Gay Kids Want Gay Marriage

Who are you to tell him he cannot get married in the future to the man he loves?

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they brainwash him. Feel bad for the two kids behind him. whole group looks like some auroville pedo cult

Fuck off gag shill. Stop making new threads about fucking gay marriage. No-one cares and it's really gone to see hit.
TL;DR fuck off, no-one cares, and you're a faggot.
Also, don't forget to sage.

Fuck off gay shill. Stop making new threads about fucking gay marriage. No-one cares and it's really gone to shit.
TL;DR fuck off, no-one cares, and you're a faggot. Really? That makes you even more of a cunt.
Also, don't forget to sage.

I almost wish I live in Melbourne so I could bash this little cunt.


Yeah, there's no creepy brainwashing going on here.



Normal kids don't care about fag marriage.
He was probably molested by his uncle.

>being a fag is genetic
>somehow a genetic trait that causes yiu not to breed is becoming increasingly prevelant

Gays turning kids gay. Slippery Slopers right again.

>two dyke moms

Why are I surprised?

lmfao is the entire family gay? holy shit at least their gene pool will die out.

I wanna slippery down your slopper

His faggot boyfriend will cheat on him, and then they'll both have HIV. Enjoy paying for the meds, Aussies.


Don't give this user (you)s
He has little dick bants


Kind of strange that gay parents are more likely to have gay kids... Obviously it may vary well be indoctrination and more of a lifestyle choice for MOST.

so beautiful love is love

Wouldn't that make sense if it is genetic?

Gay is okay.
Progress is good

>being gay becomes socially acceptable

>amount of gays in society increases

I'd say that correlated.

It's also proven that adopted children of gays are more likely to be gay

I'm not saying persecution is the answer. But seriously. I am sick of all the gay shit especially when I see this in such quantity to make me doubt this represent perhaps less than 2% of any metropolitan population.

I will treat any person fairly as they are as long as they can conduct themselves properly in public. I don't care if they ascribe to any one of these bottom categories. I seriously don't want and or need to know and gays should respect this.


Why to hetcucks hate children?

Christ that overbite. Kid needs some fucking dental work.

Except it's clearly not, as evidenced by twin studies on the subject.

doi: 10.1038/ng1195-248

doi: 10.1017/S0033291714002451

Hamer 1993:

doi: 10.1001/archpsyc.1991.01810360053008

Sure would, it would also be a good reason to stop gays from having kids and passing on that genetic trait. You and I are here because our family was "traditional" unless you're a test tube degenerate. Our species would cease to exist if it was allowed to proliferate to the point of extreme homosexuality, you know the militant kind. Being born naturally helps root out runts and women that can't physically support a fetus for the 9 month gestation period. Personal opinion though, not like I care what people do behind closed doors, not my life.

Women carry the gay Gene, not men.


Get set on fire faggot

Tell that to any bottom with a load in their ass.

What exactly is your argument against mandatory state-enforced homosexuality once artificial wombs come into play?

According to Chaladze, both straight men and women carry it. It would make sense that women are the more impactful carriers if it is on the X chromosome though but in 2014 a study of gay twins found the most common linkage in gay twins was on chromosome 8, followed by X.

He hasn't even got hair on his balls yet and he knows he's gay.


>pro gay institute kicks out anti gay researcher

nothing new here. Which one of his claims is false?

Australia wants gay marriage, don't think i care honestly

And that proves what exactly? Gay bottoms can't have babies

Man why are kids involved in all of this shit now, I feel bad for them they don't deserve this. When I was a kid all I cared about was being with friends and playing RuneScape, I don't even think I knew what gay was.
Why aren't kids allowed to be kids anymore, why do these people thrust such big issues and decisions on children.

Literally all of them:

It's all part of their pedo agenda.

It was a joke faggot.

>kid outside with his family protesting for his rights
Somehow this is bad in Sup Forumstards minds
So many closeted gay guys here.

They can.
They are called clay babies and they are drowned at birth just before the baptismal flush.



>I was only pretending to be retarded

Like I said I'm a traditionalist, I don't believe that homosexuality is in the best interest of my race or humanity as a whole. Obviously that extends to procreation works as well. Does that mean I'm going to be a dick to people over their beliefs no, because I'd expect the same courtesy.

Assuming being gay is immutable, why not encourage people who are gay to marry though? Like why is being married worse for gay people but better for straight people?

I'm sorry you don't have a sense of humor faggot is that genetic as well?

Nothing wrong with gay marriage. We should encourage lgbts to stop being degenerates.
Stop slutting so much, stop spreading diseases, stop making lgbt your core character trait

How can you be culturally enriched properly if children are not exposed to leather/furry/dom fetishes and hardcore nudity?

How could they possibly develop properly, sexually, without such education, and the younger they learn the better.

No, it just didn't seem like a joke, mate. You sound like one of those cunts who's "just joking" when someone disagrees with your opinion or comment

Marriage was established for hetero couples not degenerates. Besides have you ever been married? Why would you want to? The majority of faggots I know tell me they don't need their love to be officiated by a church or state for it to be valid love is love right?

