Why are more and more white girls in America developing race dysphoria?
>woahhvicky became popular on Instagram and she is a white girl who thinks that she's black.
Why are more and more white girls in America developing race dysphoria?
>woahhvicky became popular on Instagram and she is a white girl who thinks that she's black.
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>woahhvicky is either the greatest troll ever, or she's a complete fucking idiot, and either way this shit is funny
niggers don't get that this is blackface and we're all laughing at them.
Because being white is lame. Blacks have a rich history and culture. They have better food and better music. But mostly importantly, they have way bigger dicks.
>that shit body.
They can have her.
She looks like a Southern Girl. I guess the Jews destroying country music along with Christcucks and sell-out whores shaking their asses results in this larping.
Country died with Garth Brooks. Rap died with Tu Pac.
Her accent is spot-on desu
maybe because when a white woman is proud to be white, everyone hounds her with accusations of being a "secret jew" or make up fake diaper stories about her.
2/10 made me respond
Why the fuck would you use a minor as an example of rqce dysmorphewhat the fuck ever its called. Do you have no soul?
So was Lauren not a jew and just made the statement "so what if i am a jew?" as a rhetorical question?
Transracialism really triggers the nogs, we should push it
Because there's actually something to gain from being a minority and being able to use "oppression power/point" etc.
Notice how it's rarely ever non-whites going hard out of their way to act white?
The ones who do 'act white' just do it naturally because they're smarter than most of their racial brethren, are actual humans, etc.
>Rap died with Tu Pac.
Objectively wrong.
They aren't. You're trying to propagate a false narrative as usual when the reality is 95%+ of white women in the US identify with their white heritage, want to marry white husbands, and want to have white children. The 3.5ish percent who don't are absolute outliers. Keep trying leftypol, your bullshit never flies here and you just make yourself look like an idiot every day.
This is her ancestry. O vey
Because it's not dysphoria, """"""""white""""""" americans haver nigger genes and after some generations they come out
It's normal
Butthurt laurenfag that thinks whiteknighting a girl that hasn't even met him much less talked to him, will result in him being knee-deep in gash.
I don't even think the pictures are real, and you're still a faggot.
Who cares, just put it down or make it a sex slave. It's sub human.
funny story actually
Because women are jews
I think she meant "so what if I am a jew".
because so what if she is a jew?
It does not matter. You're too wrapped up in a meme.
Real life jews are okay people. Mostly conservative.
And also she took a DNA test. But it's does not matter because the meme'd to death jew-hunt is lame.
So gangster without the magazines in LOL
CHING CHONG CHING CHONG CHING CHONG BITCH meow meow meow meow meow meow meow
Because women are social vampires and white became less cool than mysterious brown girl. It's exactly the reason black women wear weaves to hide their gross hair.
I do not mind her attractive. And she is too young looking for me, anyways. Also I am married, and faithful.
You're butt seems mildly hurt. Because I made a valid point.
ching chong ching chong ching chong bitch
She sounds black. Or mentally disabled.
so.. she actually IS black?!? Just high yellow?
Country music died when the rock music cancer systematically destroyed the genuine folk music traditions of the western world.
Rap, of course, is alive and well.
>blocking out her vagoo becauz oh we must censor them naughty bits
her entire character is a satire on the "cash me outside" girl if you're too stupid to figure it out
Did you hear her diss track on ricegum? Kek
Konnichiwa BITCH!
>Why are more and more white girls in America developing race dysphoria?
In suburban America, nigger culture is something that is glorified among whites. I will never forget back in 9th grade, some ginger on my school bus said to a negro "You are so lucky to be black."
Probably not a trill. But we should meme her into a troll and watch the Niggers canabilize her.
These are the same people that will have a meltdown about "cultural appropriation".
This girl has to be trolling, there's no way someone could be like that, and she might not be (((educated))) enough to pull the Rachel Dolezal. My money's on troll, sort of a female Ali G.
>Guns without magazines
ching chong ching chong ching chong BITCH
hah bah dah
Bay Area here I honestly thought that was true until I became an adult. I think that's pretty common, everybody envies how blacks aren't help accountable for their actions and as perfect victims are the freest of us all
she's joking moron
After the Jews got ahold of her.
