What were they thinking?

What were they thinking?

Other urls found in this thread:


>let's have some fun.

>male character gets bare ass, tries to fuck the edginess out of a little assholes
>proposes to an even bigger asshole to keep the big asshole from killing the little asshole
>has some kind of gay love ephinany while promising to do everything that a girlfriend would do for the big asshole while little asshole stares in confusion and probably horror
>some fat asshole has a heart attack at the thought that some people might find this to be gay

Remember that 'dream' where the kid tries to kiss him or something and then the explosion happens and he wakes up? Some Freud shit right there

Bankruptcy and good riddance.

So, would you say that Masayoshi and Goto have a common LAW partnership? You know, because JUSTICE?

When will Omori get to do something original again?

Would have been 100% the best shit ever made if it wasn't for the god awful, mind numbing fujoshit pandering.

You're reading too far into it, user.

Good fun things.

Must be awful to have such horrible taste.

>Time to create a masterpiece, the likes of which the world has never known?

Thank you Kurata for confirming that there's nothing gay about proposing to a guy while naked with the promise that you'll do everything his girlfriend would have done. I feel so much better about my own life choices now. Can't wait to let my Pe-paw know that I'm not really gay. I'm just being a bro.

It's a reference to Champloo you dolt

"The industry is only making shit, let's save anime!"


They weren't

No, that's your regular trainwreck piece of shit, a lot of thought went into SamFlam.

>Hey, I bet you a hundred thousand yen you can't write a full anime series while tripping balls.
>You're on.

Masayoshi is my waifu.

They were thinking about JUSTICE.

If you can't see that, then you are merely on the wrong side of the justice/stupidity division

"Studio's heading for bankruptcy - if this is our last original show, let's at least go out on something memorable."

Boy, did they.

I heard that Sup Forums was basically freaking out while Samurai Flamenco was showing because it was such a wild ride

I missed it, where can I find those memories? I want to see what JUSTICE does to Sup Forums

Manglobe were the most absolute of madmen and never once did they reevaluate their business choices or something

They were thinking of making an AOTY. And they made it.

>Man, this is pretty comfy. Two bros being bros and fighting for justice, even if it is only Umbrella Thieves and Litter Bugs.
>IT'S FUCKING REAL. Holy shit it chopped his head off.
>Holy shit super villain
It just kept getting crazier. Those were fun times. Rarely does Sup Forums get that cuhrazy

Something something 949 replies something gorilla.

>949 replies

Wait, are your serious? Holy shit

That must've been fun

shitload of threads too, from what I remember

>Samurai Flamenco when it first started airing
>This isn't bad. It's kinda like realistic heroism. It's comfy in a Best Friends forever way. It's probably going to end on a sad as fuck note.
>Samurai Flamenco after Gorilla Monster
>What the fuck is even going on. Kamen Rider? Fucking monsters. Aliens? Super Villain? Nuclear Missiles? Fucking Axe Guy is a Hero afterall? WHAT THE FUCK.



There was a point where we just enjoyed the ride in place of asking what the hell was going on anymore.

>Fucking Axe Guy is a Hero afterall?
Ah, when they introduced him I was so sure he is going to be a villain. When he turned out to be a good guy, by ep 4 if I recall, that's when I was actually surprised for the first time.