I don't really understand the argument of "stop making being gay your whole existence". I can agree with wanting a reduced disease burden and promiscuity:

The study, titled “Choices: Perspectives of Younger Gay Men on Monogamy, Non-monogamy and Marriage,” was conduced by researchersBlake Spears and Lanz Lowen. They surveyed over 800 single, monogamously-coupled, and non-monogamously coupled gay menages 18-40 years about their relationships. A handful of “monogamish” men were also interviewed.

“The most striking finding of this study is younger gay men’s greater inclination toward monogamy,” the researchers report. “We see this in the overwhelming number of relationships that are monogamous (86percent). In addition, 90percentof the single younger gay men were seeking monogamy. This is a sea change compared to older generations of gay men.”

but the last one just seems like an illogical excuse to try to pressure gays back into the closet.

>Hardcore nudity

Remove the poofters

You said women carry the gay gene, what kind of genes would you then presume would be in a bottoms ass then? Your faggotry has no end to it. This is spherical faggoty at it's finest.

1. I have not been married.

2. Same reasons you would like to get married. Fall in love, marry the person I love, raise children with them.

I am not demanding a church marriage although those are increasingly common:

I just want a civil marriage. Go to the courthouse, register my partnership, have a small party separate from that afterwards.

Which part of his study was false? Im not reading all of that

*blocks your path*

user I'm gay but me being gay only takes precedence when I'm dating or someone asks if I have a girl I like.

Other gays I met are attention seeking faggots pointing out how gay they are with 5 innuendos per sentence. That's making gay your defining trait.
If someone can pick you out of the crowd and say you're gay, that makes gay your defining trait.

Gay is a part of you but it's not your identity.

You were (you) before you were gay but being gay some how turns (you) into (gay)

That kid needs help

Shhhh only HATE is allowed in here LOL

Don't spread any of that love and equality and rainbow stuff in here geeez

That he aggregates anecdotal facts. I think one study was him extrapolating from a book about gay people without actually conducting any research. His official story is that he was molested by a man as a young child, thought he was gay for a number of years and snapped out of it. Sounds like to me that he is a closet homosexual who wants to push everyone else back into the closet too.

What exactly is this an argument for though? That feminine gays should just live in silence?

fuckin gross

make sodomy illegal again

>1. I have not been married.
why would you get married? commiting to one person is hard with all the boys down at the bath house

>2. Same reasons you would like to get married. Fall in love, marry the person I love, raise children with them.

After you're done taking 1000 dicks at the local bath house

>I am not demanding a church marriage although those are increasingly common:

Gays could've gotten civil unions but that wasn't enough apparently they had to pervert what wasn't theirs to begin with.

I have no interest in bath houses. Those appeal primarily to men who are married to women or otherwise are pressured into the closet. I want monogamy.

Yeah we want civil marriages so we can have all the benefits and status of marriage. Don't you?Why would someone want a second-class status?

Well "good on you mate" and for those stated reasons I don't agree that faggots should get married. I don't agree with their non-traditional family, their values, and their faggot children going to the same school my kids would attend. But again I'm not about to stand in anyone's way, not my job. I just vote for the politicians more likely to support traditional gender roles and family values.

aaaaaaand... I don't give a fuck if fags have the right to marry or not. Then again why do gays think they need a marriage in the first place? What is wrong with just living in the same house?

>thought he was gay for a number of years and snapped out of it. Sounds like to me that he is a closet homosexual who wants to push everyone else back into the closet too.

You have evidence for that? That's not a scientific claim.

At the end of the day no matter where you look on this issue there's going to be bias, but it doesn't matter because faggotry is metaphysically wrong, and I can prove it.

First answer this question: Why should homosexual acts be acceptable in society?

marriage is about raising children, and that's it. it's not about love or romance or being happy with someone together. the only function it serves is for raising children. and fags should not be allowed to have raise children either.

Don't think too much about it, goyim.

Its for the selfies.

Homosexual acts are not inherently harmful. Simple as that.

100 years ago we could have made a strong man out of him. Now look at the perpetual state of meekness into which we've fallen. I've no issue if the child were actually gay, but 90% of these kids have no fucking idea what they want until they're out of puberty.

>mfw leon was right

The simulated birth is the beginning of a psychodrama-packed weekend spent almost entirely naked. First, attendees of the retreat strip down, and tie on blindfolds. Naked and blind, they are led to mattresses laid out on the floor. Staffers swaddle the men in blankets, tight, to “simulate the womb.” The men then wriggle out of their plush blankets—meant to approximate a birth canal—and staffers “come and kind of nurture these new babies…you know, kind of wipe water on their face, and kind of clean them up, and it feels very real,” Hoffman said. Next, the men play out boyhood, with a “crazy, fun father who like bursts into the nursery and says ‘Come on, boys, let's have some fun together!’” (Downing sometimes played the role of “father.”) By this stage, both participants and staff members are nude. The men are lead out of the “nursery” and into a field, where a “wild party” begins. There’s a waterslide, fireworks and “brotherly dancing” around a campfire. The naked men fling mud and throw cake—laid out for just that purpose—at each other. They’re all “just expressing their little boyish energy” for about an hour, explained Hoffman, who now lives with his wife and child in Jerusalem, where he works as a conversion therapy life coach.

