reminder that if he isn't allowed to speak, then none of you would be allowed to speak.
Reminder that if he isn't allowed to speak, then none of you would be allowed to speak
Other urls found in this thread:
bitch i don't need permission from anyone
oh boy what does the homosexual jewish fella have to say now on my behalf?
>allowing faggot Jews to speak
How do you think we got into this mess? You stupid shabbos goyim never learn
shut the fuck up ARSEHOLES
if it was not for glorious MILO, your whole movement would have been SHIT
Do we know for certain that he's actually Jewish? The dude has literally no Jewish features.
It was canceled.
I hear Milo's team was disorganized.
He fucked up, but he's not really the bad guy here.
It's true, though.
Berkeley is anti-free-speech.
And they aren't alone.
this is untrue. it wasn't milo that fucked up. he posted all of the documentation on his facebook. university used dirty, underhanded tactics, threatened students, even opened police investigations into students who posted flyers for the events. what you're saying about him being "disorganized" is simply not true. milo has booked like 50+ colleges for speaking in his career, he knows how to do it.
Anyone know what actually happened? All I know is Chelea fucking Manning spoke and that everyone on the right bailed.
Yiannopoulos said that he found it entertaining when Spencer got socked in the face after President Donald Trump’s inauguration. But he added that he disagrees with those who associate him with Spencer. “They call gay Jews who never shut up about black dick Nazis,” Yiannopoulos said, referring to his oft-mentioned preference for black men and his Jewish ancestry.
Milo Yiannopoulos is Jewish according to Jewish law because his maternal grandmother was, though he also identifies as a religious Catholic.
Read more:
it's from the forward which is way too kosher to be trusted but i personally don't care. he's a promiscuous homosexual and that's disgusting enough to discredit him entirely
he is half jewish but was raised christian
Do you even know who GLR is faggot? People have been calling libs out long before this gay pedo kike
What has that faggot ever done besides make some insane leftists mad(which isn't hard to do)?
Your new teeth are disgusting Milo.
all of you milo haters are wrong. not in any of your issues with him, that's your decision. if you dislike him, fine. but guess what?? he's been unconstitutionally locked out of a speaking engagement at a publicly funded university, something which is expressly prohibited by law. if you can't stand up and defend him here then you're fucking hypocrites who have been hiding behind the notion of "free speech" just because you were afraid the left would censor YOU, but obviously you don't really believe in it.
anyway, even if you are some hypocrite POS hiding behind the platitude of free speech, and don't really believe in the concept, you should be alarmed. because if someone obviously much closer to the center of the political spectrum than yourselves can be shut down, then guess what goyim?? YOU WILL GET SHUT DOWN TOO
I did buy his book.
good goy
i dont think homosexuals are human and therefore don't deserve protection under the constitution
how about them apples
If he's a halfie then he should've inherited at least some merchant features. The guy looks absolutely 0% Jewish.
If you kill a gay guy then you still get put on trial for murder under the constitution.
milo was one of the original journalists who backed the gamergate crew, and gave them positive, honest publicity. he was instrumental in the right "winning" that fight, which then indirectly led to the rise of right-wing populism in america. so maybe you're a youngfag, or a newfag, and you weren't here in like 2013 or 2014, but milo was basically instrumental in creating the political scene that you see in the world today.
i guess it would be hard for someone who got into politics only in the era of trump to understand what things were like a few years ago, but basically it seemed like feminists were the golden calves, everything they said was regarded as the ultimate truth, nobody spoke out or said ANYTHING politically incorrect. milo might seem tame by Sup Forums standards today, but back then he was basically the only guy going out there and saying shit that needed to be said.
now it's pretty standard to make fun of feminists and everyone laughs at them. it's not controversial. but you can pretty much thank him for not living under feminist sharia.
thanks cunt, you literally just managed to push me slightly to the left wing politically. first time that's happened since Obama got elected
That's nice. Go away attention whore pedophile.
