(((He))) isn't human, is he?
(((He))) isn't human, is he?
He is Jew
I mean, look at his fucking face, he doesn't seem human
(((Zuckerberg))) is walking proof of "you either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain"
Mark gimme the zucc
That pic is the kind of irony normies will never recognize
When was this cunt ever a hero?
trump(U.S govt) gets to decide who is the next president?
>zuckerber ever being a hero
Probably not.
Can't fuk the zuk
Lt Commander Beta.
He's looking for Dr. Soong's emotion chip.
His shirt has the same color as his sofa and floor
Confirmed for not being human.
he meant to say that
"die a hero"
which translate to
"if he died before creating all these mess, he would be a hero"
What the fuck is "election interference" and how did it occur on Facebook in 2016?
Go to 2:35
>election interference
>on facebook
What did the kikes mean by that?
Literally Data from STNG.
>Getting an internet 'expert' to fix the problem of poll booth hacking... For poll booths literally not connected to the internet.
So many things to laugh at Americans this week. My sides.
Look into his beady, soulless Jew eyes and tell me if you see something remotely resembling humanity...
The video looked robotic
it's pretty well known that the narrative is that the Russians funded fake news ads to a big extent...
Jesus Christ!
He would never win an election
So we all voted for trump because of a fake facebook ad?
>funded fake news ads
Such as?
I was under the impression that Russia was accused of providing the leaked Clinton/DNC emails to Wikileaks (which ended up being pretty baseless.)
Now is the time to spread National Socialism.
>"All great events hang by a hair. The man of ability takes advantage of everything and neglects nothing that can give him a chance of success; whilst the less able man sometimes loses everything by neglecting a single one of those chances.” - Napoleon Bonaparte
Push it as hard as possible. NOW
>everyone used facebook as news source
ayy lmao
>He would never win an election
That"s what they said about Trump.
The narrative changes weekly m8
> (You)
>>He would never win an election
>That"s what they said about Trump
But Trump has a personality and only left wing lunatic said he couldn't win
The right side knew he was day 1 winner
No, he is the Jewish robot known as (((Zuckerbot))).
Those Facebook ads are a fake story. Just like the hoax hate crimes. This is zuckerberg himself planting ads to blame russia
Read between the lines guys,
Facebook is under investigation for what they did during the election. The whole Russian ad story is just the media's way of trying to spin it to look good for Zuckerburg. Look at his eyes - he knows he is fucked. Why do you think he is trying to sell 99% of his shares?
Their time is coming guys, just hang in there.
You guys didn't actually think Zuckerburg was on "paternal leave" did you?
>first, they ignored him. then, they laughed at him. then they fought him.
then he won
"All great events hang by a hair. The man of ability takes advantage of everything and neglects nothing that can give him a chance of success; whilst the less able man sometimes loses everything by neglecting a single one of those chances.”- Napoleon Bonaparte
Consumer capitalism is a Jew-made method of controlling you. "This type of expensive shampoo is different from this type of inexpensive shampoo". "This type of disposable razor is easier to buy because you don't have to sharpen it."
We're getting Jew'd, and it seems I'm the last one who can try to save us - perhaps I'm delusional. David Duke is damned FBI plant who dyes his hair and wears colored contacts. Fucking joke of a cunt.
Jesus Christ
((("The US Government")))
>Democrats only
((("Election interference")))
>The votes of the people that caused Trump to get elected.
anyone noticed his eye colour changing? First blue-greyish now brownish? still think he might be an elf desu
He sells your data to banks in ways you'd have trouble imagining. It's all BUT your physical DNA...
>note: genetic data sharing is TECHNICALLY illegal.
Bullshit he was a villain in the first place:
>Mark Zuckerberg: 'I Need More Privacy, You Don't'
ZUCK: yea so if you ever need info about anyone at harvard
ZUCK: just ask
ZUCK: i have over 4000 emails, pictures, addresses, sns
FRIEND: what!? how’d you manage that one?
ZUCK: people just submitted it
ZUCK: i don’t know why
ZUCK: they “trust me”
ZUCK: dumb fucks
Mark Zuckerberg is actually an android that is collecting all the data and recording all posts made by everyone on Facebook to merge all personalities into one singular personality to become a robot God.
No. He's not. Nobody gets that rich unless he's a soulless monster.
Zuck will die in prison. That's where he belongs.
If you're going to make Facebook a government agency, consider this:
>market cap of Facebook is $500 billion.
>globalist kikes owe the real (Israeli) Jews $500 billion for property stolen or destroyed in WWII
>expropriate Facebook
>transfer title to the State of Israel
>Muslims and leftist "anti-Zionists" disappear from Facebook
>Internet made safe for based Jews and Christians
Man these keep getting better.
