the most idiotic and retarded? just STFU and play the sport aka dance monkey, theyre killing their own brand
Other urls found in this thread:
They are even more insecure about their race than actual Africans. They want the benefits of both races and cultures and act like victims when they dont belong to either.
what is kaepermninck? I always though he look middle eastern
black jew look at his nose
Why is Sup Forums completely ignorant to confirmation bias.
Truly a 90~ iq board.
no wonder he doing this~! He cant fight his natural instincts
kaepermninck is half coon/ half dune coon
these vermin are why i'm 1488.
Identity crisis. It's called trying to be more catholic than the pope. They always side with the groid side of their ancestry too.
They have it the worst.
>Reality is now just confirmation bias
Really gets the ol noggin joggin.
Because their white side.....
being part white, they know how shitty whites are..
pure black don't realize how worthless whites are, the mixed know, that's why they are usually the most radical.
They want to wake up the pure black, to the fact that whites are the devil...
steph isnt a half breed white goy
half breed or not, the blacks that grow up solidly middle class (or in Curry's case, rich) always go overboard trying to prove their "streetness". it's hilariously sad but kaepernick is far worse with the nigger hair, etc.
at least curry is a family man with kids and strong christian.
? yes he is.
anyone else not gay but want to pound steph's boipucci?
>theyre killing their own brand
You fucks aren't the people who will buy their jerseys or sneakers, why would they give a fuck if you think they're killing their brand? Last I checked they're doing fine.
NFL audience is mostly white
Even NBA is 40%
NFL is a sinking ship retard.
drumpf niggers btfo ;^)
As a colored man who took a DNA test and is 1/64th African American. I'm sick of my people being taken advantage of by the white man. Me being 1/64th means my great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather raped my great great great great great great great great great grandmother and for away with it
Smart enough to get uppity, not smart enough to shut up and be grateful for what they've been given. It's the residents of this iq danger zone that threaten us all
sounds about right
Didn't Trump attack Steph first?
IQ tests were created by whites for whites. Just saying, let a black man give a white man an IQ test and see what happens
>Last I checked they're doing fine.
Check again
Type "nfl ratings" in and then report back to us what headlines you see
Kaepernick looks like a fucking Yemini Jew.
It's funny that an Arab would be so infatuated with the plight of the black man, especially when you consider the fact that his ancestors enslaved them for over 14 centuries, and continue to do so to this very day.
And Curry looks like he could pass as Shaun King's brother.
I'd love to see what a black IQ test looks like.
How much crack a nick is.
Genetics. It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
fix your spacing dumb ape
They have the incurable disease of being mixed race from birth, it's a guaranteed identity crisis from the first moment they can remember.
how loud one can be in public and low one can swag ones pants
All part of the kikes plan to tear down the west.
most idiotic comment i've seen in a while. keep going
I'm pretty sure I can do word problemz wif Jodesia and Demarcelius as the subject
I just saw a halfbreed MLB player kneeling in another thread too.. It's cause they feel the need to prove themselves or something
>Didn't Trump attack Steph first?
You mean call him out on his political grand standing? YES!, yes he did.
name 10 of 17 ingredients in KFC original seasoning
Like most black inventions, it would fail to produce any reliable data.
TalcumX is blacker than he is.
he should share his bronzer with king.
Circus Niggers should not get into higher thinking or politics, their monkey brains are not made for this. You should reintroduce to whip them as you did on the cotton fields so they learn their place again.
Can "what is your black-iq" be made a meme?
Niggers v Trump 2016 is shaping up to be one of Trumps greatest 5d moves ever.
So you've all seen the news let's see some statistics and show why this is great for Trump.
"While some 70 percent of respondents who identified as white said they disagreed with Kaepernick, that number dropped to 40 percent of respondents who identified as a racial minority."
THIS IS KEY. For the past few election cycles blacks already vote 90-95% democrat so offending them by shitting on football players can barely statistically harm him (ESPECIALLY since blacks are only 11% of the population).
His gold comes from White Americans (72-76% of the voting population) which as shown above HEAVILY disprove of these actions. Trump only won white voters 58% - 37%... Even a 2-4 point swing among white voters would lead to a disaster among the left.
Keep pushing this men, no one is getting offended except blacks who already vote heavily democrat so this is our chance
In 1930's germany such tattoos would get you an express ride to an concentration camp
They're surrounded by 75 IQ feetsball niggers all day, and since they stand a better chance of being accepted by these niggers than they do whitey, they pander to them. They're still niggers, just with a slightly higher station
How many bonus points to blacks get on their IQ?
>w-we deserve free speech to talk about nazism in public! Free speech is for everybody!
>what the fuck??? these athletes act like they have the freedom to NOT say the pledge?
>theyre killing their own brand
No their not, the only people getting butthurt are the flyover rural white trash that everyone hates anyway
>born mullato
>shunned by blacks for acting too white
>shunned by whites for looking too black
>shunned on the internet for being the byproduct of propaganda
fuck everything
niggers dont like them because theyre not nigger enough whites dont like them because theyre niggers. big problem. sad.
Kek. No I mean like have them make up an arbitrary colored iq based on repression or some shit. Like how they revise history to their benefit.
Bullshit white people didn't care at all until recently when who would have guessed non-whites started acting like faggots again. Kids have race mixed kidd whitey says "oh good for them that is up to them". Black people go "bitch ass nigga ain't da black man good enough fuk whitey ooga booga kill white babies". Quit acting like white people haven't bent over backwards for decades trying to please non-whites.
just pretend you're mexican or give up worrying about race. Nobody is pure blooded anything. race is not important but patriotism is.
they need to prove their blackness
can't prove their whiteness
Curry isn't even half white. He's just lightskin as fuck
Liar. Any man can be decent regardless of race, but race is still important
How dare these men protest police beating and killing blacks! Unacceptable!