>muh gaymur gate
Literally the cancer that brought half of you newfags to Sup Forums. Fuck your video games faggot lover
people who disparage milo and think he "has never done anything" don't remember what a political force feminists were just a few years ago. seemed like they were taking over. milo is basically the guy you have to thank for ending that and i truly believe that without him there wouldn't be any trump. he also pulled breitbart out of relative obscurity and turned them into a household name.
>saying people who started coming here in 2013 are "newfags".
it's 2017 old man, and FWIW i've actually been coming to Sup Forums since like 2007 or 2008 or some shit. they didn't even have a Sup Forums board back then.
This. Everyone involved with gaymercancer should be publicly tortured to death.
i literally did what
i don't fucking care shut up
>"has never done anything"
He's advocated for pedophilia. So that's something I guess.
Milo's on our side you dumb faggots.
he looks like a horse now
post his new teeth
yeah no shit. i thought it was fairly clear that i was just talking about my personal beliefs
maybe you should just give in to the gay feelings you have, i dunno.
people like you remind me of what it was like growing up in the 90s. fucking retards who are obsessed with getting involved in peoples bedroom lives are the people who pushed average folks so far to the left that we ended up in the situation we have today.
you don't help anyone by saying "gays shouldn't be protected under the constitution". you just sound like an anti-american piece of shit.
and this is coming from someone who doesn't even personally have a very high opinion of gays and think that buttsex is fucking repulsive.
he is a promiscuous homosexual who loves to suck black cock and swallow the cum
start with that and then convince me he is on my side in any capacity whatsoever
i suspect he is just trying to make a buck on a political movement
every fucking time.
i think gays are disgusting so therefore i must be gay.
here's the big idea: i'm not. i am definitely not.
i am disgusted by gays and their disease-propagating lifestyle. oh wow, i must be gay.
i never said he is "on your side" you fucking mongoloid, i said that if he isn't allowed to speak, being that he is much closer to the center, politically, then you are, then guess what? *GASP* YOU WON'T BE ALLOWED TO SPEAK EITHER!!
i just think you are gay, i dunno, it's just my personal opinion, maybe i'm wrong, like you send off a "gay" vibe to me. even over the internet i feel like i can feel it. just IMO.
>university used dirty, underhanded tactics, threatened students, even opened police investigations into students who posted flyers for the events
Local Berkeleyan here, this is what I have heard as well. UCB is completely compromised.
all i said was i don't consider him human, so his free speech rights don't exist. this is because he loves to suck black cock and swallow the cum. when he speaks there is cum on his breath from a black male
of course. you're just trolling because i pointed out your use of the most tired and dead argument ever. it is straight from jewish psychology. fact is, gays are despised by everyone and in many places of the world they are killed on the spot. i don't know why gays here are so confident as to call other men gay. that's the worst thing you can call a man
I read this in the most gay voice possible inside my head. I can't even begin to tell you why I think gay people are pawns of satan. A lot of them, I think including Milo, unwittingly. Butt sex is disgusting, and it goes against biology. Penis -> Vagina = baby. I don't think it's that complicated.
I agree with this, actually. He got away with shit and redpilled a fuckload of people because he's not only gay, Jewish etc. but also cute and very very funny. Funny is disarming, and if you make someone laugh, the boringly serious, whiny, angry feminists and leftards can't compete.
fags have got to understand that nothing they ever think or say will mean anything in this world
>all i said was i don't consider him human, so his free speech rights don't exist.
you said gays shouldn't be protected under the constitution of the united states, lmfao. you think regular, ordinary people want sick fucking sociopaths like you in power? fuck off man.
and i'm not trolling you. you being gay is the BEST case scenario, because least then there's a reason for you to have such fucked up views. if you aren't gay then you're just a sick sociopath.
and yeah, i think gays are degenerate and do not like them one bit. but man, you are fucking sick, and people like me, who are normal, ordinary, hardworking americans DO NOT WANT TO LIVE UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF SICK PEOPLE LIKE the same way we don't want to live under the authority of sick leftists like the ones in power now.
i'm not a fan or defender of gays but if you think that gays shouldn't be covered under the constitution, or have rights to freedom of speech, then you're a sick piece of shit who should never be in power, and you never WOULD be in power because that sort of thinking literally HORRIFIES ordinary, average americans.
yeah i bet you're a normal, everyday joe sure
you just happen to love disease-ridden fags but otherwise you are a good christian with strong values
they are mentally ill. homosexuality is a disease of the mind.
oh hahaha it's the same fucking guy hahaha what a FAGGOT
Shut up fascist
oh yeah?
