What do you think the world would be like by now if the only humans were white people?

What do you think the world would be like by now if the only humans were white people?

Like Japan but better

An european world.

Slavs would be thought of and treated like niggers are.

They are only white people.

Like a million dollar coke party.

>if the only humans were white people
it would be exactly like the world we have right now

world? you mean worlds...

I actually think that if it was only white people, communism/socialism might work.

All *humans* are white, user.

Lots of scuba diving

A world without music would suck.

>What is Classical music

war, lots of war

probably pretty dull. the unending struggle against alien tribes is the greatest game there is. we'd need to go to space and find ayys to fight.

We'd still be fighting among ourselves in the way Europe fought among themselves for thousands of years. The only reason "white people" is even an ethnic "group" today is because niggers and asians call us that in a global world. Its the same way "Blacks" and "asians" are unified groups in our minds when in reality they're groups of different people.

Before Europeans were global powers they fought over the same shit. Before the English were English they fought each other for example. We'd just seperate ourselves in to groups, English, French, German etc.

We'd still have an underclass of undesirable people and would label them somehow

the world needs ditch diggers too ya know

>Implying there would be less war, with more differing races/cultures/religions/etc.

Are we going by from the start or just now onwards? If from the start, probably still cannibalistic tribal barbarians like the Romans found them as.

Omg it's the year 2017 and you still wear wool? #goatlivesmatter DAE think talent is unfair? Sure Mozart made good music but how do you think it makes the Irish feel? Declining nouns is linguistic oppression against stupid people. Football is too violent. We should imprison cigarette smokers and pay for their nicotine therapy until they're ready to reintegrate into society. Suicide is romantic. I'm sorry. Why aren't there robots that will cuck me in every way imaginable?

>implying romans aren't white (mostly)

A world where music hasn't evolved past the 15th century. Your fedora must be especially fancy

>classical music
>15th century
i hope this is bait

sad, but true.

>Music would stop evolving

Assuming "white" music developed to the point of being "classical" and that music continued to develop after that why do you think music wouldn't continue to develop?

Whites invented 99.99999999999999% of music. All other races took white inventions and diddled around with them until they figured out how to make it sound boppy and jazzy, which is extremely low art

Lots of evil White people. They may look like us. They are not us. Evil lines.

Personality and nationality would actually matter.

The blue eyed people would rage against the brown eyed people. The red heads would become the next Jews. The small jaws would accuse the large jaws of being Neanderthals. Diversity of intolerance is as infinite as it is inevitable.

>the world
you mean the galaxy

time to folder dump OP

Except this didn't happen when Europe was basically a closed society. Nations, people, language mattered.

at least there wouldn't be any dark people

You guys would be fighting who was whiter than other whites and certain whites were inferior other whites.

A part of me agrees...

Which world? Earth or Mars?

Kind of like Japan, the world wouldn't be "perfect" but it would be better than whatever this is.

white people already are the only humans. The rest are lesser developed hominids.

Utopia unironically


heaven on earth?

all white utopian star trek? no violence no debt?

South Africa would actually be as nice a place to live as Australia.

North America is as advanced as it is because whites exterminated almost all the low-IQ shitskins. What they could have made of Africa if they'd had the balls to do the same thing there simply boggles the mind.

>North America

Top kekekekekekeke

Look at iceland

What are you talking about, Europeans would be killing each other over something as stupid as Border Autism. Shit, Germany invaded Poland and started WWII over dubious claims of an insanely small minority (small compared to the majority), I honestly want the world to just be White people 2bh. The thought of knowing most you niggers would die in some pointless war tickles me

I'm not really sure what the world would be like. One thing is for certain, though. I'd still have my bike.



It seems that went over your head one

like argentina


What about: Rock and Metal and House and Trance and Choral and Classical etc. etc.

We would be out doing productive things right now and not shitposting.

a divine age of science, technology and space exploration, no crime, no poverty and having the culture that we had 50-100 years ago

We'd have all the worlds resources and no subhumans dragging us down. We'd likely be in a utopian post scarcity society in 100 years.

