about the whole thing.