Macross Δ

So mean

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Mission 11 Previews soon


how can Delta even hope to compete ??


If you want to read into the symbolism of Kaname's song, this is it.


>Freyjafags saying Mirage isn't popular/relevant

>previews are late
>subs gonna be late
we're cursed guys

Why is Messer so based?

Kaname pls


He managed to rank in Newtype, that's definitely something.

Second greatest waifufag of the series after Gigil.

Fangirls love uchiyama I do too

Because unlike Arad he's actually attracted to a girl.

>Best girl at first place.

Nah, most likely Kaname sent all the votes for him just like Y-san made Marika's ranking high in Nisekoi popularity poll.

they can't

>Smug Breeze managed to beat Kirito

That's pretty impressive.

oh my God those vagina bones


wait, do frontier has recap? I mean, during airing?

>No Jesus Yamato, no Lelouch, no Lacus
What terrible times to live in. I hope at least Kirito stays there long enough to pass the torch to someone worthy.


why is she playing guitar hero in that cockpit?


How else would you pilot a valkyrie?

>Mere civilian
>Can easily handle high G force
Just how?

>Hayate higher than EMIYA
>Freyja higher than Saber
>Kirito is still there
What the fuck, where is Jesus Yamato and his idol gf. I guess that means Delta is doing very well in Japan.

Mirage wasn't even the focus yet she still beat Sheryl 2.0

He actually flies normally, missiles are just too stupid to hit him.

SEED is banned.

You guys, I think Freyja might be my waifu. What should I do?

They are just the flavour of the month, no Delta character will achieve Jesus status.

Kira and Lacus are banned from the polls since ages ago.

Musician in a valkyrie got a passive buff 'Zero G Love' from goddess Minmay.

Just wait until she becomes a leftover.


1) Hayate Immelman (Macross Delta)
2) Kirito (Sword Art Online)
3) Archer (Fate/Stay night [UBW])
4) Ikoma (Koutetsujou no kabaneri)
5) Sakamoto (Sakamoto Desu ga?)
6) Karamatsu Matsuno (Osomatsu-san)
7) Osamu Dazai (Bungou Stray Dogs)
8) Koyomi Araragi (Monogatari series)
9) Messer Ihlefeld (Macross Delta)
10) Edogawa Rampo (Bungou Stray Dogs)


1) Freyja Wion (Macross Delta)
2) Saber (Fate/Stay night [UBW])
3) Mumei (Koutetsujou no kabaneri)
4) Mirage Farina Jenius (Macross Delta)
5) Mikumo Guynemer (Macross Delta)
6) Machi Amayadori (Kuma Miko: Girl Meets Bear)
7) Tsubasa Hanekawa (Monogatari series)
8) Sheryl Nome (Macross Frontier)
9) Reina Prowler (Macross Delta)
10) Rin Suzunoki (Bakuon!!)


1) Macross Delta
2) Koutetsujou no kabaneri
3) Kuma Miko: Girl Meets Bear
4) Osomatsu-san
5) King of prism by pretty rhythm
6) Bungou Stray Dogs
7) Boku no Hero Academia
8) Bakuon!!
9) Jojo bizar adventure diamond is unbreakable
10) Kizumonogatari


I wonder if after this Hayate would start wearing a helmet.


This image is completely wrong. Here, I have the real scans for you

>8) Sheryl Nome (Macross Frontier)


>caring about a rigged poll

stay mad fujocuck

>No Kaname
Plebs, all of them

t. mesamesa

Actually, I wouldn't be surprised to see her there next month

Next month she might be in the 10 or 9 place.

That's because your only fan just died last week, old hag.

Kaname is shit

What is seizdnole and fold bacteria?

Nice to see Sheryl there again. This year Ranka got more fanart for her birthday compared to the last one.

Delta's popularity at the same time revives Frontier's. As expected from the master.

Something that induces Var

>and fold bacteria?
The thing that lets Var happen

>machi makes the list
>kara still making lists
Fuck I hate Kara

pls no bully, she's hurting

Shut up, old hag. Here's your omurice with extra ketchup.

Why the fuck Saber and archer are still there? It's been a year

That's how good Fate is.

>doubting the staying power of Fate
If people weren't so rabid for it it wouldn't have even gotten UBW let alone Heaven's

Kaname is worse than dogshit

At least Makina fixes planes

Old and busted, here's a present for your. Please hang it in your room.

Messer should have lived long enough for someone to draw an inflated Var cock doujin. Truly, death took him from us too early.

The entire case other than the Main man and woman and the head pilot are lack luster in every sense of the term. Don't get too big for your boots mate. Just because you can kick a Kanamefag while they're down doesn't suddenly make the rest of the Walkure extras better by comparison.

The other Walkure girls are better and more useful than the old hag

Makina isn't the poll too.

While they have more narrative purpose they have worse characters. It all evens out.

Minmay > Sheryl > Mikumo&Freyer > Ranka > Sharon > Sara > Mylene

>The other Walkure girls are better and more useful
Makina and Reina were sitting there doing fucking nothing when Mikumo and Freyja were out cold.

If anyone wants to know what the cut off parts say, tell me and I'll type the Japanese out.

>a body build for breeding is wasted on a lesbian


mylene a shit



B-but hacking!

How the fuck is this even possible?

I can do it though.


Try to switch positions of fingers in the middle.

don't fall into /u/ trap, Rei is just a sister to Maki.

cause you ain't gangsta you punk ass white boi

Obese Sup Forumsnon detected

pantyhose>bare legs>ZR>>retarded pants>>>>>>>garter belts

Does Kumokumo actually style her hair somewhere after getting out of water?

Just watched it. I feel nothing for these characters honestly but absolutely love characters who fight while their waifu is singing bullshit so I felt sad when Mesa Mesa bit the dust. Especially when he could've beat everyone, but then got outplayed by VARS


B-but that vagina bone.


>not liking the super low-cut baggy pants

Fuck outta here


[X] Underboob
[ ] Curvaceous bottom
[ ] Pitpussy
[ ] Feet


git gud

this guy gets it.

I'm usually all for garter but it looks weird on reirei.


Epsilon Foundation's logo is a balance. Since Delta so far has shown plenty of Ancient allusions, Norse in the case of Windermere, but Greek and Roman in the case of Chaos and Ragna, this one could be another one of them. It has its origin in Ancient Egypt, and from there it spread ot other civilizations like Ancient Greece. It's basically a metaphor for keeping matters in balance. Just pointing this out because I think the symbolism in Delta has been well-researched.

this MC never win any battle
always get shot down by enemies
why is he even in the show ?

look, she's waving at you, what do you do?