>singlehandedly turns the tide of WW2
psh nothin personnel kid
i agree that they're mentally ill, honestly. but you seem mentally ill too. that's the issue.
the prospect of someone like you coming to power in my country is horrifying man. just horrifying. it's almost every bit as horrifying as the communists and jews in power today. and whatever you want to say, the only way they were able to solidify their control over the US was by exploiting the idiocy of retards like yourself. they took people like you, put them up on a pedastal, and said "oh hey, look here! this is what you DONT want to be! we offer you an alternative!" and people saw you, and they saw that people like you were EVERYWHERE, and they rightly said "fuck that, we don't want that".
unfortunately, the new boss they got was the jew. and the jew obviously has no love for the goyim. but man, you are still both horrible masters.
Well here's the thing. I never said they shouldn't have a voice or be exempt from their rights as Americans.
What I am telling you is, that Satan is very real, and rights and voices and opinions are the most meaningless shit on a scale of 1 to shit, in my lifetime.
This is an Explosive bit of TRUTH .... MOCKERY is an incredibly powerful tool.
Except when you no longer give a fuck ... then it's powerless. - all you gay nazi frog fags...
im not coming into power. i have zero aspirations for that. stop being such a paranoid fag. just suck and fuck and eat feces and spread disease and hope there isn't a hell. i will not be in any meaningful position of power over you and i will not judge you. just continue to be a paranoid homosexual, sucking dick and drinking cum and eating feces and hope with every bit of your being that there isn't a god who will judge you at the end of it
and stay away from children please. i have a son who is 8. if one of your kind does anything to him you will then as a population have me in power in your country to some extent, at least for a short while
it's not that you said that specifically, but that was what the dude at the root of the comment thread you were replying to had said, and that was the idea being discussed. so i dunno, i think i rightly take your comment to mean that. if you want to backtrack now, fine.
i dunno wtf you're talking about. satan is real and rights don't mean anything?
fuck i hate people like you.
coming on Sup Forums makes me want to become a fucking democrat again. and i fucking hate democrats. i am, in fact, a very far right-wing dude. VERY far right wing. but when i see the fucking pure stupidity, ignorance and will and desire to control others that you people makes me lose faith in the right-wing. that's the fucking truth too man. call me concern troll all you want, but this shit you are saying is fucking disturbing and sadly does prove that the right can be as bad as the left if it's sufficiently populated by retards and sociopaths.
you aren't personally coming into power because IMO you're too stupid to organize something like that. and the other reason that you aren't coming into power is because americans soundly REJECTED you and your ideology. they rejected it so hard they ran off to the far left during hte late 90s and 2000s and early 2010s. they ran so far to the left that they became something just as ugly and decrepit as you. and that is why americans are beginning to reject them again.
left wing or right wing, psychos are psychos. people want to control others for no reason and they won't stop until they're able to.
nobody gives a fuck about your child dude. other than that i personally feel sad for him that his dad is such a loser and a waste of a human.
nothing a homosexual says or thinks will ever matter in this world
Rights mean everything to people. You don't understand what I'm saying so you attack it. Let me help you understand. Every single opinion is dust in the wind. It comes from a human. I'm a human, my opinion means jack shit unless someone else believes in it.
