Quick rundown:
>A picture of her in a diaper is found on tumblr
>She's outed and people post it on twitter
>She makes a strange tweet and then deletes it
Lauren Southern
>Woman with blonde hair
kys kike faggot
Fuck you worthless piece of shit.
Fake Jew shill
Hitler would be ashamed he was pro-women
The ears don't even look the same.
Does EVERY woman have their nudes posted online?
And you are a fucktard for believing this is true, or you are a larper.
they like the attention and validation
Who gives a fuck, Sup Forums has got to stop obsessing over this woman and giving her a platform
Well what did you all really expect?
sorry but you betas still aren't going to fuck lauren, stop shilling for this degenerate kike coalburner
falling for leftypol faggotry kys
>hey guys i dont want white people to go extinct but wont support any policies that will stop that happening lol MAGA lets hope the SJWs arent too TRIGGERED amirite?
what is the point of these alt-lite bores?
She's obviously a dirty kike, but we pride ourselves on taking out the kikes like patriots not sub-human savages.
Not thicc enough to be lauren
It's not her you fucking idiot
I don't get it, or know who Laura Southern is... What about the picture denotes it is this woman?
university undergrad drop out
criminal activities in the Mediterranean
no real theory or ideas
no actual journalism.
Why does the right have such shitty perverse idols? bill o'reilly paid 8million out to his sexual abuse victims, bolling fired, beck literally a mormon and insane, lahren deletes all old tweets, goldy has SEVERE plastic surgery. McGinnis works for the jew Ezra Levant. Milo was sexually abused as a child and never got over it, etc etc etc.
I honestly feel sorry for the right
It's fake and you are gay.
Why do you assume I'm trying to fuck her by just pointing out something stupid?
Again, kys faggot kike
tamest "happening" of all time
Is there proof that it's actually her?
It's not her. Come on, some of you Sup Forumstards will believe in anything.
this with the faith goldy bullshit is hilarious.
I think it's cool.
Who woke me from my slumber?!
no. it's some other chick...other photos exist in the set. it's the only one that looks remotely like her. Check threads from yesterday.
>Sup Forumstards
It's literally kikes posting this stuff dipshit.
I'm gay and this is making me straight :o
>A picture of her in a diaper is found on tumblr
>muh beta
kill yourself ASAP
>leftypol trying this hard
not to white knight, but fuck off with these kike threads
She couldn't even finish university, and just echos what other people say. Why is it shocking she does as whomever wills since she can't actually think for herself?
There was another tweet
>Deus Vult flag
(((Shills))) are getting more desperate than usual against Lauren. It speaks volumes.
>Lauren has my fetish
Wtf I love her now. Diaper fetish is top tier
Post the actual tweet or you are gay
Try living in the real world kid.
People who don't have skeletons in their closet are few and far in between. Everyone at one point has their strange quirks, been to jail or prison, etc.
>File: deus vult flag shills.png (1.65 MB, 2864x3850)
You could see the woman's head in the one i saw this morning.
That is just fake, get over it.
He doesn't give a shit about what your intention is, you dumbass newfaggot. He just wants the (you)s.
>Why does the right have such shitty perverse idols?
Because they dun tells like it is you commie pinko!
I know it's fake. That's my point. (((Shills))) are reduced to this.
All white nationalists are actually jews etc etc.
They're getting paid to post here and they have shitty arguments so this is what we get.
No fucking shit, it's a rhetorical question.
kys kik faggot.
Is it proven to be Lauren?
im still going to pound town
It's not her.
So why are people trying to make it her? They have nothing better to do?
Daily reminder that kiken southern dyes her hair blonde because whores are in the market for the men they advertise towards - Lauren wants the money of aryans therefore she dyes her hair blonde in order to look more appealing towards them
The blonde in the diaper doesn't even have the same color hair.
You guys are desperate. Trump BTFO lil Kim in under 1 yr. Obummer was impotent for 8. And you need a distraction, right?
>"little girl" meaning shes into DDLG
Pamperchu is that you?
And if it were her, that would be ok too. "Liberals" would be forced to double-speak yet again.
It is her you idiots
You just answered your own question .
Her sisters tumblr had a vid of her literally BRRRAAAAAPPPPPing. Removed now.
Fuck, i replied the wrong post. Meant to reply this guy:
Equal parts fake and gay.
Shut your fat ugly mouth you fucking piece of horse shit
It's bullshit but I believe it.
Especially when it causes so much butthurt even here. Fuck e-celebs and their diaper fans.
Are you a new? (((Communists))) have been trying to destroy Lauren for years now. Once this doesn't work again, they'll probably say it's Millie next (kek).
i don't follow e celeb shit so i don't really know all the details with her, why are there so many threads about her here? did she do or say something that hit too close to home for (((them))) i don't think i've ever seen people shill harder against a random nobody before.
Stupid fucking cunt shut the cunting fuck up cunt and sage
>can't even see her fucking face
What a fucking joke of a thread.
Communists can't stand a reasonably-attractive woman using simple words to go against their putrid 10th-wave feminist-communist garbage factory. 90% of the threads about her for over a year are just (((leftypol))) attacking her with divide/conquer tactics. It comes in waves. Youthful personalities who are anything right of communist are a threat to the brainwashing.
no one on pol should have any investment in this idiot, she's an irrelevant piece of loud-mouthed trash who does more harm than good
lol its real you retard ass nigger. she just admit it
How you're autism doing today ?