When will Happeninglets learn?

Its that time again. Where we discuss the rampant faggotry of happeninglets.

Other urls found in this thread:


The day's not over just yet.

Today was the beginning of the end of the negro football league

That would be nice and I support that but alas not habbening.

Nice Facebook meme format.


We still have a whole 7 minutes till it ends.

For anybody that really wants to know the significance of Rev 12 its right here on this board.

But you have to ask yourself first if your faith is in Hal Lindsey (or some other preacher) or if it is in your ability and willingness to learn from the divine sources of Moses, Paul and even Thoth. They all agree. That is what star alignment means, in essence.

For those that can handle it, pull up this one page synopsis and look at it.


Then you will find the rest of the story here.

Some shit better happen on the west coast before this day is done.

We still have eight minutes on the East Coast!!!!

Thanks buddy. We need to fight foreign interference by russia in our elections and hillary won by 3 kazillion and BLM XXXXXDDDDDD. Accept my friend request!

Still an hour and change left in best time zone.

I know. The idea was to draw all the happening fags into this thread so we have a forum for actively ridiculing them when the 23rd is over.

>best time zone.

Hum no sweetie

Even if the world explodes to the point that everyone dies the east coast already saw the end on 9/24 and Europe (none the less the rest of the countries) already saw the sun.

If everyone were to die in a half hour the world still will have ended on 9/24 for most of the worlds population.

Can we finally admit the real problem is /ptg/ and subhumans, they're the ones who pushed this "prophesy" from one of their Donald worship threads.

i stopped believing after Ebola. what was the last happning you believed in anons?

It happened.

Today was the date of birth of the Anti Christ

Where are you located?

Im on the east coast.

Not if a space tornado turns the earth backwards really fast like superman did that time

I really want to watch this movie again but don't want to feel depressed

These happening shills only do it because the days they chose are Jewish ritual days and the fear they spread lends energy to the spirits they try to manifest.

>implying september 23ed was ever going to be a big event
You do realize the tribulation goes on for 7 years right?
Don't you think Lucifer learned anything from Hitler?

...And I baked you a cake in celebration.

>Where are you located?
New Jersey were it is already 7 minutes past the end of the world (and on the rest of the US east coast, parts of Canada, The Carribbean, parts of south america and a couple of other states that use the eastern time).

yah mate i fucked your cunt mom right in the twat just about 9 months ago and you're a completely degenerated faggot infant who somehow acquired the ability to shitpost despite being a new-born homoshit so it must be true, what's it like to know you're the literal antichrist?

It's nonbelievers like you who weaken our memes that are prolonging our suffering, we should be dead by now.

>implying september 23ed was ever going to be a big event
>You do realize the tribulation goes on for 7 years right?
>Don't you think Lucifer learned anything from Hitler?

The fucking shit we have have to put up with, the post. Get fucked tribulation fag.

>but don't want to feel
good luck nigger

t. newish dad afraid to watch it again(its a dad feels movie)

Happeningfags are the cancer of this board.

Gotcha. I'm in NY. 12 minutes past now. How many times are happeninglets going to fall for the meme?

Did you really expect the world to end?
On what grounds?
Where was the Christian persecution?
I don't feel I've been persecuted more than before.
Do you even read your Bible?
"For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be."


Some of them are alright. They didn't come to the 23rd today.


Implying he won't just wind up a neet who comes here to post about black people and waifus.

>How many times are happeninglets going to fall for the meme?
I think some are just larping and some fucks are just stupid as hell but to those who are not larping they will rationalize it as the beginning of the tribulation (instead of the direct end of the world like in the bible)

I remember the one all the way back in 2011 with harold camping (who died 2 years after).

It wasn't a large sum of repeating digiterinos, therefore it was overhyped by false prophets.

>wind up a neet who comes here to post about black people and waifus.
Why would Lucifer become a NEET?
He is ambitious.


The only ones pushing the 9/23 autism in the first place were shitposters and Waco-tier loonies.


you guys are the worst generation of Sup Forums yet
jump off a cliff

Everyone knows happenings are fake. It's all LARPing and satire

>Why would Lucifer become a NEET?
>He is ambitious.

Just give him a few years at uni...He will slowly have everything he believes in destroyed and all his ambition crushed.

Still... still 20 minutes for central time!

central time bout to be BTFO'd

a watched pot never boils - besides a hell of a lot of shit has gone down in the last 30 days to be honest.

all the people that post the angry threads probably had all that crap saved

Will it ever actually happen? Young men are checking out of society, more geopolitical hot spots are popping up, our nations are saturated in debt both public and private, our nations are being flooded by immigrants, wages are stagnating,\both sides of the political spectrum are becoming more polarized, the global economy's growth is slowing, our economies at home a propped up by bubbles especially in housing and tech, and the boomers are about to retire. I don't believe any of the prophecy nonsense, but something has to give sooner or later.

remember JADE HELM?

It will be a slow decline.
It will not be some sudden thing.
They know what they are doing and have unlimited patience.

2 hours left here on the west coast

What's gonna happen bros

user's have been talking about happenings for decades. Paupers and ideologues for centuries. There are no happenings. You need to grab your shovel, your sword, your sickle. And you need to fight. For the only light god will shine is upon those who do what is right THEMSELVES.



We... we... still got like 47 minutes in mountain time... r-right guys?

Jade Helm was a successful operation, user. What did you expect?