True Aryans(Indians) are the greatest race on earth, If it wasn't for us there would be no civilization and you people would have been still swinging on tress. We showed the world we could make progress in science on mathematics without showing barbarism and cruelty like the whites do. Though we are in a bad state right now we will rise again and rule the world which rightfully belongs to us the creators of civilization. Do you want me to remind you what an Indian did last time to rule an other race? He became a God in the eyes of soulless dog eating race of chinks and showed them light , While the fake Aryans have to murder and Genocide millions to be on top like the barbarians they are. But their end is here as Karma is coming for them in full force
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then why are you ashamed of using your real flag pajeet.
Aryan Race isn't about where you're from. Aryan is a state of mind. God consciousness.
I am not in India now so...
jainist bro reporting in
this is a swastika of peace
I dont think you have any reason to laugh looking at your people right now
We can only survive by proving all that innovative ability. Plus we MUST reconnect with our ancient past and true history. And there is no better source of that now than this.
For anybody that really wants to know the significance of Rev 12 its right here on this board.
But you have to ask yourself first if your faith is in Hal Lindsey (or some other preacher) or if it is in your ability and willingness to learn from the divine sources of Moses, Paul and even Thoth. They all agree. That is what star alignment means, in essence.
For those that can handle that, pull up this one page synopsis and look at it.
Then you will find the rest of the story here.
And please post something there to keep it on the board.
Send bobs and vagene bitch lasagna
Do you know when does the kali yuga end Indian bro?
is it really 2025 ?
i have always been fascinated with your scriptures and history.
Im from Kerala so you cant use these shitty arguments against me as it doesn't relate to me
Don't care. You're still a filthy street shitting cow worshipping pajeet.
Sorry man im not Hindu but i do admire the things they contributed to our society though
I dont shit on the streets and i dont worship cows, Look at this map my state is in the south west corner
>we wuz aryans n shieet
Nope lmao, the populations closest to the actual aryans are literally northern and northeastern europeans.
So you're a Muslim, Jain or Sikh. Also, why is it relevant which state you're from? What makes Kerala so special I should dedicate more than a nanoJoule of my brain's energy?
Indians literally have ancients myths that it was white people that taught them civilization and were kind to them.
Im christian and there is nothing special other than the fact there are toilets
>Im christian
Yet you believe in Karma?
>there is nothing special other than the fact there are toilets
Oh wow, toilets. India global power 2020.
total years 432,000
around 427000 years remaining
Pretty sure the aryans came to india, they were not Indian
>427000 years remaining
I was hoping kalki will come to destroy the filth with my lifetime
dame it.
>It's another pajeet larping as an aryan episode
>True Aryans(Indians) are the greatest race on earth, If it wasn't for us there would be no civilization and you people would have been still swinging on tress. We showed the world we could make progress in science on mathematics without showing barbarism and cruelty like the whites do
But the origional Indians were Aryans as in blond hair blue eyed Aryans
Origional Indians looked like pic related
I dont believe in Karma and i didn't say toilets were special compared to the whole world
Our civilisation is nothing, its not even .001% of Kali yuga where everything on earth is devoid of God's Knowledge.
Earlier yuga's were even bigger, our lives are really miniscule in comparison.
These are the true proto indo europeans(aryans).
Indians are fucking mutts.
The aryan invasion theory has been confirmed this year from the latest DNA research.
You are like niggers claiming they wuz pharaohs.
>I dont believe in Karma
Yet in your OP you explicitly that, and I quote: "Karma is coming for them in full force".
That just there for whites to get more pissed u paki
India is a call centre for real countries.
k bruh
Whatever rocks your boat Rajesh. Just bear with the thought that you will never be seen as desirable to women as those whites you wanna piss off. Especially by your own countrywomen.
The niggers will still be punished by being niggers .
I don't think Heaven likes any of us.
Well K, that argument came out of no where.....
>kid thinks kalyug ends in 2025
This is just the start of Kalyug . If you think the world is cruel and dishonest, just wait for sometime . The darkness of Humans will be enough that we don't need ghost stories.
Remember kalyug is just starting.
You have nanojoule of brain energy retard . Fucking kekistani piece of shit.
The darkies are the mortal enemy of the aryans. Aryans are fallen angles of light from the star constellation aries and have golden, red or brown hair which represents the sun.
If you want to see an aryan just look at Europe. You have barbarians, Khazarians, Bulgarians, Hungarians. The original white race was displaced by chink raids and later the mongols the aryan race originated in central northern Asia. There are remnants of there society like the mummified bodies of the Tocharians from western China.
