They definitely didn't used to be, and it doesn't seem like it comes natural to them.
50-60 years ago the average white person would classify as a racist ethnic/racial nationalist by today's standards.
What changed it all?
Is it mass media?
What makes whites cucks?
Other urls found in this thread:
MCLEAN is new. Take it easy on him.
Kike media brainwashing people
intense privilege causes people to assume the rest of the world is as reasonable and intelligent as we are, but we're only successful because we're white.
in reality, we're only reasonable and intelligent because we're white. generally people come to realize this once they move out on their own and have to earn their own pay check, but kids are staying in college and in their parents house until their late 20s/30s now, so they are never getting a hard dose of reality.
Jews. Change how a man thinks you change his mind and soul.
The Jews took over the media and education systems.
Every single piece of information that reaches the eye or ear is filtered by Jewish gatekeepers. They are the people who educate the kids now. Their narrative is the conventional wisdom.
It will be extremely difficult to change this now, it is probably too late already.
So, how did the jews to gain so much power in the last 50-60 years?
My country is literally owned by kikes too
christianity virtue signaling. anybody saying another is wrong. once white men started to believe all the turn the other cheek insane kike shit in the bible it was finished.
atheist a hundred years ago wanted to do eugenics and sterilize niggers. know why that didn't happen? cause we're all children of god and all share the same blood. that's why white christians never wanted to genocide the shitskins cause they're children of god.
once people seriously started believing all races were equal then it was completely over and done. that's why kike propaganda works. whites fell for the kike named jesus 2000 years ago and that's the backdoor to ruin western civilization
>Wh*te """"people"""" blame jews for their lack of balls
by being tricky bastards and having group-think
Postmodernism, cultural subversion, infantilized modern education.
Westcucks literally can't stop cucking.
Something I've noticed about my fellow Westcucks is this: even when they're trying to be hard and right-wing, they still can't help instinctively cucking and trying to ingratiate themselves to women and non-whites, it's like it's in the genes.
I live in Worst Korea, which is of course one of America's remaining Asian satrapies. Now while it's perfectly natural for the native population to resent expats and to find excuses for denigrating us, what's most interesting is that the expats do it themselves more than anyone else.
Foreigners here basically come in two varieties: the leftcuck, who does that disgustingly patronizing thing where they insulate themselves from native culture and yet condemn anyone who would criticize it too strongly. Basically ignorance is bliss. They also like to go on about white privilege. They're the kind of people who go to great pains to show everyone around them how egalitarian their relationship with their gf is and how they don't have yellow fever.
But then you have the rightcuck, who ignores the corruption, immorality and filth around him and praises natives for loathing him as it shows "powerful racial instincts" or some shit. He likes to act as though this makes him confident and not an SJW or whatever but really he's still being a cuck faggot just in a different way.
What's missing? Sane people defending their interests and not being stupid and crazy.
You also find that neo-nazi types in the West spend a curious amount of time attacking the white diaspora, both in Africa and also here in Asia. It's like they feel like they have to "be morally consistent" by opposing whites settling in other countries as much as they oppose non-whites settling in the West. Here is an excellent example of the genre:
Hitler/Nazis/Holocaust. If you want to deal with the eternal Jew you have to 100% completely wipe them out, down to the last one. Anything less and they will simply come back stronger than ever. They feed off hatred, persecution, they gain power from anything that victimizes them but still leaves some left alive. Hitler set out to destroy the Jews but because he didn't destroy them all he simply amplified their power tenfold.
Hate to say it but it's probably because of pic related.
He's the reason why nationalism and white pride took a downward spiral following WW2.
The internet and the digital age also may have played a role.
Someone hast to have the picture where every ones eyes line up to her tits
A hundred years ago was the apex of Christianity.
Christianity was never incompatible with nationalism. Certainly The US is becoming less Christian, not more.
Europe and Canada are post-Christian and these issues seem to have sprouted since the faith died.
What we have is a deformed Christian impulse unmoored from actual Christianity and perverted by highly intelligent Jews. They use the Christian morality and mindset as a weapon.
Kevin MacDonald outlines this in 'Culture of Critiqe'
Decline of testosterone.
