In this generation of spineless leaders and pure degeneracy I believe that only a dictator can turn a nation (like say Sweden) in the right direction. Similar to what happened in 1970's Chile, everybody berated Pinochet for being a dictator, but in the aftermath Chile went on to become one of the most prosperous and politically stable nations in South America. Now look at Venezuela, they fell for the means of production meme and in turn they have gone into civil war and their population is slowly pouring into Columbia as a result. What do you think Sup Forums? do we need more authoritarian policies order to restore places like western Europe to a better state? Discuss.
Do we need more helicopter rides? Discuss
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Heres a candidate
I love the stupidity of these fuckers. They live just above the middle-class where they are spoon fed with daily meals and a fistful of 100 dollar bills, yet instead of admiring the marvels capitalism can bring them, they instead fall for the memes of production.
The "Miracle" of Chile is a capitalist myth.
>Venezuela, they fell for the means of production meme
Venezuela isn't socialist. The United States enacted a coup backed by Venezuelan capitalists for their own benefit. That's what wrecked the country.
Venezuela is STILL not socialist.
Kind of like how Sup Forums worships globalist capitalists while claiming to hate globalists?
By your image's logic then, the US isn't capitalist, as it doesn't have "actual" free trade.
Bump for general helicopter maintenance costs.
The US is a mixed economy, but it's definitely capitalist. The lie of libertarians is that there is no true capitalism without anarchy. That's bullshit. Capitalism is not defined by governmental system. Socialism IS.
A Bolivarian Republic, Venezuela turned to socialism in 1998 when Hugo Chavez was elected president after two unsuccessful coup attempts to oust his predecessor. The new regime brought not only a new constitution, but higher oil prices as well. The following year Chavez passed laws redistributing land and wealth, which he followed in 2005 with a land reform decree that would eliminate larger estates to the benefit of the poor in rural areas.
>Venezuela isn't socialist
Silly antifag
Venezuela is not socialist. Sorry, sweetie but your retardation is nobody else's responsibility to clean up. The workers don't own the means of production in Venezuela. That's the literal definition of socialism and the country doesn't meet it.
I know you really, really wanna spread that porkpie propaganda, but it's simply not real. You're living a fantasy.
Shut the fuck up you marxist baboon
Nice non-argument. Gee, I wonder which class you belong to? Surely you're a hardworking lower class Chilean lol.
Yeah, i'm broke as fuck... Ugh
Honestly, you probably work for foreigners.
The "Chilean Miracle" was only a "miracle" for the upper class. It fucked the actual working people, as neolib bullshit always does.
Every piece of capitalist propaganda is a lie. All of it.
Well user, you have good documentation about what happened in my shithole country. These are some good documents
Look at the GDP of Chile over decades. I was increasing for decades then Allende comes to power in 1970 and it immediately tanks.
Pinochet come to power in 73 and it immediately begins to recover, and in fact goes up at a greater rate than before.
Your retardation.
>Lower class
Gee, then I wonder how he has internet and a computer, surely a lower class worker wouldn't be shitposting on Sup Forums if he had financial issues.
>Venezuela is not socialist, nice try. Your definition of socialism seems to be factory workers using the economic output for their own needs and having a hammer and sickle on the flag, ahaha WRONG.
Socialism is a swindle in itself, once the gommies have manipulated "muh masses" they can suck every last cent out of the people, hence "a coup backed by Venezuelan capitalists for their own benefit"
N i c e t r y s h l o m o
It was sarcasm, you fucking moron. Anyone from Chile who's going to be on Sup Forums shilling for Pinochet is going to be from the upper class.
Venezuela's still not socialist. You literally don't even know what the fuck you're talking about, but as all Americans, you sure do have strong dumbass opinions about it, given to you by propagandists. Go read a book, nigger.
Send this to Merkel.
Bitch if the people vote for dictatorship of the proletariat then it is a Neo-Marxist socialism.
Listen, moron. And listen close. Because this is the last time I'm saying this.
Again, your low IQs do not make people who can read incorrect.
GDP mostly measures the growth of wealth of the rich. It's true in every capitalist country. That's why Pinochet and capitalism shills always resort to GDP as a measure of a country's success. Because it conveniently hides the fact that most of a capitalist nation is eating shit. America has the largest economy on the planet and the most billionaires, but over half the country makes less than $30k a year. The situation is far worse in Chile.
>American calling americans dumbasses
Look in the mirror
Btw I found some freinds for you.