I wish you could see the bigger picture.
you pieces of shit on this thread need to learn about AMERICAN VALUES of freedom, small government, and LIVE AND LET LIVE. yeah, that means if someone wants to be degenerate and practice debauchery, you let them fucking do it. because the compact you have entered into is "i won't fuck with you and tell you how to live your life, as long as you don't fuck with me and tell me how to live mine"
the american left has totally forgotten this pledge. they've become the worst offenders of overreaching authoritarianism that our society has ever seen. but you pieces of shit in this thread are not far behind. you're close seconds. you need to learn the reality and importance of freedom and what this country USED to stand for. you can DISLIKE something, but the minute you start trying to take peoples rights away because of what you DISLIKE you're part of the problem.
muh constitution
muh sodomy
ok, i see what you're saying now, but it's not my fault you mistyped shit in the comment above.
so whatever. you're all into your religion. ok. i think that's fine. i'm a cultural catholic. i'm at least 10% religious. pretty agnostic. that's all well and good. but if your attitude is just so laisezz faire, "none of it matters" and just let everything work itself out, then IMO you're just as complicit in the bankrupt nihilism of the atheists and secular transhumanist hipsters running around out there. IMO you'll get run over and buried for your unwillingness to accept and deal with the meaning in this world, its political discourse, and the direction that things take.
that's the thing. i don't fucking care about the constitution. i don't think america is really even that great. i don't care what liberals are up to. i have my core values and i just happen to despise homosexuals. maybe you ought to be more open-minded about my freedom to feel this way if you are such great libertarian tea party three-point hat kind of homosexual
or wait let me guess. drinking cum and eating feces straight from the anus of a male trumps all of these beliefs, doesn't it
the truth comes out. now you see why i say "ordinary, hardworking americans are terrified of people like you". you have no respect for us, or what we built, or our lifestyle. there's no difference between people like you and the jews who live in the ivory towers, looking down on us, secretly plotting to subvert and destroy every last ounce of our cultural, racial and ethnic identity.
ordinary, hardworking americans wouldn't bat an eye
also come on bro, be fair, i've never impinged upon or advocated impinging upon your freedom to have an opinion. my fucking vehement disagreement with you is not tantamount to be censoring your speech, or advocating for it to be shut down, or for your rights to be taken away. that's the fucking irony. you get to sit there and say "rights should be taken away from homosexuals and people i don't like" and i get to sit here and disagree with you, but fully respect your rights to say such things. amazing how it works, isn't it??
you don't think ordinary hard working americans would have an issue with you saying.........
> i don't fucking care about the constitution. i don't think america is really even that great.
lmfao how out of touch can you get. be honest with me, do you even leave your dark room and your computer screen??
literally the only people who would agree with you are colin kaepernick, black lives matter, and far left ANTIFA professors.
I'm not actually all that religious. I think religion is a form of mass brainwashing and most of it is taken too literally and not... understood as it should be.
None of it matters is however my mindset, so you did get that right. Nothing I type today matters, nothing you reply with matters, nothing posted yesterday matters.
The only thing that matters is which side you are on.
no. say whatever you want. i am sitting here arguing with some uppity fag on the internet. i am typing responses to a homosexual who drinks cum from a mans penis and frequently eats the feces of another man in degenerate sex acts
it seriously means zero to me. i am almost completely uninvolved intellectually here. i've checked out, in other words
i would sooner get into an ideological debate with my dog
i dunno what your deal is dude. you're just like the other guy in this thread. you get cornered, you backtrack, you claim you didn't say what you said. you claim you don't believe what you clearly believe. then you say "aaaaah ooooooohh hurr durrrrr it doesn't matter just internet stuff" yeah it's just internet stuff. i agree. so don't worry so much about being wrong about something. fuck. i'm not here passing judgement on you for it. i'm just saying the way shit is.
>claim i didn
What are you even talking about? I proudly own all of my posts in this thread.
he hasn't had his daily dose of feces so he is conflating your posts and arguments with mine. i apologize to you for this because mine have been much worse probably
whatever guys. whatever.
Honestly he's just grasping at this point. This happens when you try to argue morality with naturality. One is man-made, the other isn't.
so just to be clear, Sup Forums is just totally fine with speech, even right-wing speech, that they disagree with being totally censored and no platformed, huh?? omfg man, very telling..
that's correct. there's no angle you can really come at intellectually to justify homosexuality and this clearly rustles the average homosexual who really, really should avoid discussions like this if he's running low on his daily dose of vitamin F
all joking aside because he's been a good sport i guess: i really don't care what fags do. i think it's fucking disgusting and it's a dead end. but i do get fired up when they want to adopt kids or when they have kids in these parades or if they're anywhere around kids.
