What happens to mixed race people when the ethnostates come?
What happens to mixed race people when the ethnostates come?
fuck that nigger whore
I reckon they go to their minority country and rule over them as high IQ whites. Kind of like how the ex slaves who went to Liberia became the rulers and slavemasters there using their 1/8 white blood relatively high IQ and agency.
Don't know, but that one can come with me.
I'll let her sleep under my bed.
deport her to my address
Dual citizenship
Ethnostates don't need to drive away or exterminate all of the non-(insert ethnic group state is based on here).
Just look at Israel, there are tons of Arabs there.
We could just do something like limiting their franchised voting rights.
Realistically, if they want to live in a white country, they're pressured to present as white.
If they decide to live among our tribe while preferring their own tribe, they're punished.
we fuck the minority genes out of them.
It's really important to be specific here. Half breed Eastern Asians (except Chinese) and half breed Hispanics are completely fine, and will only get whiter each generation. When it comes to blacks and Jews, there is no racemixing. You're either black/Jewish or you're not, no inbetween.
Hispanics are the ones out breeding us you dingus they all go back to Mexico.
>when the ethnostates come
lol keep dreaming white boi
The same thing they are doing to whites today, no rights, no voice, no jobs, no education. Free to go home.
Not all Hispanics are Mexican, and it's really only the Mexicans that are the problem. Not even other Hispanics like Mexicans. And yes, it's the Mexicans out breeding us, not half breeds. This whole thread is about what to do with the half breeds in an ethno-state. Either learn to read or stop larping as a white person.
If they look like Brittany, they can stay. Otherwise they get the rope
>You will never suck on those venti boobies
Time to take a trip to the Florida kys.
I don't have a problem with all hispanics ones from Spain can stay but all shit skin ones need to leave Idc where they are from they have to go back.
An ethno-state will absolutely come. Maybe not with this generations, but eventually. Humans are capable of some horrific things, and history has always gone back and forth between extremes. Eventually white people will have had enough and sperg out like we've always done, then we'll go through another guilt period.
>maybe not in this generation
you realize whites are becoming more and more a minority, right? not gonna happen
That awkward moment where white majority ends up crammed into a single tiny state and loses its majority representation.
Mexico is really the only country that doesn't need to be included, the other Hispanic countries aren't bad and look whiter. Mexico isn't even really Hispanic and shouldn't be included, they're half breeds themselves with the native indians.
Whites have always been a minority on a global scale, and we have always prevailed. As much as you people like to say otherwise, we are still the majority in all of our countries and won't allow that to change.
they become our sex slaves
I don't give a shit if they "look whiter" they aren't white and therefore do not belong in a white ethnostate.
If she has tits like those they can stay
Segregate them into their own area where they are semi-autonomous.
Basically, if you implemented a fairer and more free market version of Apartheid, your country would turn into a federation of mini-ethnostates.
Apartheid didn't work because the state didn't treat people equally, so black people got a shitty education and such and would never be able to pull themselves out of poverty. The way you handle your allocation of resource problem is you allocate the same resource per person in that state.
Then as for how you implement your ethnostate, just limit the sale of property in the border of the ethnostate to said members.
But that's wrong. White isn't a thing, and Hispanic isn't a race. Most Hispanics are Caucasian. And again, this is about what to do with half breeds. Learn to read, you illiterate nigger.
Simple. They go with the blacks. Are you retarded?
I'll take one for the team and Bleach her. I like those tits.
You are confusing Spaniards with their mongrel rape babies.
Nah you keep telling me to learn to read but you literally can't just accept that I don't want any fucking half breeds and spics in my fucking ethnostate so fuck off you dumb spic.
you get that she's joking right
Most Hispanic countries have areas with mostly Caucasians and ghetto areas filled with niggers.
Brittany Venti gets to be the exception to the ethnic cleansing... for obvious reasons.
>They live in between the ethnostates
The non-globalist traitors will be protected and bleached.
The same that happens to the other nonwhites. At a minimum they will be removed from the gene pool through more casual means such as sterilization
>Most Hispanics are Caucasian.
Caucasian != White
White means European. Caucasian is a designation that includes people from outside of Europe such as Persians, Lebanese, etc. But whites are from Europe. Mexicans are not fucking white.
What are you talking about? The Hispanic birthrate has plummeted and White births are the majority again:
>The white birth rate in America has staged a near miraculous comeback and was a majority of live births in 2016—reversing a decade long decline—if the figures in the latest National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) report is accurate.
>The Hispanic birth rate—one of the biggest drivers of the nonwhite population explosion of recent years—has, according to these figures, fallen substantially.
>In 2016, it was reported that the Hispanic birth rate had slowed, and the latest figures may be confirmation of this fact.