>eating like regular people
Top kek.
These are a riot, do you have the one where he makes a guy eat a newspaper?
Fucking scary
found more evidence
He's a Jew so no, he's a subhuman
Off him
I'm really not in a good mood tonight
Thanks, they're all pretty solid but this one kills me.
Facebook colluded with Russians
Got any more of these?
Are there any more of these?
That's like a swede having the last name Obademihassan
*an hero
found one more
Under National Socialism, we could take Russia quite easily after Europe. No one's going to throw a nuke except Kimmy. Putin is not that stupid.
no, he's not
pic related was on the fucking inside of his jacket during some interview; he really didn't want to take it off, but he was sweating like crazy and they insisted
I still laugh
that hoodie put me over the edge
>tastes the air around you
Relax user we're white, we're winning.
Make white babies my dude.
Would appreciate it if that guy eats a bullet
>"All great events hang by a hair. The man of ability takes advantage of everything and neglects nothing that can give him a chance of success; whilst the less able man sometimes loses everything by neglecting a single one of those chances.” - Napoleon Bonaparte
Aw, don't have the one when he kills the farmer and steals his identity?
>Facebook is under investigation for what they did during the election.
such as what?
Zucc is what happens when you go from nobody kid who makes a website to the heir of Soros
>meme harder newfriend
fixed it for you
Yes huma- I mean goyim, the ZUCC FEDERATION demands absolute loyalty and unwavering dedication to the tenets of the ZUCCBORG hyvemind. Any dissent will be harshly punished, your loved ones will suffer first.
I saw Mark Zuckerberg at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn't want to be a douche and invade his privacy or anything.
He said, "Oh, like I'm doing to millions of goys right now?"
I was taken aback and all I could say was "Huh?" but he kept cutting me off and going "huh? huh? huh?" and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Zionist themed hoodies in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any election infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each hoodie and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yelling in mandarin really loudly.
uh ok?
You need to be false-flagging as an INSANE leftist. Normal people do not respond well to any sort of logic. They are entirely brainwashed and have drunk far too much kool-aid.
However, everyone has a breaking point in their conditioning. By pretending to be a leftie and approaching it from this angle, you can break them as you suggest insane shit.
Then, you will have converted them to our cause quicker than logic ever could. They will go and find logic on their own after they start questioning things.
>Push tranny shit to the extreme. Explains itself.
>Go full statist, suggest the government should take away people's property rights. Suggest parents don't have the right to raise their kids. Subtly link together government mass surveillance and other orwellian programs with immanent threats to people's parental and property rights. FULL COMMIE.
>Don't make it seem like it's a problem, suggest we need to go deeper down the rabbit hole. Eventually everyone breaks and switches in the other direction, reverse psychology style.
>Refer to ANYONE making more money than yourself as an evil capitalist exploiting the system. Make it seem as absurd as possible.
>Suggest there is nothing wrong with women exploring their own bodies, it's empowering. Suggest women do insane shit to be "empowering".
>Go full open borders, mention we need to take in 50 TIMES THE REFUGEES and call them a racist if they disagree. Deny all crimes of refugees and name call the normie.
That was like when he was 19. Are you guys saying you weren't cocky cunts when you were young?
in private conversation at that?
I mean if you're the kind of person that hates Trump because of his grab pussy comments that he made in private, i guess you would be a faggot about this too.
He's the least competent shapeshifter so far, actually made me wonder if shapeshifters were born different or created.
He has alot of trouble holding his form, particularly his abdomen.
>human and totally carbon based life form, Mark Zuckerberg
>I mean, look at his fucking face, he doesn't seem human
Is this your first day here? Jews aren't human.
Sure, it was when he was 19. But he's one of the limp dick silicon valley faggots who never grew up since he was 12.
He is one of the Martians Kyle Odom tried to warn us about
>people still cuck for Zuck
how pathetic
WRONG. I know who you are, and you're entirely WRONG. Yes, we must FORCE IT. FORCE IT DOWN THEIR THROATS UNTIL THEY GET IT. The young white males understand it, but their parents don't.
This is what I have been waiting for.
What does combat election influnce mean....
They disagree with us. THEY ARE THE RUSSIANS!!!!
how do you do fellow human being? many blessings be upon you, I hope you ahve a very smoothy schedule, bye.
reminder his wifes family were traitors to china and so zuckerberg would be blacklisted by the government of china and would not be treated with respect. respect is, surprisingly, important for the chinese. 他没有面子。
remember when Star Wars was actually redpilled?
What in the fuck?
Controlled by chicom
Post yfw your cute apathetic white kids start looking at National Socialism as a beautiful solace away from the frenzy.
It's happening.