Jews and their control of media.
Monkey see, monkey do.
Atheism, Jews, overly comfortable lives.
It all started when the Jews created the Scofield Bible. Afterwards, indoctrination was easy
Dude, almost everyone there is checking out her tits, look at the girls refection on the laptop screen
you are a typical retard who has no idea what they're talking about. the pope is for open borders, this "based" pastor is for race mixing, and so forth. christianity is a fucking kike religion and only dumb fucking retards think it can work with white nationalism and isn't the root of the destruction of the west.
you are full of shit. the bible says everybody is equal and the children of god. you can't reconcile racism, eugenics, or genocide of shitskins with it. delusional faggots like you are why whites are finished cause you don't have a fucking clue what's going on in this world and just blame kikes.
KIKES EXISTED FOR 4000+ YEARS. they didn't just ruin the west in 50 years MAGICALLY. it's because the foundation is rotten that it worked. it's rotten cause christianity is a fucking sandnigger kike religion for cucks. ffs islam took over all their holy sites and then raided europe for a thousand years while the crusades are a fucking joke. chrisitanity christianity is a shitskin religion. all spics and niggers are christian pretty much and they're all subhuman
That is societies fault for shoving everyone young into higher education or work shittier jobs. Previously with only a HS diploma here you could get entry level positions at a bank. These same positions now require advanced degrees. And adjusted for inflation they are not even paying better.
I don't think we're cucks in mind. We are just lazy. That gets us cucked. I'm pretty sure that actually very few men like to see interracial couples. I'm pretty sure that most men would remove kebab if they only could. The problem here is that it would just take so much work and trouble to come out as a fashy death wing righter that people just don't bother. We'd rather play counter strike than behead a muslim.
>pope says open borders and take all refugees
>pastor anderson is pro race mixing
>god created all the shitskins and they're your brother
yet you think it's atheist? lmao fucking retard chilld.
Western world has lost its sense of identity and national unity. Christianity was part of that. Now it's gone and been replaced by the meme of multiculturalism.
So u b saiyan jewz are maijin buuz n shit?
pls post more of this set, seen it before but I don't want to google search for the image as its probably gonna put "middle school tits" or something similarly sketch in the search bar
christianity is a fucking shitskin brown subhuman religion. go fuck yourself. all of south america is christian. all niggers are also christian. christianity isn't fucking anything but garbage when you follow it properly.
>So, how did the jews to gain so much power in the last 50-60 years?
The united states have gained a lot of influence and power over the past 50-60 year.
Whoever took the picture made a freaking work of art....
look at the unfortunate throat on the guy to the right; could get all the female frogs within a 10 mile radius
Nepotism. Jews look out for each other
Years of 24/7 brainwashing. Unplug.
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
Even if it sounds cliché but people really are sheep.
You may want to ease up on the buzzwords if you want to be taken serious.
>What changed it all?
It was mostly the Vietnam War.
The anti-establishment sentiments that 'Nam created among the young people at the time lead them to reject the values of the establishment and embrace leftism.
Jews are more like The Flood
anybody have the version with the lines of sight making everyone in the picture stare at her tits?
forced memes
Being Raised in The Cold Winters of North Europe created a "we've got to help our communities as much as possible" mindset in Whites that has been taken advantage of by a "certain tribe from Palestine" as Morrissey would put it to cause Ourselves to an hero
What the kike doesn't know is that when the Overton Window Turns Completely (2020) The shit they've sent here Will All be Sent to pissrael.
i don't need to get taken seriously by christcucks cause you are clowns. you just selectively ignore reality when you suits you and wonder why reality smashes you like the losers you are.
the extremist christian is pro race mixing and anti-white nationalism
the pope is for open borders and taking all refugees
you praise the shitty religion every chance you get, but ignore south america and africa are filled with christcucks and the only place on earth that's comparable to the west is asia in places like japan which aren't christcucks. reality is going to destroy delusion christcucks like it already has
12 tribes of Israel should never mix.
A lot was scraped from bible. Christianity is compatible just not catholicism.
