He's a fucking madman. Tomorrow is going to be fun
This kills the negro
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My sides
Khan family BTFOed!
Holy shit
I usually make fun of you retards and your "muh 4d ping pong!", but this is shit is legit manipulation of the enemy. Good stuff.
So this...is the power...of 4D chess.
I guess I'm retarded, but I don't get how this is a diss. Someone help an autist out
Trump now being showered in praise from numerous feminist organizations for excluding fathers. Trump is now the feminist president.
>make holiday dedicated to families of dead veterans
>proceeds to trigger the NFL all day long
>hidden implications that anyone who kneels is now telling the families of dead veterans to go fuck themselves
5d underwater cambodian basketweaving. Holy fuck my sides.
Dozens of NFL players are planning to take a knee during the national anthem for their games tomorrow. Now they'll look like gigantic assholes if they do that, instead of just the normal-sized assholes that they would have looked like. Gold star mothers are American women whos children have been killed while on active military duty/
here is the rundown you wanted tardo normies
>Mother's and families day
Dats sexist. No mention of Father's?
I love he specified mother's after saying that Khan's mother wastn allowed to speak he is truly a great troll
It begins with the end.
Its not the second holocaust but its something
>It begins with the end.
This is correct.
I'm not getting it. Where's the chess move here?
Now he just needs to identify as a female for a day and be the first female president.
>Dozens of NFL players are planning to take a knee during the national anthem for their games tomorrow. Now they'll look like gigantic assholes if they do that, instead of just the normal-sized assholes that they would have looked like. Gold star mothers are American women whos children have been killed while on active military duty
Dozens of NFL players are planning to take a knee during the national anthem for their games tomorrow. Now they'll look like gigantic assholes if they do that, instead of just the normal-sized assholes that they would have looked like. Gold star mothers are American women whos children have been killed while on active military duty
Thank you for this most excellent rundown. Truly our guy is a golden god
The NFL will look awful along with any protesting players. NFL makes its living on veterans stuff
He is crashing niggerball with no survivors kiwi user.
fake if true
Donald is the GOAT prez.
It feels good to finally see him do some manipulation again. I think he finally unchained himself from kelly
Is this faggot saying if you don't have a dead son, you don't deserve to speak? What if a man had two sons who died?
Ok I get what he's doing, but it's not like this holiday he just created out of thin air is widely known and accepted. The average person (and of course the NFL players) will laugh it off.
trumps really not playing around with these entitled niggers
Nigger-impact is going to shit the bed so bad tomorrow. What an absolute beast. I love this asshole.
This. Not a single person will say that the negroids kneeling are disrespecting this holiday that Trump just pulled out of his ass less than 24 hours prior
The only thing he could do to fuck the NFL even harder is invite Pat Tillmans parents to speak in the rose garden.
>Gold Star Mother's and Family's Day
>Father nowhere in sight
>just like the niggers in the NFL
Did I miss something? Why is this such a big fucking deal?
dear god it's real
>dying in combat
Because the goys dying in the military are 99.9999999999999% males, idiot
This apparently has been an annual thing for a long time that no one knew about..
it's true. bahahaa
NFL players will pull what Kaepernick did on that day. This is going to fucking ruin them.
>the men who died in combat don't have fathers
Read the thread you dumb fucking millennial
Father's won't be triggered. Father's are also the ones dying. 56dd chest
That's not what Gold Star means.
That could be the most painfully abhorrent but god damn funniest thing I've ever seen.
Also Lelbron is now 19 on the twitter all time list.
It is so fucking blatant. They will crash against like a drunk driver.
Wow. Trump is literally trying to divide the country or simply turn it against black people for no other reason than he's the power to do it.
This is disturbing.
Literally shaking
Niggers who are a ungrateful and ignorant disgrace are dividing the country.
I wonder who could be behind this
As you command
>multi-billionaire is super genius because billionaire
He'll be running against Oprah in 2020; guess you'll have to trouble deciding who's smarter.
Yup, since 1936. Last Sunday of September. Difference is he's adding the "and families" to make it his own in order to play it up at this opportune moment. Work of fucking art.
does it hurt being simultaneously so fucking stupid and also such a faggot?
It could be the most obscure who-cares holiday in history, all he has to do is tweet about it.
They are completely incapable of ignoring the Trump tweets. It will be front and center tomorrow and will dominate Monday's news cycle. Screencap this.
Rich entitled athletes with millions is not the country. NFL and team owners are not the country. Go fuck yourself.
