I don't understand why Sup Forums loves trump so much other than the liberal bashing. He is clearly a puppet of Israel.
I don't understand why Sup Forums loves trump so much other than the liberal bashing. He is clearly a puppet of Israel
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Jews are slightly better than mudslime fucks
Saged. This is a slide thread, please ignore.
the (((alt-lite))) have ruined the board more to a point that it's pointless to argue with (((them)))
Trump talked a big talk when he was running, he looked like he was going to be everything we wanted in a president. The people that supported him when he was running are too embarrassed now to admit he's a complete disaster, so they have to keep acting like he's a good president to save face.
Fuck off JIDF.
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
well to be honest Israel is the most right-wing country on earth.
Nowhere else do Europeans (albeit Ashkenazis) perform forced sterilization of Africans.
Name one politician who doesn't polish israels knob, at least we get some bread and circuses while every thing goes to shit.
>hurr durr JIDF
How do we know that Trump didn't deliberately make himself out to be a puppet? What if he appointed cabinet members that were Jewish to save face and act like he was "their guy".
Or maybe the people he appointed know of the "conspiracy" and are actively against because they are of that 'kind'.
it doesn't make sense because he is still constantly attacked by the media and celebrities. He makes these inflammatory comments constantly, wouldn't he just pursue policy that only helps himself and those he "supposedly" serves?
Unless this is all part of the plan to divide America and thus lead to a new world power or the end of the world. In that case, just ignore everything I previously mentioned.
Reminder that Pro-Israel Bannon was fired.
So, either Israel is good or Trump made the right choice.
Shit, I didn't see this before I posted my response.
I guess that explains everything.
Fuck off drumpfshit
Ahh true I forgot but didn't he say he'd "go to war" for Trump after he got "fired" or resigned whichever haha
t. Jew
Majority of Jews are leftist despite you neocon cucks pushing the “hurrr Israeli jews just want an ethno state and then they’ll leave us alone xD”. Muslims might have a barbaric culture, but at least they won’t sell out to homosexuality, feminism, fast food and other disgusting Jewish inventions that infantile whites eat up. Iran going nuclear or an EMP getting all the fat, lazy and hyponotized lemmings out of their living rooms and inna woods is the absolute last chance the world has at survival. Otherwise we will all perish and it’ll be because faggots like you still think the Jewish problem can be dealt with saying “but some Jews are okay, right fellow kekistanis?”
Name one president in my lifetime that was better.
Maybe, but he may just be trying to cling onto him for relevancy.
I dispute that forced sterilization is a right wing thing.
In America, the people who agitate for that are almost invariably leftists.
So are the democrats right about Israel? If that is the case, will people still call him a puppet for his talks with Pelosi/Schumer?
>Unless this is all part of the plan to divide America and thus lead to a new world power or the end of the world. In that case, just ignore everything I previously mentioned
Hit the nail on the head. Of course the media are going to constantly bash him because he's an easy target (old white male). When he makes himself look like an idiot (which he constantly does) it reaffirms all of the Marxist brainwashed idiots that they're right. I still don't know why people like him on this board.. he's literally a neocon.
Mi General!
Because this isn't stormfront and we don't give a shit about Jews.
Any POTUS will be made a puppet of Israel. You act as if singling Trump out for it is worth noting. It would literally happen to anyone in that position.
Because when both candidates are Israeli shills, you go for the one that at least hates Mexicans.
IDK man seems every other post on this board is "gas the kikes!'
Sup Forums is actually unironically civic nationalist
Welp, he's lived in Jew York all his life and managed to make a fortune dealing with them on their turf.
I trust Trump more than anyone to make deals with them and come out winning.
Every politician before him lost bigly when dealing with them and other countries.
Obama was a puppet
Trump is a partner
>look at me
>we are the Jews now
>muh freedom
>Jews dindu nuffin
Almost had me there newfag scum, but you simply cannot make me rage
Yes, because the right has benefited so much from eloquent speakers such as Richard Spencer.
Sup Forums is 14 without the 88. Like an earlier post said we are "1476"
I think most people here would be satisfied with cutting mandatory aid to Israel rather than bombing/gassing them.
Fuck I've never even seen this video. Kinda changes my opinion.
UNLESS he's really in charge of the conspiracy and just thinks Net is a cuck and doesn't want to talk to him
>signed legislation to improve healthcare for millions of men and women in the Armed Forces and their children
>signed legislation that forever bans future bailouts of banks and corporations with taxpayer money
>signed legislation to systematically dismantle affirmative action in college admissions over a 3 year process
>signed legislation to protect religious freedom
>created a commission to investigate child trafficking
>created a commission to combat opioid addiction
I could go on, but are you really that fucking stupid that you don't understand why people like this guy?
Trump has zero political experience before running for the highest office in the world.. he is not a 'puppet'
Who else was there to vote for? It was Trump or Hillary.
Rangi still mad about Based John Key returning NZ to surplus after niggerlover labour fucked everything up
Really like that Bromance between Ben and Don
This is very true. Did you listen to Netanyahus speech at the UN? Virtually kissing Trumps ass. Saying he was GOAT POTUS and shit. Sad!
you still dont know that Sup Forums is sattire and you retards are getting trolled?
we only pretend to like him
WE KNOW that hes a Jewish puppet
Name one country that prefers Trump over Obama aside from Israel
didn't read
Because most people don't actually believe in le Jewish conspiracy. It's factually wrong to think that a RACE of people transpire, innately, to fuck over another group of people. The problem with Jews is with the religion, and there are certainly millions of atheistic Jews who don't believe in supremacy over the goyim.
There is no gene that causes you to want to kill White people.
And what has he done to convince you that he's our guy? He's only made lukewarm nationalist statements while giving praise to Isreal. T_D has fucking killed this board.
Saudia Arabia and Russia pretty much
Your copypasta is right but if you think Trump is anti-kike you're a fucking retard.
Jews are the problem always. Muslims are peaceful if left alone. Terrorist attacks are done by Mossad to justify expenditures on weapons. ISIS is a US/Israeli/Saudi construct. The US having no idea what it is doing 'over there' is a tremendous lie. They have armed these people purposefully. If we do not fight back on Iran and North Korea, pretty soon we will have a third world war. Here's what we need to do:
1. Boycott Israel
2. Remove sanctions on North Korea
3. Make sure sanctions are not imposed on Iran
4. End the Fed (most important)
The thing is, most of Sup Forums nowadays actually think like this guy. Sup Forums is kill.
>Getting angry because Trump didn't commit political suicide by telling Israel to fuck itself.
Even if he hated Jews (which he doesn't) he knows better than to cause a media shitstorm.
Atheist Jews are the ones behind Marxism.
Yes, Trump should just go along with the program in order to not commit political suicide. I mean, if he has no political influence he can't implement the plans he has, can he? Of course, he's thrown those plans overboard in order to not commit political suicide in order to implement those plans which he doesn't have anymore because he didn't want to commit polit... Good point. At what point do we start to fight back? How deep do you want to take this cock, faggot?
so you mean ally? greatest ally?
dont let ok be the enemy of good
deportations way up, boarder crossings way down
If not Trump 2016, then who?