1. destroy traditions (this was done in the 60s)
2. Prevent new yet equally virtuous traditions from forming (this was done in the later part of the 60s and 70s). The good hippies were marginalized and ignored while punks were declared the new rebels. Hippies continued trying to be good, but it was a small subculture compared to transforming all culture.
3. mock old traditions as stupid
4. people will blindly accept whatever new is taught to them because it's de facto cooler than old stuff
5. cucking is taught to be cool and moral, and "not a dick move"
I fail to see what is 'cuck' about not being a sexist, racist asshat.
How are we even cucks compared to blacks? They got their entire continent conquered by us, they were owned by us, and all they can do when a famous white person says nigger is make videos about it on youtube.
Niggers are the ultimate cucks.
Really activates the ovens
lurk more
Passive conditioning through ((news)). Look at news through the ages; Heralds, town criers, printers, etc. always push out propaganda to make them complacent. It's still there instinctually, it's just become more inert but it'll always show the moment whites start to feel cornered, a history of global conquests will attest to that
24/7 televised media telling us how to think
Lack of the internet offering alternative viewpoints
The Jews are even cucking themselves.
The internet is the ONLY thing that can save our race right now
If we lose the internet, the only sources of information we have are kike approved media.
Liberalism is the key. This the only true answer. I speak from exp.
>They definitely didn't used to be, and it doesn't seem like it comes natural to them.
americucks used to make their slavesfuck their wives
This is a perverted, modern version of Christianity.
The faith is 2000 plus years old. Have you heard of the crusades by any chance?
The Catholic Church has only been off course since Vatican 2 'electric boogaloo' ...even after that it wasn't full retard like the current 'Pope'
Jews have only taken full control of the reigns since the sixties, though of course it took them a long time to get themselves in that position.
They were busy fucking over Russia before that. Russia has gotten rid of Jewish control (to some degree) and is now attempting to reclaim it's orthodox Christian heritage. Same with Poland etc.
That doesn't explain it at all, even with those places having universalism, etc. they were still racial/ethnic nationalists and extremely racist, up until the last 50-60 years.
Because black people are actually awful
Natural selection is starting to de-cuck the white race.
I've been here since /new/ 1.0. All I see is a circlejerk of racist asshats who need the community of whiteness to feel like they've accomplished anything in their boring, mediocre lives.
White people are a victim of our own evolution
High IQ combined with high levels of abstract thinking and high empathy result in more relativism. These traits fueled the Enlightenment and every achievement of Western Civilization (other races with high IQ didnt develope as much abstract thinking or empathy)....but it can also be our demise
It's a product of genetics and environment. Germanic/Nordic ethnic groups that had the strongest universalist selection pressure, even today, are the most cucked White ethnic groups. White Southerners, for instance, are among the most racist Whites in the US, and are largely Scots-Irish in ancestry, and had less historical universalist selection pressure and a high rate of inbreeding.
Years of regularly scheduled programming, Sup Forums would like to think only niggers are easy to control but white people are too.
the relationship between races and peaked in the 80's and 90's, during which we became too comfortable with the shit they were doing and saying.
white america is probably the only nation on the planet to look past might-makes-right, as a result we do things to elevate other people's even when it doesn't make any sense.
so throughout the 2000's literally all black culture and music has slowly turned into kill whitey, fuck white women, steal and abuse programs, it's ok because slavery.
it's really common now, and was really common then and even in the 90's and 80's to act like america doesn't own up to slavery, or whitewashes our mistreatment of the natives post indian-american wars, but it couldn't be farther from the truth, it's all we talk about EVER. we've been apologetic since the 80's.
the problem is the people born in the apologetic era, don't realize any of this. So, they hear what they think are based lyrics and messages from essentially rappers and sports guys, and think that's the only reason people are talking about it. they fail to realize whitey had been telling the tale all along. Liberal media outlets tell them we don't own up to it, and we don't and have not paid for it.