Also Anglo Saxons claim to be descendent from Seaxneat who is the norse germanic version of Aries.
Also nobody desires whites here like chinks do believe it or not, Lighter skin being attractive here doesn't relate to you as nobody wants you snow niggers
This is 45% true . Aryans migrated from Central Asia , those who went to Indian subcontinent become dark skinned because Natural Selection. If we don't have melalin then we would die of cancer and intense heat.
You salty m8?
Sure muhammed from syria . Bombing the big ben when , rapefugee ?
A fucking poo
Show your flag street shitting paki .
A fucking leaf.
>nobody desires whites here
I'm actually kinda happy about that...
You are the one who bought up the argument but whatever
>i am actually kinda happy about that
A fucking leaf
LOL. Pathetic lies. Indians crave White cock even moar than Japanese.
Or what pajeet? You gonna do the Bollywood Dance of Eternal Destruction?
Welp, I'd prefer my cock not to be craved by pic related, thank you...
so considering the Indian and Chinese and Middle East had great civilizations before us and we are now finishing up as a great civilization does that mean now is the time for Africa to finally become a great civilization
this is terrifying
Thats a paki just saying(nice work hiding the comments Mohammed)
Not gonna do that , paki street shitter .
Dance paki , dance.
>7mins to turn a poo into a cracker
I call shenanigans
They are SHIET, but will they finally become...KANGZ????
what did indians ever contribute to the earth? before the british came you guys barely had a civilization, after the british left, you guys to took to the streets and started shitting everywhere
The fact that to you white = American amuses me...
>before the british came you guys barely had a civilization
Australian education
This 16 year old christ cuck mellu again .
You writing here because of us , turd .
came here to say designated
Thats me street shitter and Pls stop with the bollywood crap its embarrassing
albino orangutan with human like eyes
I really think orang are the greatest and so freaking cool. pretty damn smart too.
Ok Gypsy, still salty about us kicking you out?
Go home to suck daddy's cock, as your mother won't. She's got plenty of work already being the man in the house.
t porkistani
are indians descended from niggers?
daddygee is lower caste and from the south. has that aboriginal look which in turn harkens a look out of Africa
Thats clearly a north Indian street shitting child rapist look at his degenerate son
If you Pajeets are such Aryans, then why are your women so hungry for white dicks?
Nigga you're high on road feces. Aryans were a tribe located in Germany during the Constantine era of rome. The rest of your wall of text isn't even worth reading.
Beta testers.
>True Aryans(Indians)
Yea right Mohammed
Aight pajeets, as you requested. Salutations and dicks to your mothers from the sunny Caribbean!!
'adopted son'
Kek you do realize that pakis have more Irani, Afghani and kashmiri blood than the whole of India, right? Pakistan is objectively fairer than India.
Well this is just sad.
I feel like shilling for India is a mistake?should i work for an independent Kerala instead?
india = true aryan!! lolololol
Brahmin = jews not aryans.
Nah man, you should just anhero
please go on about Brahmin being Jews, I already had this whole theory about them being related and/or the same group of people in some ways.
I even met a guy who runs a huge apartment complex in new jersey and they specifically build entire buildings and developments just for Indians. Also they are tight with the DNC
the Pakis I have met have never been nice people. I have met quite a few here and in UK and Europe and nearly all have been assholes with extreme chips on their shoulders. The only 2 Indian hindus I have met have been a lot different from the Paki. One was a slightly effeminate guy and a fairly decent human being and the other is my doctor, a really nice guy and a really great doctor. (actually takes time and cares and yes speaks great English (maybe he is so nice because he was educated in Canada canucks are such nice people). I there a difference between the two nationalities or have I been unlucky with the Pakis or lucky with the Indians. Is it like canada and the United States. Canadians being so nice n all.
this seems kinda nice
sooo no cottaging then?
and yet you still have not learned to poo in loo
>True Aryans
The Myth of Aryan Invasion in India - Dr. David Frawley - India Inspires Talks
The Collapse of Aryan Invasion Theory and the prevalence of Indigenism
Scientific Verification of Vedic Knowledge - Full Length
How Germans Distorted Hindu Ideas Which Led to Nazism: Rajiv Malhotra
Rajiv Malhotra explains the genesis of the Aryan Dravidian Myth
Dr Subramanian Swamy exposing Aryan Dravidian Theory
Aryan Invasion Theory Exposed By Sri Rajiv Dixit Ji