I just watched the first episode, does it get any better?
I just watched the first episode, does it get any better?
Watch the rest and judge by yourself you dumb cunt.
Yes, you'll see the best OTP soon.
no not really
It's fucking trash and was only worth watching during the airing.
The first episode is the best. That and the edgy one are the only episodes MC has a personality.
the sister gets crushed by a building
>MC literally tires to inject marijuana
that was the best part of the show
I liked the part when he became Punished Snake.
>Needing MC to take reference from another character to think it's good
Yeah, probably just a discount self insert husk.
she is saved though since her brother goes back in time
Hey what if we combine Key writing with edgy Aniplex original sensibilities, give it only 12 episodes to work with for a writer that is used to writing Visual Novels at a leisurely pace and then give it to one of the two studios that makes primarily originals but give it to the one that has bombed all but two of them in their history immensely hard instead of the one that usually crushes it in Sunrise just like the last one because that totally told sold well because of them and not because Key was enjoying an anime renaissance thanks to the success of Kanon and Clannad After Story. What could possibly go wrong?
Show proceeds to sell worse than Shirobako which had neither Key branding or Aniplex marketing.
It's shit.
>does it get any better?
no, not really
>does it get any better
I mean, the episode where the MC goes full edge is alright, but it's really not worth watching it to the end.
Half the fun of the show was making MGS5 references while it was airing.
The first and edgy episode were so much fun.
I completely forgot that happened. Those last few episodes were such a clusterfuck. What were they thinking?
>one cour
Maeda just can't write good short stories
>Hiiiiii Reaper here.
Best episode.
One of the worst pacing show i've ever seen. The last few episodes where horrible and full of plotholes.
But the animation was good and some characters were likeable.
If the ending wasn't so rushed and it had a second cour when he went around the world, then it would have been great.
I wanted to see his teleport powers in action and more scenes of him completelt kicking ass.
>tfw Sup Forums convinced you that the mc is lelouch 2.0
Stop breaking my hopes Sup Forums
I agree, stop watching now OP.
it gets worse
MC was basically Lelouch mixed with Kanye in the first episode. That's half the reason so many people got hyped for the series. Then it all went straight to hell.
He could've easily done it but he filled half of the season with useless shit.
It was the best show of its season even if hipsters believe otherwise.
Show was good for 7 episodes or so and then it went to complete shit.
I think I watched it.
But I can't remember a fucking thing about it.
She gets raped in like episode 10 or 11.
Used goods.
It's okay, not as good as Angel Beats, and the ending isn't really satisfying but otherwise good.
It only gets worse.
Much, much worse.
Fuck no, shit gets harder and harder to watch every lesson. The only reason to watch is to laugh when the MC goes edgy faggot mode.
angel beats sucked
I want you to have this
Should sage though.
But still way better than Charlotte.
Just wait for the VN
who else hated that he got over his depression so quickly? I mean essentially I wanted to see him do some actual fucked up shit also it was rather hard to feel guilty about MC since he had a great fucking life
The first episode is the peak. It's just fill retard after.
Worst part of the show was all the fucking music pandering moments