The fact of the matter is, the only reason it's talked about at all, is because we bothered to record our misdoings even in our own victories. It's not common for a country to constantly broadcast and demonstrate its most shameful history. America does, Canada does, Germany does, britain has been transitioning. it seems it's a great big poison pill.
no, to be honest, George W Bush took the biggest bite out of nationalism.
i don't know how old you are, but if it's 23 or younger, you missed a time period in the early 2000's that was totally dominated by america and our hatred for the middle east. George W Bush is the last president to be granted the benefit of the doubt and the hearts and minds of america, and he totally squandered it in iraq.
and the worst part? we didn't even plunder the goddamn oil.
yup, unless you have minor autism like us and actually see the forest through the trees
This is all races yes? The only reason extremely liberal is above 1.0 is because of niggers and beaners. The liberal side in general would be much lower if you considered only whites.
Non-whites aren't liberals.
Blacks and Hispanics might vote Democrat but they aren't ideological liberals.
user's chart categorizes them this way though I'm pretty sure. It's misleading in that sense by overestimating the TFR of leftists.
real answer: whites are highly creative and independent. they prod and explore and discover things. they do it in their own minds too. it can be a great strength. and its a process that only seems to accelerate as its undertaken. white people became more and more open, less and less restricted. in all areas of human activity, the barriers of propriety and taboo were broken down by exploring white consciousness. but some of the barriers were there for a good reason.
this has to be some fucking community college in alabama...
you can smell it
>But then you have the rightcuck, who ignores the corruption, immorality and filth around him and praises natives for loathing him as it shows "powerful racial instincts"
Too close to home
>two chicks look kinda young
>all the guys in the photo look late 20s early 30s
>But then you have the rightcuck, who ignores the corruption, immorality and filth around him and praises natives for loathing him as it shows "powerful racial instincts" or some shit. He likes to act as though this makes him confident and not an SJW or whatever but really he's still being a cuck faggot just in a different way.
I do this in way, but it's more that I respect certain values and like peoples who have them. Then again, I'm not the type of person who would move to a non-Western nation.
For some reason this made me laugh for a solid half minute.
>what happened to whites
The same thing that happened to the black family: second and third wave feminism.
the blacks were weak so they were utterly destroyed 1st by their own women. the whites were stronger so it took about 60 years of their women betraying them before they fell.
Women are the ones that did this to us. Not Jews, not muslims, not communists. It has always been women: the destroyers of every civilization.
probably the rise of t.v and internet, aswell as having less strict parents and teachers, the kids basically are allowed to fuck around, take drugs, be sluts etc with no one to teach them values like duty, responsibility, honour etc
This. All you need to do is take a hard look at modern 'christianity' So many of them believe the "once saved, always saved" bullshit which breeds sin and vice. Also, the whole concept of other christians being more of a brother than actual blood relative is antithetic to nationalism
Nepotism, usury, trickery and after they gained enough power (hollywood, news media, etc) they started to spread anti-white propaganda to guilt whites. If you read history, you'll see that a lot of leaders (most notably Napoleon) tried to stop their usury and trickery peacefully, but in the end kikes are still kikes and it's in their blood to do this kind of things.
Friend of mines gf just got into it and it's crazy how far people delve into it
No, the graph is only White fertility rates.
Cycle of civilizations.
Hubris born of success.
Britain didn't accept they were no longer the world power until WWII.
What is life like for Cypriots, is your media essentially just American, or is it Greek/Turkish/Cypriot? Do they push miscegenation and migration or are you too irrelevant for that to occur?
>No one mentions the school system making everyone obedient cucks who crave a teacher/enforcement figure to control the room.
I'm saying it's 100% the education system, everyone who goes to university comes out brain washed and convinced they're the smartest now. Without fail, every time.
Once people get over their obsession with lazy wealth through attending waste of time courses, things should turn around. This system is enabled by fiat money primarily so I'm personally watching the failure of Keynesian economics as they catalyst to the uncucking.
If 401k/retirement funds inflate or fall (purchasing power decreases) or housing prices fall and can't be 0% interest rate restored to boom prices this modern cuck world will be over. Once the sjws are equal with their brown friends they won't value diversity anymore.
sugar and processed foods
Christianity served us well for 2000 years. But it's suddenly a problem? Go gas yourself paganfag.
>but really he's still being a cuck faggot just in a different way.
This. A white man of 60 years ago would have slapped the chninks silly to show them where their place is. Not praise them for "racial instincts" or some shit.
The world was white. It belonged to us. And we gave it away.