So you have no arguments and concede. Excellent.
Might as well post an USSR poster
>A million genetic fallacies!
Honestly that site didn't go hard enough on Pinochet. I love how retarded Sup Forums has become in the past two years. None of you ever argue facts. You always just argue with propaganda.
>You're not allowed to use that source!
>I don't have to pay attention to the fact that I'm mostly wrong! Look at this cherrypicked minority that proves me right!
>You stupid!
Honestly, you're yelling at a wall by this point.
It's better just to hide all your posts considering that all your arguments can be easily debunked, along with it's just you trying to grow your internet dick by taking down to people who you don't even know.
>OMG you should just leave you're not even effective like you're blah blah blah
Lol fag.
>To put too fine a point on it, the country’s economic successes, largely, are rooted in state investment and redistributive economic policies, while its failures owe largely to loosely-regulated capitalism.
That is completely wrong. The success comes from having strong and predictable institutions which attract foreign investment. Pinochet created a strong and rigid constitution protecting private property and the country opened to free trade worldwide with FTAs with the entire world. Furthermore, redistribution is virrually nonexistent. They basically created the privately managed fully funded capitalization system for pensions. My father worked on it when he was young. Public services are total shit in education and health.
Socialist governments that followed Pinochet always criticosed him but never dared to go against his economic policy, because it worked.
Now recently Bachelet in her second term has tried to revolutionize it more than anyione before her and the country stopped growing and investment decreased, which other latino countries with right wing govs are taking advantage of.
Source: I am Chilean. I am an economist. I dont need a fucking telesurtv "analysis" with focus on specific events instead of numbers nor some user on Sup Forums to tell me about my country's economy.
Poverty has decreased to less than 13%, greatly improving the conditions of the lower classes more than any Latin American country
Of course Pinochet fucked up some things and there is some good to socialist policy to some degree. But the miracle did happen and it was because of his actions. You also fail to consider that the alternatives to Pinochet were aiming towards self-destruction, with a Marxist president without a majority approval changing all the rules of the game, increasing famine in two years of office and a weak army while Argentina at the other side waiting like a vulture to invade the southen islands. Pinochet saved Chile beyond what any article says
>That is completely wrong.
Well you can believe whatever the hell you want. But beleif =/= fact. Capitalists are objectively wrong about both Chile AND Venezuela. And the reason you're wrong is because it's on purpose. You're fucking liars and the date backs that up.
>Source: I am Chilean. I am an economist
Funny how you're in Spain.
>whatever the hell you want
I believe tha hard, real world data I work with, thank you for your opinion.
I fail to see why that is funny.
bs venezuela is socialist as fuck you boi pussy kys
the U.S didnt did a stablished a communist goverment it was cuba you nigger faggot
We need OVER 9000 helicopter rides!
Why'd you leave Chile if it's so great?
Then post some that matters. Show how the poor are doing in Chile. Show how the will of the people was overridden for American business interests.
No it's not, CIA, you fucking faggot. Repeating a lie over and over again will never make it true. It will only make you a retard.
>the U.S didnt did a stablished a communist goverment it was cuba you nigger faggot
What the fuck is this even supposed to say?
im saying that the cubans used us to get oil and money you E- tier slut
What the fucking hell does that have to do with anything? America's literally gotten oil from ISIS.
>OH NO Cuba took over Venezuela!
>things that happened
Chile is proof capitalism works.
If you lie enough and ignore the disaster that Pinochet and Friedman created.
I can't listen for that fucking sound screech. Fucking earphones warning.
Move to Venezuela freak.
Hey, next tell me to move to Iraq! Because you know, if America's wrong, then the countries it's invading, bombing and ruining must be a great place to live right? Fag.
>Stupidest most empty argument ever made on the internet.
Get in the helicopter Che.
>ignoring the first two beacuse you ran out of argument
You have to deny reality to believe that.
He was a cia shill and now his capitalistic nation has followed the inevtble trend of (((Capitlism))) and is busy importing niggers and cheap workers from other parts of less white south America.
tldr Pinochet was a fucking,American CIA backed nigger
bless your soul dixie man
Hope you are doing ok down there user.
don't worry i got this
*breathes in*
get rekt commie fag
Pinochet saved over 1 million of lives. The Allende regime's own estimate were that over 1 million Chileans had to die for Socialism to be established in Chile.
Chile is proof that culture and good policy decisions are more important than race.
Pinochet was a kike puppet.
wtf I love kikes now