>work in a bar with like 10 tvs
>each will have a different NFL game
I'm gonna have front row seats
hint- not the nigger
He's not trying to turn it against niggers you stupid fuck, he is trying to turn it against ALL non patriots, right and left.
>turn it against black people
How? Didn't they choose to act like niggers?
Disturbing? Like a knock at the door during dinner or an early morning pho e call on your day off disturbing?
Mfw she'd try and take credid for being the actual first black president.
Does using a meme flag make you stupid or is being stupid the reason you use a meme flag?
Fuck I wish veterans would put the PTSD meds down for once and realize the kind of sway they have over bullshit like this.
how did they fit Trump's THICC ass into the skinny cannon?
Yeah Trump forgot he's a president now, not some corporate owner.
As president he should handle things more delicate, since he serving the people and paid by people, as a corporate owner he can do whatever he wants because he paid those people.
Meh. He should have sealed the deal with a typo.
There would be nothing the left or MSM can say against him.
They can't say he's mentally ill and they can't deny he's female.
What do the faggot morons in the military have to do with my "freedoms and liberty"? They fight for global capitalism, not my "freedoms and liberty".
If there is any profession that fights for my freedoms and liberty, it'd be lawyers.
Fuck the faggot morons in the military.
It's both, and endless ouroboros of stupidity.
Pretty ignorant opinion user, got any sources?
Strong digits.
He's got all day tomorrow, I'm sure he can work one in.
>day off
Otherwise known as "a day"
And firefighters. We had a 3 month love affair with them after 911 but they don't get the respect they deserve. Comparing that to the blind hero worship of vets I'm sickened.
T. Not a firefighter nor know one
He is payed $1 as president.
One by one he is settling the score...
Holy fucking shit
I have next to no respect for military members. My friends are in the navy, I know what those fuckers do. They only joined because they couldn't handle the free-market, couldn't make it through college ect. ect.
But Trump is now proving that the 32-Dimensional backwards horseraceing meme is true.
>Sam harris BTFO
>Richard Spencer BTFO
>alt-right doubters BTFO
You may say that about the military industrial complex, but actual soldiers, and veterans in the past you can't. If it was not for them you would be drinking tea and registering your butterknives, you wouldn't be making such statements on the interwebs. The bong thought police would be on your ass faggot.
You're just angry your friends have a successful career, and you're still sitting here on Sup Forums =P
>Niggers who are a ungrateful and ignorant disgrace are dividing the country.
Trump is literally a nigger though; abrasive, ignorant, loud, uncivil, insulting, and conflict oriented. He's a profound disgrace by conducting blatant divisive acts such as this one. When blacks protest in the street and it turns violent, whites call them animals. When they silently protest by taking a knee at a game, a time in which their speech can't be hijacked by some unruly crowd, whites say they're ungrateful. Fuck you. You want a fucking red pill? Try this one. If whites with all of the their supposed wealth and endless resources can be subverted and manipulated, then what of black people? You jackasses created these niggers and now you're using them as an excuse to mount an opposition against all black and by extension with rhetoric regarding immigrants, non-whites. The worst thing about this stunt is that Trump is purposefully trying to confuse these issues for the clearly ignorant white American- to make them think that they're families are the only ones sacrificing for this country and that blacks somehow oppose their efforts. It's disgusting.
You will fail. If America means anything to anyone outside having white skin, to actually believe in the universal principles that created the greatest country in the world, you all will be made to suffer dearly.
Solid, except that is not the way bitcoin would work in the future lol
I liked it up until the bit about central bankers who are unironically stealing the wealth of the nation with their interest bearing notes.
Take the Still Pill: youtube.com
No, you are the nigger. And a big-lip smackin, hollerin-at-yo-ho nigga at that.
They can they can do it next week, and every week thereafter.
Will Trump make every Sunday some arbitrary bullshit holiday?
Without regular military men throughout history that flag of yours would be nothing more than the faggoty meme you use it as, retard.
>captcha: patriot 12454
>Rich entitled athletes with millions is not the country.
And neither is a fucking rich, entitled, blowhard of a president that thinks he can dictate the terms of the peaceful exercising for free speech.
I'm pretty grateful that I don't have to go into the military.
The pay is nice, but the lifestyle of being a servicemember looks like complete shit. I wish more military-people would surf Sup Forums, then maybe they wouldn't be absolutely brain-dead fucktards without a single thought in their heads
You don't have alot of black friends do you. And really it defeats the point if they make an exception and it looks like Trump wins.
I don't think America should've seceded from the British empire.
They should've tried to change things through the proper legal channels available to them.
Then they should do it anyway. It was already a thing.