Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1570

Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
Read the guide before asking questions.

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How much should I be aiming to read each day? I just started reading a few days ago and so far I've just been making my way through one chapter of よつばと! each day, but I'm worried that that's way too little.

Getting through even that small amount takes quite a lot of effort though, so I feel a bit burned out by the time I'm done.

What the fuck

Like the image, OP.

Like an hour minimum is fine.

How do I call someone a cuck in Japanese?

When am I supposed to start a mining deck and how do you guys manage it?

Like, I'm already doing 20 new cards in core a day and if I also start mining then the work load will be pretty huge. Also what about mining cards that will turn up later in core by chance?

I'm 1500 words in by the way.

The Core decks are a waste of time imo. The whole idea behind them is to make it so you don't have to look up as many words once you start reading, but even if you finish Core6K you will still have to look up tons of words.

If you've finished your introductory grammar guide (e.g. Tae Kim), then just start reading and referencing the DoJG when you encounter unknown grammar or need to refresh your memory. If you're going to mine, this is when you're supposed to start, though bear in mind that people successfully learned foreign languages for thousands of years before Anki or the concept of spaced repetition existed (also bear in mind that the simple act of reading and looking up things you've forgotten is a form of space repetition in and of itself).

>want to learn how to texthook VNs
>the link in the guide to the main program is broken

Please help. My babby-level moege needs me.

> get through Tae Kim
Just by reading? Or are there quizzes or something similar I can do to check my progress (or is that where Anki comes in)?

Just by reading.




Chocolate chip melon croissant?

google ithvnr

Just read through it.

Also, you should watch this video since you seem to have misconceptions about what the purpose a grammar guide is:

Do you know what 落ちてる means?

Post the full cap for delicious drama


invite link pls


Make notes. Just like in school. If you see something you didn't know, read everything you can about it, then make notes. And make it the way you will understand when you read it later.

It's probably just short for メロンパン (which is named after its appearance).

Chocolate-chip "melon" bread in croissant form/shape.

Seems to be some leddit circlejerk. I googled the usernames and they all have reddit accounts.

i am now a moogy fan

Any advice on mining, anyone?

~dark like my soul~

Why does ITHVNR always crash when I first attach a game

Maybe he just got divorced

I hate to be spoonfed but I can't seem to find a download for ひとりのクオリア on Nyaa and idk where else to look really

Can someone hit me up please?



moogy has been insulting tryhards for years

You kill yourself.

im not .
but, holy shit this is some good advice. thanks.

more like this please

>Red banded sand wasp


Just say "your panties are showing" or something

It's on Animebytes. I'm only a regular user though so I can't invite you. I think you can apply for an account, but bear in mind that you have to maintain a certain ratio as it's a private tracker.

who gives a くそ

Still interesting to think how they made that leap between the two

not really


Mm those private trackers usually seem like way too much effort, guess I'll just try and find it on google or some shit

Hey guys I'm studying kanji radicals using the deck from the guide, and it has alternative forms for most radicals. Do you have to memorize those alongside the main radical or are they just a bonus kind of thing?

Keeping a ratio on AB is easy if you just seed what you download thanks to the yen (bonus point) system. Basically, you just seed, and even if nobody leeches from you, you accumulate "yen" for the simple act of seeding which you can then use to buy ratio (which then allows you to download more torrents, giving you even more yen).

The main factor in how much yen you get is how long you've been seeding a torrent for, but the size of the torrent is also accounted for, as is how well seeded it is (torrents with

I heard that game is pretty bad anyways. Don't expect more than cute art.

I recalled people on here saying it was good, it seems right up my alley anyway, will never know if I can't find it though






Something has been causing me a lot of srress and I finally figured out what it was. Awhile ago, I don't know if it's still posted, there was an image showing many *private* colleges which only have 4 one-semester courses (i.e. potentially 4 years, minimum 2 years) for Japanese which end up with you at N4 level (by their own admission. So, the meme became 4 years for N4, a joke about how shitty college courses are. This line of thought lead me to develop the idea that, since I personally got to N4 in far less that even a single year, that the only reason people don't emerge from college after 4 years completely fluent in Japanese is because college sucks. *I*'m going to self study and be perfectly fluent in 4 years! Yeah!

Well, I made a mistake. I'm sure reading it out like that makes it obvious what it was. It was the logical fallacy of assigning the number "4" to language learning in the first place. As I passed my 2nd year studying Japanese and head deeper into my 3rd year, I was gripped by a fear I didn't have before: that of still not being native level despite self studying for an amount of time currently rapidly approaching 4 years. I didn't realize my mistake, or the truth of language learning that is a fucking hard pill to swallow. The truth is... it takes longer than 4 years to get to (college educated) native level in a language. 1 year, 2 years, 4 years... they're plenty to get pretty good. Hey, you could read manga and novels cover to cover without sweating too much, like me. But native level is a distant dream. Opening up a Japanese news site and being able to competently digest all the articles is a distant dream. Being able to decipher every tweet is a distant dream. Being able to fluently produce sentences about any subject is a distant dream. It doesn't take 4 years to learn a language. It takes a lifetime.