>Bay Area here I honestly thought that was true until I became an adult. I think that's pretty common, everybody envies how blacks aren't help accountable for their actions and as perfect victims are the freest of us all
The only person I have ever heard talk about blacks not being able to get their shit together after segregation has been a hispanic. Whites avoid race outside of jokes.
I went to a VERY integrated school district. I'm talking Whites, blacks, filipinos, chinese, muslims, mexicans, exchange students, all with no clear majority. Where are you from?
>I went to a VERY integrated school district. I'm talking Whites, blacks, filipinos, chinese, muslims, mexicans, exchange students, all with no clear majority. Where are you from?
Central Florida. 40% Puerto Ricans, 15% Black, ~5-10% others, and the rest white.
Bay Area also, it is strange how much effort is thrown in to help a single parent black family and the kid grows up and gets thrown in county for B&E, unlawful possession of a fire arm, and narco possession, then how much more effort is thrown at him to get out of the system, he gets out in 18 months, then repeats as an adult.
All the public schools in the bay area are pure shit factories, run by liberal back pta groups and money grubbing councils.
is she, now? The meta-levels of irony are getting so deep nowadays, nobody really knows who's trolling/baiting/jewing who anymore.
I, for one, blame it on my own generation, Gen X. We invented weaponized irony.
I'm a fucking gypzy btw
sieg heil.
You are not white you fucking,Talking monkey
cause race is an identity
no clips
also has ugly face.
This has always been a thing just check out the white female rapper Zigg Zagg from back in the day
May KEKs will be done!
path of least resistance
every one wants to coast by on easy mode.
Just cry victim and get everything handed to you.
Is probably a Troll, beaks character at 34 second, for a quick second. youtube.com
Leftists SJWs get mad about cultural appropriation
Right wing bizarro SJW cucks get mad about "race dysphoria"
There's no winning with you people, you are both obsessed with identity politics and meaningless bullshit that triggers you
You're right I'm 10% native ameircan
Also, kek'd at blacks having food, wew lad
This is now a nigger hate thread
>before kiked.com
>after kiked.com
Ftfy user
arent they all user?
Hahahahaha holy shit! Imagine the smell of burnt nigger bitch ass hair!
> that feeling when flames shoot up my asshole.
I'd say that nigger is tired of the females of his species acting like whores ...but naw ..prolly just nigg'n.
I hope you didn't just realize this. Both sides have been dealing with the same issue for different reasons for some time now.
she is one
I knew about it long ago, but let's not pretend that trumplets and co. go about it as if their shit didn't smell or they weren't as insufferable as liberals
At least liberals are honest and open about their identity politics
based. ..banjo fag here.
niggers like a good BBQ
Whites are better at being black
No!! Hoop rings ARE Latina because of their association with Latin prostitutes, and niggers never outperform poor whites from a broken family, even if they have two STEM graduates with a loving family. This can't be true.
user you didn't take the spear pill
hahahah. for a split second you can see the original gas slin'n monkey running back with his legs on fire. hahahhahhahaha. Nigger#2 didn't even wait for nigger#gasoline to get outta the way.
She isn't a troll. It's just that she speaks and acts like a nigger and also has an iq of 85. She is honorary black
She her sing like Beyoncé in one of my previous posts? She's a crazy troll, and it's funny.
Because America is a negroid nation.
>Modern Western man, to a large extent a regressive type, is in various respects comparable to a crustacean; he is as “hard” on the outside – as a man of action, as an unscrupulous entrepreneur, as an organizer, and so forth – as he is “soft” and formless in his internal substance. Now, this is true to the highest degree of Americans, who represent the degenerate Western type carried to the extreme. But here we find another of their affinities with the Negro. Inconsistent sentimentality, banal pathos, especially in love affairs, put Americans much closer to Negroes than to truly civilized Europeans.
nogging starts at a young age for little nigs
where the fuck is the happening. *loads rifle*
if i ever saw this a a school in my community id burn it the fuck down and kill everthing walking.
Each one of those little whores is going to pop out at least 7 kids, and all those little male nigglets will be in a penitentiary in 9 years.
For the far right all whites are assumed to be the same so they define themselves primarily as moral absolutists against degeneracy while for the far left it's an amlgmation of non-whites so they define themselves less as moral relativists against righteousness.
This shit is worse than gore.
Because they have been taught to be ashamed of being white from a very young age.
they have to pop out more than the ones that die
They are magazines you idiot.