Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V

Raid Raptors never die.

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October 4th.

syn-crow was a mistake

That's what they said about Phantom Knights.

Phantom Knights never died.

FUCK the writers. I've literally never seen an anime with as much potential as Arc-V. Fucking Komoney and the writers (and the FUCKING MOVIE) ruined Arc-V by shilling nostalgia and slow-paced booster cover cards. There was 0 reason to have RDA Scarlight (or even Rune-Eyes or EnPal) as cover cards.SVFD should've been revealed and released a long time ago, while Xyz arc should've been longer and DM cameos should've appeared. ALL cameos should NOT have stolen the spotlight from original Arc-V characters. IMO Xyz was meant to be longer and filled with more potential characters but the writers decided to kill off all the Resistance except for Xyz Shinji in order to make up for the monstrous mistake that was Synchro. If the damn producers knew that Arc-V was only allowed 3 years by Konami, then they shouldn't have squandered 1/3 of it in Synchro. To make matters worse, Arc-V's budget was leeched dry by a crap movie that featured a horrid Fusion Shinji as the main protagonist. So not only did Arc-V turn to shit but it's animation rapidly went to shit. Fuck this bullshit, somebody's better make Arc-V great again through a fanfic.

Fuck, I meant a Fusion Shinji as antagonist.

Also meant to say I've never seen an anime with such potential as Arc-V's potential wasted.

The booster covers should've almost all been the Dimensional Dragons and their upgrades.

Xyz doesn't end until Kaito is converted to egao, which should happen in episodes 113-115.

At this point I want XYZ to finish as soon as possible, so we have the fresh 30 episodes focusing on it. With the remaining episodes for the ceromonial duel and resolvement.


That's still longer than Zexal you retard.


Animedia will have news and an interview about Yuya and his counterparts and other stuff.

Dude chill. It's just a cartoon.
>pic related: you



Kaito is going to egao in the yuya vs edo fight

Better quality.

Quick arc Sup Forums, predict the last 30 episode, with episode title.

Let me go first

Isn't Shun supposed to look injured??? Why does he look completely fine?

Why would he look injured? The jobelisks aren't even there yet.

>Animedia will have news

Yeah there was already a snippet of the article revealed that showed Arc-V is ending by Spring 2017.

So basically late march. Not bad, I thought it'd end at around 130.

Remember when Joey got an evil power-up?

Who is best Kaiba?

Every thread until he returns.

So is Bakura's evil alter ego Zorc, the Thief king or both?

What is the best monster?

yes, now fuck off.

Holy Shit Shinji is such a faggot

Reminder that we have until Spring 2017 and then it's goodbye to Arc-V.
On the bright side, Ritual fags can finally shut up about a ritual dimension and DM cameos and we know that EGAO is going to destroy Academia and restore the dimensions

When are we getting the full translation for that image?

>Reminder that we have until Spring 2017 and then it's goodbye to Arc-V.

Still longer than Zexal.

>Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monsters is a twelve-episode spin-off miniseries commissioned, produced and edited by 4Kids Entertainment

Wasn't that kind of a waste of money for them? There wasn't really any need to extend the series, GX was already two years in so there were plenty of new episodes to dub.

Yugioh was one of 4kids's most popular series back then and they were trying to milk it as much as possible.
Even Pyramid of Light was a 4kids movie.

Capsule Monsters was hotrible atleast the movie gaved us Shining Dragon. Yes horrible effect wise but beautiful artwise.

Yamero sleep deprivation.

>Yes horrible effect wise but beautiful artwise.
That's pretty much an accurate description of most of the cards in any Yugioh movie.
>Never treated as a Blue-eyes so unsearchable with Priestess
>Doesn't have the 3000/2500 statline so unsearchable with Melody
>Level 10 so you can't dump it with Trade-in if you bricked
>When....you can so it misses timing
I hate that this card could have been good but it's so damn incompatible with Blue-eyes that it makes you wonder why Kaiba had it in the first place.

Dragon tits

INOV-JP060 Red-Eyes Insight
Normal Spell Card
You can only activate 1 “Red-Eyes Insight” per turn.
(1) Send 1 “Red-Eyes” monster, except “Red-Eyes B. Chick” from your hand or Deck to the Graveyard; add 1 “Red-Eyes” Spell/Trap Card from your Deck to your hand, except “Red-Eyes Insight”.

Red-Eyes support...not exactly what I expected.

>(1) Send 1 “Red-Eyes” monster, except “Red-Eyes B. Chick”

Why do they hate that card so much?

It's one of Tewart's early fuck ups.

Long story short, 'Red-Eyes B. Chick' is NOT a Red-Eyes in the OCG. Its name is 'Black Dragon Hatchling'.

Tewart!. Ah, whatever. At least this confirms either a new fusion or a new xyz, Red Eyes is better than Dark Magician's new toys but damn if it's lacking the resources to abuse them as heavy as Blue Eyes does it's synchros.

Why did it turn out this way? All the support except Blue Eyes support turned out mediocre

Blue-eyes had an SD to itself and all they had to do was expand on the play style established by it.
Blue-eyes doesn't really need its support aside from Monster Reborns and new dragons like Alternative/Dragon Spirit/Spirit Dragon which special summons themselves or have an impact on the field.
The DSoD shit especially doesn't help since NBEUD is fusion garbage, Chaos MAX is ritual trash and Deep-eyes is so stupid that it shouldn't have been made.

>good fanfiction

I hope Neo New goes out with a bang instead of jobbing offscreen and then being carded
One last hurrah would be nice and would finish off his nearly nonexistent character arc

Not bad, but also not quite good.

who is this teward ?

the faggot that run KoA and that made the stupid Kozmos SW meme theme
the faggot that makes rarities go up for no fucking reason besides you having pay more for them
basically, the guy that keeps ruining the TCG for no reason

Because support is all over the place. Take Red-Eyes. It has a lot of support, but it's not the type of deck that can do several things and still be good. You need to focus on one facet of Red-Eyes or else your own support just ends up getting in the way.