I'm not the one who asked but みせぱん is a kind of cloth that looks like the underwear but actually is not.

These covers are what I'm learning Japanese for.


its in Vinf. vte Sinf Wh-word example b as shown in [2] guide


Look up 菓子パン.
How fucking new do you have to be to not be aware that Japan has sweet and savoury varieties of bread rolls? Have you never watched an anime in a school setting before?

i knew they did i just didnt think anyone could butcher a croissant harder than americans


>do i fit into the big bad 4chans yet guys!?!?!?
Why did you think screencaps of random normalfags acting like normalfags would be relevant to this thread or Sup Forums? This "delicious drama" as you put it is the sort of cancerous shit that clutters up these threads without fail every single time they are created. Normalfag drama belongs on /soc/, with all the other normalfag obsessed retards. Go back.

You sure told him by responding two hours later and "cluttering" the thread up with your shit when no one else cared.

What does "どんでえすたらびぶりおてか" mean?


Anyone going to try their hand at doing this essay competition?
I am thinking of use it as an opportunity to writing something complex.

>donde estas
sounds like spanish.



Boring. Let me know when it's an essay about an actually good writer like Nasu or Sca-Ji.


Oh, in that case I think I know what it means. Thanks, user, I guess I was trolled.

this donde esta la biblioteca
where is the library

To tell the whole story, I asked a friend of mine what the sentence "Where is the library" would mean in japanese. I figured that he trolled me since the sentence didn't seem to contain any Kanji.


Language is a naturally evolving thing which changes faster the more people use it, and Japan is a tiny place with a lot of people packed in there using it. Imagine someone learning English in Germany in the 80s but not keeping up with the language as how it is used by the natives of whichever brand of English the Gerfag picked up on. I mean, I have trouble understanding a lot of the shit really young people go on about in my own native language and I've worked around a lot old people who seem completely fucking lost as to what their grandkids were going on about half the time, despite everyone sharing the one language. There is just so much colloquial usage and shifting cultural trends that alter meaning of nuances that unless you are actively a part of the native usergroup, you're going to be left behind the curve.

>Being able to fluently produce sentences about any subject is a distant dream.
Do you practice? How often do you express yourself in English? Hours a day? How often do you express yourself in Japanese? Have to realistic about it.

The brain has a good point.

Anyone here has experience how studying Japanese in Germany is?

The same as any other place with computers and internet.

Meant in an university.

ぐーてんたく あのんくん

>Anyone here has experience how studying Japanese in Germany is?


The same as any other place with computers and internet - unnecessary.

The u isn't that long.

cold and wet? a sprinkle of germans inside still playing farm simulator 15?

In a university?
If yes, which one? Up to which level did you get (JLPT)?
How are the classes?

>not wanting to waste three years doing nothing but learning Japanese while studying it on the side for almost free
Have fun being a NEET or working.

>cold and wet?
Only if it's snowing or raining.

>a sprinkle of germans inside still playing farm simulator 15?


The name is derived from the shape but even so throughout France and Germany, what is considered a croissant has changed over time and still exists in many varieties so to sperg out as though the concept of a crossiant is being butchered is more of an indication that you don't really know all that much about the pastry or hold an opinion that only a very specific tradition of baking and preparing them is valid. I'm sure there are several hundred elderly ばあちゃん scattered throughout France, Austria, Germany, etc. who all hold your view but each differ as to what the "correct" form is and likely think the other is a bastardisation of their own preference.

This is not a chatroom you fucking idiot. It doesn't matter if the response was one hour later or ten hours later. Fuck off samefag and don't post that shit in the future.

Calm down autist.

user is referring to the meme that Germans work all the time and spend their downtime doing things like playing video games which are work simulators. You know, the whole Germans are industrious robots, gag.



Fuck off normalfag.
This is the youtube comments sections and stupidity isn't a virtue.


>Have to realistic about it.
In case it didn't come across right, by "distant dream" I mean something that'll take a lot more work to achieve (over more than 4 years), not something that is 100% unobtainable.

I'm probably not the best example because I dropped out because of (literal) cancer.


Oh, that hasn't been the case for over 25 years by now. Thanks, millenials.



>In a university?
>If yes, which one? Up to which level did you get (JLPT)?
>How are the classes?
You know that language classes vary from university to university, or teacher to teacher, and it doesn't have anything to do with the country, right?

Still, if you have any impressions of your classes (if you attended a few), it'd still help me.
Trying to decide which university to go for, and it's really not easy.

Which is why I asked which university he went to.
There's nothing I can do about the teacher, since I won't be able to choose him.

Munich is pretty chill, with its Japanese building quite a bit "offside" the main building , but Berlin supposedly has the best university to study Japanese at. I imagine Düsseldorf being quite a good choice as well.

But I dropped out almost 20 years ago, and back then the structure of studying Japanese was vastly different than it is today. But I think you'll be fine either way.