>All these fucking dummies that don't understand you just cut them in half and put each in it's appropriate country
I know we are the majority in births again but they have more kids per person than white people, which is one of the reasons why I wouldn't want any in an ethnostate..
Their fate should be decided by a panel of upstanding citizens
no, fuck you.
mongrels belong to us.
If the Hispanic birthrate has fallen so drastically in such a short period of time, don't you think you're being paranoid and retarded here?
I thought it was cute.
That would double their numbers which is fundamentally anti pol policy
They are like earthworms
>There are people dumb enough to think this is real.
sad really....
no they don't nigger. your ape women and the half-breed chimp women exist only to sexually satisfy the white man
They can get their own autonomous region within the nation and serve in the military as modern day Osttruppen.
They go. Apply the paper bag test, everyone who fails is deported.
>tfw white nationalist
>tfw also a mommy's milkies fetishist
how do i deal with my love for brittany, lads?
the white man can't even satisfy their own women you cuck.
Do a little dance
And I'll give 20p to the red cross so your relatives in Africa can get free buckets to put drinking water in so they don't have to drink straight from the mud puddle
Now dance, DO IT
Ethnostate only applies to males
mixed land between the white and black ethnostates what are you retarded or something
>tfw Brittany will never use your face as a chair
>this fag thinks it's about her pleasure
Pornos is real maaaaan
Fucking ape
Fuck she has some nice tits
I think the problem is mixed people don't want to be forced anywhere near full on or even other mixed people because they know how bad both are.
Any area with majority blacks will become a shit hole, it doesn't matter how many resources you give them they will never be able to equal the white areas. Ideally they will be given a separate area of the US to govern on their own.
would suck on them dark nipples and create light shitskin babies
t. white man
mixed raced people are not white and therefore do not have a place among in the ethnostate, the nazis had a system that if you had to be atleast 75% german than you could be a citizen of the reich
I know you guys have experience with this sort of thing but we have a much smaller black population than you. For us the best solution is to just deport them all to Liberia.
>What happens to mixed race people when the ethnostates come?
She's a good girl. She will be steralized and adopt children.
Most people should be steralized and adopt children. And the records of their parents should be destroyed except for medical.
If anyone outside of Cromagnon whites are allowed to have children then we should just let her breed. It's fucking meaningless if we let subhumans overtake us just to steralize high IQ mix race mutants.
>get deported to the border areas between ethnostates
>get sent to the non-white ethnostate they represent to rule it
>can go wherever they want under the condition that they not breed with other mixed race people until their ancestors are unidentifiable as mixed
those are the 3 easiest options imo
Hitler let half Jews stay in Germany as long as they weren't practicing. He wasn't nearly as much of a purist as some of the people here.
me needy milky milkys
>actually believing this will happen
Fucking Christ, the alt-right is just as delusional as the far-left and can't even see the irony. The alt-right turned into the monster it was originally battling just like the far-left did. Two low-IQ groups of extremists going to war with each other while the superior-intelligence centrists and libertarians spectate from above with binoculars.
>Fucking Christ, the alt-right is just as delusional as the far-left and can't even see the irony. The alt-right turned into the monster it was originally battling just like the far-left did. Two low-IQ groups of extremists going to war with each other while the superior-intelligence centrists and libertarians spectate from above with binoculars.
What if your fat ass is occupying my minority country?
And look at what happened to the country now. Taken over by Jews again. I'm not a purist with race, but the Jews need to be removed. No letting half breeds stay, and no allowing them to have their own state. They have to go.
That wasn't the mischlings' fault, that was the allies' fault. It's not like they sabotaged it from within, everyone else sabotaged it from outside. There were plenty of SS officers with Jewish blood.
one drop of nigger or jew and its the chambers otherwise nothing
seriously look at those big fat DELICIAS
Some options:
1-Kick them to South America
2-They can stay as long as they support the ethnostate. With 100% white immigration, the place would naturaly become white.
I thought it was 50%
>finngoloid fine
so glose :D :D :D
Let he who is without mud cast the first gas chamber
there is no "half jew"
I'd love to tit fuck you and shoot cum all over your face. I cum big loads. Hope you are OK with that.
This was an act. She was playing the bimbo part. If you watched those videos you would see her suppressing a smile, calling Sup Forums "channel 4" and just hamming it up.
Milo? Bobby Fischer?
What is the "home" of a mixed person though? Do they have one?
Millions will clamor, few will enter.
If your mother is jewish, you're a jew. That's what they believe. You can be practicing or not practicing, but still juden.
Regardless of how she did it, she's still doing it.
>An ethno-state will absolutely come.
Real tittie mommas get to stay.