With no jews, Russia never would have become communist and there would have been no world wars so our populations would be higher

>no slaves
>no people to oppress and overwork to death
>communism and facism
>no countries to steal to
>jews jewing everyone
>no anime
>being bogan is a norm
i like that kind of world too, user

Would be like total Paradise

Control the variables then.

yeah no, there wouldn't be shitskin niggers fucking everything up, you think Africa would be the shithole it is? PLEASE SON. You goddamn niggerloving idiot. We would be 1000 years ahead in all areas of life.

imposible, all be dead on n-th world war

Yes thats why 13% of the pop in the US commits over 50% of the crime.


meant to reply to

I believe that wars, when they occurred, would be severely more destructive than in our timeline. For example, the Chinese were utterly crushed by European powers, as were, in general, the non-European civilisations of the world. Without such weak opposition, these wars, although minor in our timeline, would most likely have born the grandeur and destruction of the World Wars.

I would, however, expect significantly more scientific development in this timeframe, and longer periods of absolute peace. Even the poorest of European nations, such as in the Balkans, have comparable scientific output per capita as Japan and South Korea. Therefore, simply imagine the output of Europe, North America, and Australia roughly multiplied by 7.

This guy gets it.


The streets would be clean and people would be able to leave their bikes outside without the worry of it being stolen.

Our colonization of Mars would be complete and our colonization of Jupiter would be going well.

his point is that maybe those 13% are not people...

no locks on doors


I already live in that world op.



He meant only whites are humans, maybe you racists should read something other than Sup Forums now and again.

Would be pretty nice since white people are the most civilized and peaceful on earth.

Probably something like pic related.

>tfw you realize we threw this future away

That woman in the photo is a Jew.

Good. Technology is killing the human spirit. People have forgotten what it means to be alive.
We will never reach our full potential until we go back to a traditionalist life.


slavs, thats a funny way to spell anglos

does tyrone know your using his (your wifi) from the cuckshed?

The biggest impact would be on the state of the planet itself. Africa would be a powerhouse economy due to it's rich abundance of natural resources and a huge producer of food once tended by people who can grasp basic agriculture, the African deserts wouldn't be spreading due to the removal of trees, similarly the center of Australia wouldn't so barren because abos wouldn't have ever gotten the chance to burn down the verdant forests which once covered much of the content to the point it drastically changed the entire fucking climate, there would also possibly be even weirder austrlian animals since without the loss of the forests some of the megafauna may not have gone extinct. The global population would likely be lower leading to lower emissions, the seas wouldn't be so fucked without gross overfishing and polution by east asians, and the planet would probably just be generally healthier. I can't even begin to conceive what the Americas might have be like had they never been settled during the ice age.
Pretty much every environmentalist effort ever has been spearheaded by Europeans who have millennia long traditions of reverence for nature dating back to their pagan religions, even the return to nature hippie movement of the 20th century have their origins in german immigrants spreading ancient pagan values.

>15th century
>classical music
u wot.

All you white boyz would probly kill yourselfs. Every one knows that Africa is the cradle of civilization.

a cuck planet

"angry chimp noises "

Precisely this. Hell I'm even watching two local bogan clans brawl over half a durry and an empty beer can. It is sunday


At a minimum Mars would be colonized

I just came so hard


Only humans are white people. That's why white people created the word and idea you fucking ape.

It isn't so why partake in hypotheticals?

All of my exes are Slavic immigrants. Sounds like those bitches were >BURGER'D.COM

>Cities on the moon.
>Beginnings of Mars settlement.
>Many serious diseases cured.
>Music, movies performing arts flourishing.
>No collectivist hellholes.
>Far fever or no democides.

world peace, space travel, time travel, immortality, star trek tech, every disease cured, every mental and physical issue cured

Too bad music never got past the uh... 15th century (?!) and didn't develop into literally grunting about "muh dick nigga!" and bragging about murder over repetitive jungle drums

It would be awesome. Civilization and technogy would be 500 years ahead.

I almost never see canadienne flags anymore since they came out with the hammer and sickle option

>missing leafs

as Sup Forums has shown us, we are all white people on this blessed day