Nobody here has censored you. You're still free to post whatever nonsense you want. As long as you don't post a thread about JLaw and her inverted earrings and have it deleted in 14 seconds like I did. You're fine, don't get so emotional, lol.
>Nobody here has censored you. You're still free to post whatever nonsense you want.
wtf are you talking about? how can posts like this even be serious.
nobody is talking about me or whether or not someone censored me, moron. look at the OP. look at the subject of the thread. wtf bro. the whole thing is that apparently Sup Forums is fine with milo being censored, not me. god you are a fucking mouthbreathing moron.
your blood feces levels are getting dangerously low
you're just not yourself if you dont have a snickers
I'm really just anti-butt sex. I think God designed us in a way that a penis is meant for a vagina, and that's how we reproduce, and other animals reproduce similarly, and even non-animals reproduce via opposite sex.
For the record, man on woman butt sex annoys me, it's disgusting and a play on your sick desires.
I'm really more of a naturist. I wish people would respect the host.
I was having a back and forth with you the whole time but now it's about the op and topic of Milo. Okay buddy. You're way too smart for me.
buddy the comment you replied to wasn't directed at you. you weren't tagged in it. what are you, egocentric or something? come on man, you are an embarrassment.
why arent more men like this?
i realize now this guy has been trolling the entire time
Uhh, you quoted me directly. This is not a good avenue for you. Lying is usually reserved for higher positions. Lower totem such as yourself needs to focus on dissuasion.
The name of his tour is Troll Academy. Did you just realize this?
no i dont
i wasn't trolling for the most part. i dont pay attention to milo on account of the fact he is a homosexual. no need to go back to square one on this though. sage
nobody gives a fuck about this euro pedo kike, except for kikebart
take your shill ass and get saged
milo is a kike pedo sent to destroy the right wing
why? for shekels and nigger cock
fuck kikes
milo dies day 1, or if we are lucky, someone gets him with a molotov while speaking
dude wtf? pic related is the comment you were referring to and the proof. pls stop. wtf you people are awful and totally fucking moronic.
shut up (((vox gay))) kike jidf
literally nobody was tagged in the comment. it was a comment to all of Sup Forums. stfu dude, you're a fucking retard and proving it every fucking minute. just stfu man omfg. keep whining about milo being "satan" or whatever the fuck you were on about earlier in the thread. i don't even know what you were trying to say. nobody did. you didn't make any sense.
fagot kike milo is from greece so our constitution doesn't apply to him
that kike should be faggot touring europe sampling college nig cock
fuck that kike hope he dies
no he's not you gay jew fagot
Anti-gay and pro-free speech is a troubling crossroad I reach when it comes to Milo. On the one hand, let him speak, words aren't weapons. What he talks about is not a science fiction story or some sort of game of thrones script. He's merely talking about common issues, that's it. Common issues. Get a grip.
On the other hand, I don't approve of homosex. I would never deny anyone their right to free speech but in the end,
Speech, words, opinions, thoughts, none of this matters.
so is the right wing if they are pushing some faggot europe creep pedo lover onto an american uni
Nice digits, but its a college, if he isnt allowed to speak the college should lose all funding
i never knew Sup Forums was so anti-free speech. i'm pretty surprised to find this. free speech is the bedrock of american society, and i find it funny that Sup Forumsacks can be on the receiving end of so much censorship and yet still not see the value of open political discourse in our society.
Are you that attracted to him? Jesus christ dude, he's fucking with the enemy and forcing the left to show the world how mental they are.
You're full of shit. You quoted me directly and referred to me as "dude."
that's not the comment you replied to man. go back and look for yourself. wtf?? come on bro you are embarrassing yourself. i even posted the photo. here is another. nobody is tagged in it.