Plus, normal monsters are no good anymore. Except Blue-Eyes because that at least has good attack and pairs well with Trade-in.

>Arc-V ending in Spring 2017.

thank god, Arc can now forever fuck over and we can pretend it never existed

Invasion of Venom is the "Support for Every Arc-V archetype" set.

Looks like we aren't getting any more cameos and everything is going to be rushed to hell. I can't wait for the post series interviews so we can hear exactly what fucked this show up. Synchro being that long definitely wasn't planned. The twins probably weren't meant to be converted this early. Yuya and Yugo were probably meant to duel. If they actually let the people involved with the show talk we could have a ton of juicy details discussed.

I know 5ds went wrong with sex cults and Blackwings winning worlds and being more popular than HEROES but what caused Arc-V to go wrong?

When will Sora return?

>Series has 224 episodes
>Too short, add another 12

I can understand the movie but... really? 224 episodes wasn't considered enough by an American company? American cartoons at the time typically didn't last more than 52 episodes, if even that (they still don't, not really, they just started cheating by chopping the episodes into half).

Blackwings are not more popular than HEROES. HEROES blow them away in support and get more products than them.

Yugioh was really big back then since it was the second most popular children's entertainment next to Pokémon
4kids was milking them both to death

Dubs confirm

It's still a bad thing for me that we still haven't got enough Ritual anime love. Ah well, I can't complain, the few Rituals we got are amazing and excellent animated, and it's better that we got something, though I can't say I am satisfied, maybe in another time.
Also I just hope they don't rush it like big time.

Man sucks that DM guys won't show up. At least we got a whole movie that I still haven't seen yet.

Why would you want them to appear? What would they actually add to the show?

I drew a thing for my card binder. Not exactly yu gi oh related, but eh.

30 episodes is not really what I'd call rushed. 12 episodes is all some anime get. 24 is a two-cour.

As long as they can get their heads out of their asses and not waste time like they've been doing (especially in Synchro), 30 episodes is enough to wrap everything up

What the fuck is that

Bad oc

The difference between those shows and this one is that they are designed to tell a story and finish. Yugioh is meant to shill cards first, tell a story second. Edo vs Yuya is already going to be 3 episodes. We have at least 3 main sets coming out before Arc-V ends. Meaning they need to have a large enough variety of cards to fill those sets.

Not a damn thing. I'm just really fucking gay for Kaiba.

NoGo, I find some Rins

I assume that is what he looks like. But shit. That character is terrible. If you're going to make OC at least make yourself look cool. Guy looks like a faggot background character.

But what if I consider myself a faggot background character

Then you shouldn't get any products so burn that picture.

Your line work is fine but your actual design sucks ass. The eyes say yugioh, but the hair says generic character. I can't figure out if that heart is a tattoo or a patch, and your clothes have no dimension.

>that feel when you're not the only one with a Yugioh OC

Thank god I'm not the only faggot with autism to exist in the world.

I have more than one

Pretty sure that everone here have an OC for almost everything, even if they don't admit it.

Having OC isn't a problem. Having an OC that looks that shitty is. I'd rather he have posted an edgy spiky haired, dark cloak wearing OC. At least we could laugh at it. This was just sad.

If you think the next series will be good or at the very least on par wirh Arc-V first season then sorry. They have now realize Arc-V kind of plots and making cameos don't mean a shit to the kids in Japan. That means we'll return to the same level of quality Zexal had. Get ready for more and more retarded MC's after Yuya

Or they'll make the show more grounded after all the bitching Arc-V got for action cards and the dimension hopping not being used to the fullest. Hopefully Destiny Soldiers sell well enough that next series has Heroes.

ok. Next protagonist and signature card WHEN?

I hope it's a female, and I hope it's also an idol card game anime.

But the rightmost one is female...


Learn how to rotate your images faggot

It's right side up when I upload it on messenger and in my iPad. No idea what happened there.

i hope soon, Shun need crush him again

I hope it does something with the Duel Terminal storyline

Shun is a nice guy now, sorry Sora you ain't coming back anytime soon.

Two dragons, two warriors and one magician.
Is going to be the new signature card a magician?

Not like they can't fill the packs with cards from one or two duels, also they can always use their Joker: Sawatari's Underworld Troupe.

>Seismic finally released the Liru Project
>ask what we want next
Just take a minute to go to /h/ and be honest with you, and answer him. And don't lie to me, I know you have at least 1 monster that you really love to see animated and fucked.

Link the thread at least


Crap, Below crap, mediocre, stronge, average.

Man, I hope the next protag will get a better ace. Only Utopia still sees play even if it's for an evolution. Meanwhile every last one of these other ones suck.with Neos being the very worst of them all.

Those cards are obviously not getting printed in a main set. They're going to use them as backlog for extra packs or something like Asuka's cards.

Upsy Daisy

At least OEPD's is used in Dracopals Odd-Eyes.

It would be funny if they're printed after the end of the next YGO show.

Odd-Eyes is still good with magicians not to mention if you mix it with performapals it gets boosts and whatnot.

While stardust was powercreeped eventually, he was a staple and incredibly useful card.
And being material for ZA RAITONINGU does not make standard hope Good.
Odd-Eyes on it's own has played a more pivotal role in good decks.

I've seen Odd-Eyes splashed in most Pendulum decks. Hell, I've seen it used in pure Qlips to get out Scout.

OEPD is pretty awesome in Dracopals, it lets you punch Monarchs on the dick with their field on and shit.