Afterward, everyone showers together. “It's just carefree, you know, if there's cake on my back, can you help me get it off my back,” said Hoffman, adding that the nudity “becomes very secondary.” He explained that if men got erections during the weekend, they were encouraged to talk to a staffer to “process it,” talk about what might be causing it until it went away. In gay conversion therapy, sexual attraction is never just sexual attraction; there must be some sublimated drive, deficit or trauma to be dealt with.

Both Levin and Unger attended PCC’s entry-level weekend: Journey Into Manhood. The core theme is a loose interpretation of the Jack and the Beanstalk fairy tale, in which Jack (played by a staff member) is reclaiming his beans—his masculinity. The participants are awarded a satchel of beans to wear around their necks at the end of the weekend. The script dispels any ambiguity early on:

Jack : So what is up with the beanstalk?

Elder [a second counselor]: The beanstalk is a masculine image, a phallic symbol.

Jack: So the beanstalk is a big penis?

Elder: Well, symbolically, yes.

In another Journey Into Manhood scenario, participants are blindfolded while facilitators bounce basketballs around them in a crude reenactment of grade school gym class, while shouting scripted epithets such as, “Catch the ball next time or I’ll shove it up your ass” and “Hey, guys, let’s get that little queer in the shower.” For another exercise, called “Facing the Feminine,” the floor is littered with “feminine objects,” like a wooden spoon, an apron and a tampon. Participants are blindfolded while counselors shout "Don't touch your penis, it's dirty!" or "I was really hoping you would be born a girl!" or "Can't get it up!" and "You're not the man I thought I married!”

Toward the end of the weekend, participants are emotionally raw, Levin remembers. That’s when cuddling begins.

Spirit Guide [a counselor]: Can you connect to that boy inside you now?

Jack : Yes.

Spirit Guide : Would that little boy like to be touched or held?

Jack : Yes.

Jack and the Spirit Guide then cradle each other on the floor, and the lights go down. Music comes on: Spiritual “life coach” and singer Shaina Noll’s saccharine rendition of “ How Could Anyone .” How could anyone ever tell you that you were anything less than beautiful?/How could anyone ever tell you you were less than whole?

Eventually, all the men are on the floor, staffers cradling participants. Unger remembers staffers whispering “I love you,” “you’re beautiful,” and other affectionate phrases during the cradling—which Downing calls “healthy touch"—as “How Could Anyone” played over and over.

So Incestuous acts should be accepted by society, and incestuous people should receive all the same protections that gays get?
(assuming they never have children)

>Makes even less sense after explaining it.
It's okay burger I'll give you a pass. Here's a (you)

Incest is more harmful.

i severely hope this fucking faggot gets bullied the shit out of in every online game he plays.


You know as well as everyone kids that age don't have enough life experience to form a well thought out opinion on life and needles to say sexuality. It's kids doing and saying what their told at home by their gay parents. Nothing more than mimicry, it's natural for kids to parrot their parents until they have seen and heard enough to form an educated opinion on politics and more importantly sexuality.

>When you shill for a thing you know nothing about.
Why don't you get a civil union? You won't have to deal with the hassle of marriage and it's like the same thing right?

no one is this retarded

Voting yes, obviously.

Thanks, user!

Hemsworth isn't gay, you little faggot. Try again.

Never said he was.


As if a hetero who molests a child is going to pick a same sex kid. Of course, gays never molest. Why, they are content to be monogamous with their life partner and bake pie....

Millennials draw no distinctions between discrimination protections that should be afforded gay and lesbian people, on the one hand, and transgender people on the other. More than seven in ten (73%) millennials support legal protections against discrimination in jobs, public accommodations, and housing for gay and lesbian people. A nearly identical number (72%) of millennials say they favor these same protections for transgender people.

While no significant racial or gender differences exist on either question, there are large religious divides in support for expanding nondiscrimination legislation. Roughly eight in ten black Protestant (80%), white Catholic (82%), Hispanic Catholic (81%), religiously unaffiliated (83%), and white mainline Protestant millennials (78%) favor laws that would protect gay and lesbian people against discrimination in jobs, public accommodations, and housing. About two-thirds (66%) of Hispanic Protestant millennials also favor such laws. White evangelical Protestants are closely divided on this issue, with a slim majority (51%) favoring laws that would protect gay and lesbian people against discrimination, and 47% opposing them. Among religious groups, the pattern of opinion about non-discrimination legislation protecting transgender individuals is nearly identical.

Times they are a changin'.

The saddest truth of this is that we no longer consider homosexuality an affliction. It has been, perhaps, the greatest single piece of evidence that humanity cannot set its own limits. The slope is always slippery, but nobody ever has the foresight to see it.